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UAE rules set off BlackBerry storm. Planning to take your faithful BlackBerry along on a trip to the United Arab Emirates? Think again. The showdown between the Middle Eastern nation and the makers of the popular electronic devices escalated Monday, with Research in Motion (RIM) assuring its customers that it would not alter its security methods, while the United Arab Emirates said its BlackBerry ban, though it won’t cover phone calls, also will apply to Americans and other foreign visitors. The State Department on Monday said the impending ban sets a “dangerous precedent,” a statement that prompted a volley back from the United Arab Emirates Embassy in Washington. The dispute started Sunday, when the United Arab Emirates government announced that it would block RIM’s service to the half-million local users, citing the company’s repeated failure to comply with national security rules.

As a result, the BlackBerry is prized for its security. The ban covers only those devices and not such rivals as iPhones. Cell Phone Stalking. According to the Wall St. Journal, “more than 25,000 adults in the U.S. are victims of GPS stalking annually, including by cellphone.” The article notes that a cell phone account holder can track everyone on the account. Users are notified by text message but can’t stop it. This tracking policy might work well with a pesky teenager, but what about cases of domestic violence? One morning last summer, Glenn Helwig threw his then-wife to the floor of their bedroom in Corpus Christi, Texas, she alleged in police reports. Although Helwig’s wife was notified by text message, she couldn’t stop the tracking unless she turned off her phone. In Arizona this year, Andre Leteve used the GPS in his wife’s cellphone to stalk her, according to his wife’s lawyer, Robert Jensen, before allegedly murdering their two children and shooting himself.

If the phone tracking can be readily turned off by a user, then it might not be effective in locating lost or kidnapped children — a very beneficial use. Freedom Watch July 31st, 2010 - Part 1 of 5.‬‎ Update: Ex-Hacker Denies Alleged WikiLeaker Gave Him Classified Documents | Threat Level. An Army intelligence analyst who is charged with leaking classified documents to the secret-spilling site WikiLeaks also allegedly sent classified documents to the hacker who turned him in to the feds, according to a friend and associate of the hacker who helped connect him with federal agents. Note: Adrian Lamo has now denied this. See the update at the bottom of this post. Chet Uber, director of Project Vigilant, the volunteer, non-profit arm of a corporate security firm, was one of the first people former hacker Adrian Lamo called after Army private Bradley Manning contacted him and disclosed that he had leaked classified documents and videos to WikiLeaks.

If Uber’s claims about the documents are true, this would be the first indication that Manning had sent Lamo classified documents. Lamo has previously said that he believed some of the information disclosed in his chats with Manning was classified, but he has never mentioned receiving documents. Uber didn’t return a phone call Monday. AFCEA International - The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. Obama Signs Law Authorizing Suppression of Torture Photos « The Washington Independent. Last updated: 07/31/2020 08:00 | 10/30/2009 02:33 Frazer Pugh Among other things in the Homeland Security appropriations bill President Obama signed into law yesterday is a provision that authorizes the Defense Department to continue to conceal photos of the torture and abuse of detainees by U.S. forces.

The American Civil Liberties Union had specifically sought those photos, and sued to get them, among other documents relating to detainee abuse, in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The exemption signed, however, is much broader than simply the photos sought in the lawsuit. It would apply to any other photos taken between Sept. 11, 2001 and Jan.22, 2009 that the Secretary of Defense has certified would, if released, endanger U.S. citizens, servicemen, or employees overseas. The bill signed Wednesday is an effort to get around those court rulings, and to prevent a similar ruling from the high court. Frazer Pugh | I work in the investment management sector as a professional. Pentagon bars staff from visiting WikiLeaks. The U.S. armed services are issuing internal messages to all personnel barring them from visiting the WikiLeaks website, which recently posted 77,000 classified diplomatic and military messages on the long war in Afghanistan.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman confirmed Thursday for The Washington Times that all four services “have put out such messages” after The Times had obtained copies of Navy and Marine Corps messages banning troops from accessing WikiLeaks. Mr. Whitman later told The Times that the Army and Air Force had not yet issued such statements. The orders seem to be the most far-reaching effort by the Pentagon in its ongoing effort to stop the release of classified information. The military is telling the troops they cannot even view what is publicly available, even though the WikiLeaks documents are on hundreds of websites.

A July 29 message from the National Security Litigation Division of the Navy’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps tells all sailors that: Pfc. TNO testte bodyscanners met opslag naaktbeelden | AMSTERDAM - Bij het testen van de bodyscanner blijkt TNO ook een variant met opslag te hebben onderzocht. Foto: ANP Dat erkent woordvoerster Mirjam Snoerwang van de luchthaven Schiphol tegenover BNR Nieuwsradio. Eerder zei de woordvoerster nog dat de apparatuur niet geschikt is voor de opslag van afbeeldingen. Dat houdt ze nog steeds vol, omdat de opslagapparatuur niet in het bezit van de luchthaven zou zijn. Ook benadrukt ze dat de bodyscanner niet op een netwerk is aangesloten. "Alles kan in het leven, maar het gebeurt niet.

Daarvoor is speciale randapparatuur nodig", stelt Snoerwang. Ongeloof Europarlementariër Sophie in 't Veld (D66) gelooft niets van de uitleg van Schiphol. "Ik heb gewoon te veel voorbeelden van overheden die langs wettige en onwettige wegen informatie verkregen", zegt ze. "Er is een salamitactiek gaande rond het afpakken van rechten, waarbij de burger in dit geval letterlijk in zijn blootje komt te staan.

" Kluitje in het riet. Government-Sanctioned Assassinations - Video - Free Knowledge Institute | Unlocking the knowledge society. Pentagon's DARPA Unit Goes Wiki With Crowdsourced Tech Project. 5 Gevaarlijke Black Hat demo's - Techworld. Libel Reform Campaign - Free Speech Is Not For Sale. Technology Review: Technology Lessons from the Wikileaks Saga. There’s already debate about whether Wikileaks’s release of 92,000 classified documents on the war in Afghanistan was more of a milestone in the annals of national security and the press than the 1971 leak of the Pentagon Papers, the U.S. government’s classified report on the Vietnam War.

It’s clear enough, though, that today’s technological landscape severely limits the government’s range of options to fight back against such leaks, but also provides a range of tools to protect against future ones. Confronted with the release of classified documents on the Wikileaks website–followed by nearly as many news reports on the phenomenon–the U.S. government’s reaction was calculatedly mild. Government officials appear to have concluded that there was no way to put the genie back in the bottle. Instead of raging against the storm, the government emphasized its displeasure while suggesting there wasn’t much to see there–the documents didn’t say much that the public didn’t already know. Op zoek naar verzoening. De militaire junta van Birma (Myanmar) heeft voor 2010 verkiezingen beloofd en de start van een verzoeningsproces. Maar het is inmiddels al duidelijk dat de generaals niet van plan zijn de macht terug te geven aan het volk.

Daarom gaat verslaggever Z (codenaam) van de oppositiezender Democratic Voice of Burma op zoek naar voorbeelden van democratisering en verzoening in andere landen. Zijn reis brengt hem in Indonesië, Tsjechië, Zuid-Afrika, Irak en Cambodja. Landen die jarenlang hebben geleden onder een dictatuur, maar inmiddels een democratisch gekozen regering hebben. De documentaire volgt de Birmese verslaggever die gewapend met een kleine camera en gammel statief ik elk land een lange reportage moet maken voor zijn tv-zender. Zo is de documentaire niet alleen een verhaal over democratisering en verzoening, maar ook het verhaal over een jonge televisieverslaggever die door schade en schande leert hoe hij een tv-reportage moet maken.

United States Senator Lindsey Graham, South Carolina : Press Room. Important Update! Graham Votes No On S.1 Graham, Whitehouse, Blumenthal, Tillis Reintroduce Legislation to Fight Cybercrime WASHINGTON – Following a spate of crippling cyberattacks this year from hackers based in Russia and around the globe, U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Richard Blumenthal... Read Sen. The early and near-total dismissal of the lab leak theory played a prominent role in Trump's defeat in the 2020 presidential race Read Graham: We Need Investigation of Lab Leak as Possible Origin of COVID-19 Virus, Threatens Sanctions WASHINGTON – U.S. Read Glioblastoma Resolution Passes in Senate, Introduced in House WASHINGTON – A resolution designating July 21, 2021 as Glioblastoma Awareness Day has passed the Senate unanimously. Read How Can I Help? Email Lindsey Casework Flag Requests Visiting D.C.

Grants Students. WikiLeaks in Baghdad. One by one, soldiers just arriving in Baghdad were taken into a room and questioned by their commanding officers. "All questions led up to the big question," explains former Army Spc. Josh Stieber. "If someone were to pull out a weapon in a marketplace full of unarmed civilians, would you open fire on that person, even if you knew you would hurt a lot of innocent people in the process?

" About the Author Ryan Harvey Ryan Harvey ( is a writer, an organizer with the Civilian-Soldier Alliance and a member of... Sarah Lazare Sarah Lazare is a writer and organizer with the Civilian-Soldier Alliance and Courage to Resist. Also by the Author Under the Ft. A single platoon lost in a military limbo is a measurement of the stress under which the US Army now operates. It was a trick question. The story that Stieber, Corcoles and former Army Spc. From then on the violence escalated. The IED attacks left the soldiers angry and scared. DEF CON® Hacking Conference - The Hacker Community's Foremost Social Network. Time to Stop Reading George Orwell? - GOOD Blog - GOOD.

Darryl Campbell's essay for The Millions, "Orwell and the Tea Party," examines the legacy of the increasingly misquoted George Orwell. Campbell is fairly upset that the pamphleteer has been co-opted (with what he sees as insufficient attention to context) by the likes of the Tea Party. If a lot of people are misreading Orwell, Campell wonders, does that mean it's time to stop reading him? Orwell’s works are ephemeral too, in the sense that they cannot really be understood without some semblance of historical and intellectual context. It takes a lot of patience, a lot of reading, and a lot of extracurricular effort to do so, however.

Obviously, many readers simply find it easier to shout down any opposite political position with Orwell’s own words – Big Brother, thoughtcrime, Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others – than to really understand what these words, in context, were supposed to represent. Photo "1984" (cc) by Flickr user Mushroom and Rooster. Plugging the Leaks - News & Features. On New Year’s Eve in 2005, a small group of CIA officials had their evening plans cut short by an urgent message from the White House.

President Bush’s advisers had learned that James Risen, a reporter at the New York Times, was about to blow the lid on the CIA’s five-year-long plan to derail Iran’s nuclear-weapons program. Risen had devoted a chapter in his new book, State of War, to a covert operation called Merlin, which involved a high-stakes gamble to feed the Iranians blueprints for a nuclear-triggering device. The blueprints contained a hidden flaw, and the CIA bet that Iranian engineers would waste years trying to build the component to no avail. The agency thought Merlin was the United States’ best chance of keeping Iran from building an atomic weapon.

To expose Merlin now would tip off Iran to what America’s spies had been doing and what they might try in the future. Bush’s White House aides looked for a way to stop Risen’s book from reaching the shelves. Technology Review: Dissent Made Safer. “Sokwanele” means “enough is enough” in a certain Bantu dialect. It is also the name of a Zimbabwean pro-democracy website whose bloggers last year published accounts of atrocities by Robert Mugabe’s regime and posted Election Day updates describing voter intimidation and apparent ballot stuffing. You can visit Sokwanele’s “terror album” and see photographs: of a hospitalized 70-year-old woman who’d been beaten and thrown on her cooking fire (she later died, the site says); of firebombed homes; of people with deep wounds carved into their backs. You can find detailed, frequently updated maps describing regional violence and other incidents.

You will be confronted with gruesome news, starkly captioned: “Joshua Bakacheza’s Body Found.” Because this horrific content is so readily available, it is easy to overlook the courage it took to produce it. Reporters Notebook: David Talbot. Meer landen overwegen BlackBerry-verbod. Nieuws - In navolging van Saoedi-Arabië en de Arabische Emiraten ligt RIM nu ook in de clinch met Indonesië en Libanon. De BlackBerry-maker zegt echter dat er helemaal geen achterdeurtje in zijn netwerk zit. Eerder deze week gaf Saoedi-Arabië al aan vanaf vandaag geen Blackberry diensten meer te tolereren omdat de overheid van ontwikkelaar RIM geen inzage krijgt in het data- en telefoonverkeer. Indonesië had RIM vorig jaar al verzocht het monitoren van al het data- en telefoonverkeer toe te staan, maar voelt zich genoodzaakt dit verzoek nu met klem te herhalen nu RIM druk vanuit meer hoeken begint te voelen.

Eis: lokale server en kantoor Als het aan de Indonesische overheid ligt plaatst RIM een server in het land waarmee de overheidsinstanties klanten de veiligheid kunnen garanderen van de gegevens die nu worden verwerkt en opgeslagen in Canada (het land waar RIM gevestigd is). Ook wil de overheid dat RIM een kantoor vestigt in Indonesië. Nog geen beslissing Bemoeienis VS Master key. Hadopi's Secret Internet Spying Spec Leaked :: Hack In The Box :: Keeping Knowledge Free. :: hitb portal :: hitb portal (SSL) :: hitb forum (SSL) :: hitb security conference :: hitb training :: hitb irc :: hitb photos :: hitb videos :: There are 177 unregistered users and 1 registered user on-line. You can log-in or register for a user account here . · Home Sub Menu · Latest Comments · HITB@AvantGo · HITB@Tradepub · HITB E-Zine Archive · HITB Merchandise · HITB Lite · HITB GFX · Members List · Recommend Us · Search · Stats · Contact Us · Top 50 [2135] Amazon EC2 outage downs Reddit, Quora and Foursquare [1889] Dropbox Pinky Promises Your Security and Privacy are Still Important [1864] Playstation Network outage raises questions for Sony [1862] Hide Your Data Through Fragmentation, Not Encryption [1821] Three Foxconn employees charged over leaking of iPad 2 design [1820] Hundreds log into a rogue wireless hotspot at Infosec conference [1786] Yahoo to retain search data for 18 months, says it's in your best interest [1718] Two-thirds of ICT workers like the idea of a four-day week 2.)

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Losing Control. Incubate Blog » Blog Archive » Pirate Talk: Charles Leadbeater. YC-Funded Whereoscope Gives Parents An Easy Way To Track Where Their Kids Are. UNICRI at a glance‬‎ BBC Radio 4 Programmes - Desert Island Discs, Dr Gwen Adshead. 360 Panorama brings real-time panoramic photography to the iPhone. An Order of Seven Global Cyber-Guardians Now Hold Keys to the Internet. GGZ WNB vangt ZonMW-subsidie voor spoedzorg. America's Got Net: Is Net Neutrality a Communist Plot? (Satire: "Declassified DoD Film")‬‎ Google, Verizon Deny NYT Story On Their Undermining Of Net Neutrality. UNICRI - Security Governance / Counter-Terrorism Laboratory. The Hacker in Your Hardware: The Next Security Threat. “When you hit the delete button, it’s never really deleted:” Why cops love iPhone.

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