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John Piper on Alcohol Consumption. John Piper’s view on alcohol consumption is encapsulated in these four sources: Total Abstinence and Church Membership “Total Abstinence and Church Membership,” though delivered nearly 32 years ago, is his most extensive treatment on the subject (that I’ve come across).

John Piper on Alcohol Consumption

In it he gives four main reasons that he personally abstains from alcohol consumption: “. . . because of my conscience.”“. . . alcohol is a mind-altering drug.”“. . . alcohol is addictive.”“. . . to make a social statement.” “Because We’re Christians, Kids” There’s a phrase I’ve heard in our home lately.

“Because We’re Christians, Kids”

It pops up whenever the kids ask why we do things differently than other people. I noticed it first when our son asked why he and his sister aren’t allowed to say certain words his friends say. “Why can’t we talk that way?” He asked. “Because we’re Christians. A few days later, our daughter was in the car with me. “Why are we doing this?”


A Letter from an Elder Completing His Term. At our Consistory meeting last week I asked all those whose terms were ending to share a few reflections and any advice for those just coming on the board. One of our elders–Peeter Lukas, a thoughtful, godly man who works on the line at GM–shared this letter. I thought it was worth sharing with others. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to adequately express our gratitude to God for having led Carolyn and I finally to our “home” here at URC these past four years and me to the spiritual banquet table known as the board of elders. Current Issues. Cut the Religious Cheese. PCA Historical Center: PCA Pastoral Letter on the Expeience of the Holy Spirit in the Church Today. Historic Documents of American Presbyterianism A Pastoral Letter Concerning the Experience of the Holy Spirit in the Church Today A Pastoral Letter to the churches and members of the PCA adopted by the Second General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America. [1975] The General Assembly of the National Presbyterian Church, being fully aware of the widespread notice being given to the question of the work of the Holy Spirit today, offers the following pastoral letter addressed to its churches: The General Assembly rejoices in all evidences of new life in Christ's body.

PCA Historical Center: PCA Pastoral Letter on the Expeience of the Holy Spirit in the Church Today

It prays earnestly that the spirit which Christ has poured out on His church may continue to affect radically the lives of men throughout the world.

Greek-Hebrew Helps

Westminster Theological Seminary - The Case Study. Westminster Theological Seminary - Tips for Writing Counseling. Make it Personal.

Westminster Theological Seminary - Tips for Writing Counseling

Westminster Theological Seminary - Writing for Practical Theology. Practical theology is the application of theological truth to all of life, particularly the life and work of the church.

Westminster Theological Seminary - Writing for Practical Theology

While the other theological disciplines are oriented toward understanding God, his work in history, and his revelation in Christ, practical theology concerns our participation with God in the work of bringing that revelation to the church and the world. In a seminary context, practical theology seeks to develop in students the skills and wisdom for preaching, teaching, counseling, church leadership, evangelism, church planting, and mercy and cross-cultural ministries. In addition to training students for professional competence, practical theology seeks to encourage and foster spiritual development in students preparing for Christian ministry and service.

As an applied discipline, practical theology is concerned with how theology ought to be applied to life and with making that application directly. Writing for Practical Theology Courses Be Practical. God’s Relational Framework. By Harvey L.

God’s Relational Framework

Diamond God created mankind in His image—an identity and capacity representing His likeness. His hope was for His children to live a life centered in the richness of His divine nature and real love so we would have a relationship with Him and be blessed through Him. God defines relationships in covenant terms. Josh McDowell. FaithTalks: Josh, you’ve become known as someone who promotes the concept of absolute truth, but you’ve brought out a different dynamic in some of your newer materials, and that is the aspect of relationship.

Josh McDowell

Can you explain why it’s important to cultivate a relationship in the transmission of truth? Josh McDowell: Well, there are many reasons. First of all, that’s how God created us. Science now shows that a baby’s brain from the time they are born, and this is amazing, is physically, biologically hard-wired to connect in relationships. I thought, come on, how can science…but then I thought, wait a minute, God created us.


Scripture on despondency. Martin Lloyd-Jones – Pure Church by Thabiti Anyabwile. Lloyd-Jones titles chapter 4 of his book, , “Men as Trees, Walking.” He calls our attention to Mark 8:22-26 , an account of Jesus healing a blind man in two “attempts.” I put the word “attempts” in quotation marks because Lloyd-Jones argues that the first attempt, which resulted in the blind man seeing of sorts (men walking as though trees), was not successful at producing perfectly restored sight. Proverbs 17 Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.

Proverbs 17 Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament