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Baltimore riots: looting, fires and unrest as Freddie Gray police clashes unfurl – live. The conference is a quite detailed breakdown of the police operations that occurred throughout the evening.

Baltimore riots: looting, fires and unrest as Freddie Gray police clashes unfurl – live

We’ve started to transcribe the full conference, here is the first part that outlines the initial unrest that occurred at Mondawmin Mall: The officers got caught on an incline to which a number of my officers got injured. I had one officer knocked out, hit on the head, he was taken to the hospital. I just checked on him, he’s doing better. NEB pipeline process a 'sham,' new Liberal plan not much better, Vancouver mayor says. Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson says the National Energy Board's Trans Mountain pipeline review process is a "sham," and its move to green-light the major infrastructure project threatens tens of thousands of jobs in his city.

NEB pipeline process a 'sham,' new Liberal plan not much better, Vancouver mayor says

The federal energy regulator recommended — after a three-year investigation — that the controversial Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion project should be built, as long as 157 conditions are met, including 49 environmental requirements. "The NEB process was a sham, basically, it was advanced with gusto by the Harper government, who were obviously strong proponents of this pipeline process," Robertson said in an interview with Chris Hall on CBC Radio's The House. "We put up a solid fight against it, but many of the interveners, many voices were shut out of that process and First Nations weren't consulted appropriately," he said, noting the board did not review the project's downstream climate change impact. Encyclopedia of Earth.

Mexico’s Crusade of the Deadly Knights Templar « Mystery of the Iniquity. At first, the amateur video shows a normal evening in the seething valley town of Apatzingán, in Mexico’s western Michoacán state. But as residents and stall owners mix jovially on the sidewalk, the calm is broken by the sinister appearance of masked men gripping machine guns mounted on more than 50 pickup trucks, Hummers and Jeeps. Benedict Arnold: American history’s most heroic traitor. “Time Trial of Benedict Arnold,” the museum’s new theater program, opened on December 27 to rave reviews!

Benedict Arnold: American history’s most heroic traitor

The program explores the complexities of history by examining the case of Benedict Arnold, America’s best-known traitor. But how does historical understanding develop over time? What happens between the facts of an historical event and the memories of history? Conflits sociaux.

Russia today & yesterday.......

Fédération des Associations Bouddhistes de France. Coupe Longueuil - Les Appendices. Noël en Slovénie. Noël de par le monde : SlovÉnie En Slovénie aussi, les enfants attendent Noël et les cadeaux avec impatience. Mais ici les enfants se réjouissent peut-être trois fois plus que dans les autres pays, c’est qu’ici on peut dire trois fois "Joyeux Noël" ! Phenomenal Travel Videos. Read the full story here: Here is one of the most famous haunted locations in Florida, called the Devil’s Tree.

Phenomenal Travel Videos

I am Praveen Mohan and this is located in Oak Hammock Park in Port St Lucie. This oak tree is said to be owned by Devil himself, and is impossible to cut it down. Unlike most urban legends, this tree has a very real story behind it. Géographie du Vatican. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Géographie du Vatican

L'État de la Cité du Vatican est le plus petit État au monde pour ce qui est de la superficie : il ne compte en effet que 44 hectares, ce qui représente environ un quart de la principauté de Monaco, ainsi que le moins peuplé (le pays comptait moins de 1 000 habitants en 2014). Dizionario d'ortografia e di pronunzia. Droits de l'homme : 1789 - 1793 - 1948. Jean-François Champollion. Jean-François Champollion. David Galula - Combattant, espion, maître à penser de la guerre... Cet ouvrage est la première étude historique sur Galula, l'inspirateur français de la stratégie de contre-insurrection menée par l'armée américaine en Afghanistan et en Irak.

David Galula - Combattant, espion, maître à penser de la guerre...

Il évoque l'itinéraire de Galula qui a connu les soubresauts de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle. Jeune officier, renvoyé de l'Armée en 1941, Galula devient espion et combat les forces de l'Axe en Afrique du Nord. Il participe à la libération de l'Europe du joug nazi. Vu d'Algérie. L’algérophobie se porte bien en France. La visite du Premier ministre français Manuel Valls à Alger, sur fond de tensions déclenchées par la publication par Le Monde de la photo du président Bouteflika pour illustrer le dossier des Panama Papers, soulève l’ire de la presse algérienne.

Vu d'Algérie. L’algérophobie se porte bien en France

Woman/ health/ law/ etc around the world

19 choses impressionnantes que vous n'avez possiblement jamais vues. Prise de la Bastille et déclaration de l'Homme et du citoyen - Notre Histoire. Continuité territoriale. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Continuité territoriale

The Russian Revolution - Part 3. RSA Animate - Crises of Capitalism. POLITICAL TERM OF THE DAY!- Dialectical materialism. 22 novembre 1906 - Réforme agraire de Stolypine. Irish Emigration History - University of Cork, Ireland. Commentators have variously referred to 1950s in Ireland as the decade of ‘doom and gloom’, the 'worst decade since the famine' and the ‘lost decade’. [1] Agriculture, the traditional mainstay of the Irish economy, continued to decline throughout the 1950s.

