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Welcome to the Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking Welcome to the’s Virtual Crash Course resource page! We know not everyone can make a trip to the to experience how we teach design thinking. So, we created this online version of one of our most frequently sought after learning tools. Subcomission on Quaternary Stratigraphy, ICS » Working Groups 15.1.2015 Article in the Berlin daily newspaper Der Tagesspiegel - Anthropozän : Fallout und Plastik markieren das Menschenzeitalter. 16.1.2015 Article in the München (Munich) daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung - Am Limit (At the limit). Rocks made of plastic found on Hawaiian beach. Angus Chen reports on a new type of rock cobbled together from plastic, volcanic rock, beach sand, seashells, and corals that has begun forming on the shores of Hawaii on the Science website. Archaeologists say that the 'Anthropocene' is here - but it began long ago. Science 340 19.04.13.

Citadel on the Move > Open Data > Convert My Dataset Here you can transform your data into the Citadel format. Using the Citadel format will allow you to use our Application Generation Tool to make apps and make your data useful to other people. Citadel have created this convertor to make is easy for you to change your excel sheets, CSV files or other information into the Citadel format. To use the convertor, you will need a basic level of technical knowledge and to your data to have the following characteristics:
