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Draw Freely. Inkscape at the Libre Graphics Meeting April 12, 2014 The Inkscape project mustered nine developers, translators and document writers for a productive meeting. As well as countless user interactions over the course of the five day event. This is what happened... Read more... Inkscape sponsoring LGM attendance March 2, 2014 Thanks to generous donations from users, the Inkscape Project is pleased to pay for five developers to attend the Libre Graphics Meeting, to be held in Leipzig in April.

Social Image Resizer Tool. Resize and crop your images for web use Today there are innumerable uses for photos and images on the web. Websites need favicon and content images, people need Twitter profile pictures and Facebook profile banners, others want to create custom-sized photos for other uses – the need is endless. To optimize images for web use, you likely need to resize, crop or change their file format type from the source image for their final use. And to optimize your website for site speed, it is best to not resize large images on the fly, but to use properly sized images in the first place, which are typically smaller. There are many big, complex image manipulation tools available for such work, but not everyone can afford to buy Photoshop or even figure out how to do such simple tasks in its cluttered, confusing user interface.

Internet Marketing Ninjas is pleased to offer just such a tool for webmasters, social media fans, and everyone else who wants a simple tool for work with images for the web. FaceYourManga - Avatars. Créer des infographies. PixelArt.


Tutoriels gratuits. Octopussy World v6 :: Accueil. Gestion des couleurs. Color Codes Matching Chart HTML (CMYK, RGB Hex) Color Moods in Logo Design The logo designer can already transmit a basic mood by the choice of color codes but their connotations can differ widely from culture to culture. For example, pink: In Europe it stands for softness and being childish, but in Korea it stands for trust.

Typical uses of colors in North America and Western Europe include: Activity (Red, Orange, Yellow); Honesty (White, Blue, Green); Functionality (White, Grey, Black); Ideal (White, Blue, Gold); Cleverness (White, Blue, Silver); Performance (Blue, Gold, Red); Innovation (Violet, Orange, Silver); Objectivity (White, Grey, Blue); Speed (Silver, Red, Yellow). Chromatic - achromatic contrasts Achromatic monochrome (white, black and the range of codes between) combines very well with color. The resulting scheme is one of color but not of loudness, leaving an impression of unobtrusive stability. Color Saturation The intensity of a color is described as saturation or chroma.

Color Value Cold Colors Warm Colors. Extract colors from image. Image DNA. Nuancier Pantone.

Banques d'images

Banque d'images : photos et images gratuites et libres de droit. Lyll-Images libres. Cliparts. Lyll-Fonts. Infographs. Graphisme. KIT DE SURVIE DU CREATIF ///