Irish Emigration History - University of Cork, Ireland

The state dedicated insufficient effort to developing new industries to fill the gap created by the demise of, in particular, of the small farm rural economy. As a consequence, little work was available for thousands of young people coming of age. Unemployment remained high throughout and it was estimated that from 1949 to 1956, real national income rose by only 8 per cent, at a time when the average increase in European equated to approximately 40 per cent.[2] Most young people knew that the only way to secure steady employment therefore was to cross the Irish Sea.[3] In the 1950s, approximately half a million left the Irish Republic. Why did so many people leave independent Ireland during the late 1940s and 1950s? BBC The Diamond Queen Episode 3 [Full Episode] Saudi Arabia, Exporter of Oil and Bigotry. Photo A college senior boarded a flight and excitedly called his family to recount a United Nations event he had attended, but, unfortunately, he was speaking Arabic.

Saudi Arabia, Exporter of Oil and Bigotry

Southwest Airlines kicked him off the plane, in the sixth case reported in the United States this year in which a Muslim was ejected from a flight. Such Islamophobia also finds expression in the political system, with Donald Trump calling for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country (“Welcome to the U.S.A.! Now, what’s your religion?”) Germany: A False Model at Reports from the Economic Front. As growing numbers of countries face renewed austerity pressures, there is a tendency to explain the trend by searching for specific policy failures in each country rather than considering broader structural dynamics.

Key to the credibility of those who argue for a focus on national decisions is the existence of countries that people believe are performing well. Thus, the argument goes, if only policy makers followed best practices their people wouldn’t find themselves in such a bad place. Recently, German has become one of these model countries. Amnesty questions claim that Gaddafi ordered rape as weapon of war - Africa, World. Nato leaders, opposition groups and the media have produced a stream of stories since the start of the insurrection on 15 February, claiming the Gaddafi regime has ordered mass rapes, used foreign mercenaries and employed helicopters against civilian protesters.

« La notion de vérité fait partie de nous » Full text of "Black Experience in Natchez: 1720-1880. Universalis : Ressource documentaire pour l'enseignement. Héritage japonais. An Albino Model Has Had To Explain Why He's Black. And Not. At The Same Time.

Travel destinations

Maasai people. The Maasai (sometimes spelled "Masai" or "Masaai") are a Nilotic ethnic group of semi-nomadic people inhabiting Kenya and northern Tanzania. They are among the best known local populations due to their residence near the many game parks of Southeast Africa, and their distinctive customs and dress.[3] The Maasai speak Maa (ɔl Maa),[3] a member of the Nilo-Saharan language family that is related to Dinka and Nuer. They are also educated in the official languages of Kenya and Tanzania, Swahili and English. Meso-American god. Quetzalcóatl, Mayan name Kukulcán, Quetzalcóatl© Gordon Galbraith/ Nahuatl quetzalli, “tail feather of the quetzal bird [Pharomachrus mocinno],” and coatl, “snake”), the Feathered Serpent, one of the major deities of the ancient Mexican pantheon. Danza Azteca en el Zócalo de la Cd. de México/Tenochtitlán. Bonne nouvelle pour le monde entier, plus de soucis à se faire pour la mer de Chine.

Par Peter Lee – Le 23 janvier 2016 – Source UNZ On assiste à une campagne médiatique concertée pour présenter la mer de Chine (MdC) comme une voie indispensable pour le transport commercial, fournissant une bonne raison aux États-Unis pour surveiller et intervenir dans cette zone. Tous avec BACHAR Al ASSAD. #Syrie_News Info#Tous B.Al. UK flooding: How a Yorkshire town worked with nature to stay dry. While the sodden, submerged North of Britain was, literally, wringing out the old year last week, one notorious Yorkshire flood blackspot was celebrating staying dry – despite having been refused a multimillion pound defence scheme.

Pickering, North Yorkshire, pulled off protection by embracing the very opposite of what passes for conventional wisdom. Collapse of the Exarchate. Luddisme.

Hockey & Other sports

Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l’Asie orientale - CRCAO - Paul JOBIN. Féminisme et maternité : le roman de Mélusine. L’histoire de Mélusine commence par l’histoire de sa mère, la fée Présine. Un prince rencontre Présine à la fontaine, tombe amoureux d’elle, la demande en mariage, ce qu’elle accepte à une condition : « Si vous voulez me prendre pour femme, vous devez me jurer que si nous avons des enfants ensemble, vous n’essaierez pas de me voir pendant mes couches et ne ferez rien dans cette intention. » Mais le roi ne peut tenir sa promesse lorsqu’il apprend que Présine a accouché et il se précipite dans la chambre pour embrasser sa femme et ses trois filles qui venaient de naître, Mélusine, Mélior et Palestine.

“This guy’s arrogance takes your breath away” Welbeck Abbey and the Dukes of Portland. South Korea expels Russian athletes over rowdy flight - BBC News. Public lectures and events: media player - Public lectures and events - Channels. Sources reasons for success. Changing Times.