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10 Things Missionaries Won't Tell You. Being a missionary is hard work.

10 Things Missionaries Won't Tell You

Everybody knows that. But the things we think of as the hard parts – lack of modern amenities, exposure to disease, and the like – only begin to scratch the surface of the difficulties of real missionary life. Often, it is the things left unsaid that really begin to erode the passion and soul of a missionary. Here are just a few of those things… Have you read my latest newsletter? Newsletters, blog posts, website updates – all the “experts” tell me that I need to be sending you fresh content on a regular basis so you won’t forget about me. Thank you so much for the encouragement! I’m glad that you liked my Facebook status. I’m trusting God to provide, and I’m so thankful for our donors. Lest you think #2 sounded a little whiny and money-hungry, you should know that I truly despise asking for money.

Please pray for me. Things are pretty bad here. I just need a time of refreshing. I’m so excited about your team coming! Bless your heart. The Future of the Global Church: History, Trends and Possiblities: Patrick Johnstone: 9780830856596: 23. Metrics and the Immeasurables of Ministry. Vines, branches, seeds, vineyards, farmers, fig trees, harvests, sowers, soils, weeds, roots.

23. Metrics and the Immeasurables of Ministry

Fruitfulness provides a metaphor for many profound aspects of the spiritual life and the Christian journey. Jesus uses fruitfulness to draw our attention to our impact, the consequence of our ministry and of our life in Christ. He describes kingdom fruit, the effect and promise of the reign of God. Fruit refers to what Christ accomplishes through us. Jesus cursed the fig tree that bore no fruit (see Matthew 21; Mark 11) and describes the pruning of fruitless branches (see John 15).

Jesus says, “My father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples” (John 15:8). 7 Simple Ways to Change the World. Joshua Project - Unreached Peoples of the World. Poverty the Product of 'Broken Relationships,' Says Christian Economics Professor. (Photo: REUTERS / Navesh Chitrakar)Children living in a slum search for recyclable material, while the world commemorates the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, on the bank of Bagmati River in Kathmandu October 17, 2011.

Poverty the Product of 'Broken Relationships,' Says Christian Economics Professor

Children living in the slums and the streets are increasing in numbers in Kathmandu, a growing problem in one of the world's poorest countries. March 20, 2013|12:26 pm A Christian economic professor has argued that the problem of poverty is based less on a lack of material goods and more about "broken relationships. " Dr. Brian Fikkert, founder and executive director of the Chalmers Center for Economic Development at Covenant College, told those gathered at a Christian leadership conference held in Raleigh, N.C.: "I would like to submit to you this morning that poverty is fundamentally rooted in broken relationships.

"And once you define poverty as being rooted in broken relationships, it orients everything you do. Follow us Get CP eNewsletter ›› HISTORY OF DAY & NIGHT PRAYER. I.


The Tabernacle of David King David was a man of "one thing" (Psalm 27:4). PovertyCure — From Aid to Enterprise [Full Version] A Developing Picture of God - Part One. Velvet Android via Compfight If God demonstrated such extraordinary love during the crisis of losing Henry… why didn’t he just HEAL him?

A Developing Picture of God - Part One

Did any of you wonder that after reading my last post? Come on – show of hands, this is a judgment-free zone. Why am I not asking, even lamenting about… why? This post will begin an explanation of my recent faith-transformation. I’m emerging from my darkroom of quiet exploration to reveal my developing picture of God. Preview « The Source View Bible. Watch the preview video to learn more about this new dynamic presentation of God’s Word: This breakthrough layout highlights the dramatic narrative of the original manuscripts and greatly enhances the reader’s ability to understand the story.

Preview « The Source View Bible

The reader can – at any given moment – clearly see who is speaking the words recorded in the Bible. Social Media for Social Change — Inside the Organization? How has the activity of organizational change been changed, with the advent of social media?

Social Media for Social Change — Inside the Organization?

Back when I was an internal OD/Org Change manager in the Soap Plant, we spread ideas about change the old-fashioned ways: meetings, photocopied paper mail, and face-to-face conversations. Presentations Made Easy. Website Tools. Volunteer, work, intern, organize, hire and connect. Change the world - Best Fundraising Strategies for Small Non-Profits. Small non-profits, including many schools, churches, community organizations and social service agencies, face many unique development challenges.

Best Fundraising Strategies for Small Non-Profits

Without a large and influential board of directors, a substantial fundraising staff, or widespread name recognition, these charities often struggle with development, in many cases operating “donation to donation.” This situation is unfortunate, because many of these smaller non-profits provide key services to the communities where they are located which aren’t replicated by larger non-profits. Their mission matters… and they need increased fundraising to survive and thrive. If you’re working to raise money for a small school, church, or charity in your community, check out these 5 best fundraising strategies for small non-profits: 1. The best fundraising strategy for smaller charities is to leverage the resources they already have.

What other ways can you leverage your current resources? 2. 3. Businesses love scalability – so should you! 4. Seven Principles of Transformational Leadership. Spot mission évangélique. August 1, 2012 @EdLauber is also playing the “stump the statistician” game, but he might actually do it.

spot mission évangélique

Here’s his question: @justindlong What percentage of evangelicals in Europe are recent immigrants? — Edward Lauber (@EdLauber) July 29, 2012 This is a lot harder because obviously no one is tracking the religious affiliation of the immigrants coming to Europe (and how do we define “recent,” anyway?). Anecdotally, I know that there are a lot of Christian immigrants coming to Europe, and a lot of the thriving church growth in Europe is a result of their efforts. If you have additional statistical resources on this subject please point it out below and I will verify it.

Generous Mind.


Other. Missions. Mobilization. Pray For Turkey 2012.