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Adstock. Mining of Massive Datasets. The book has now been published by Cambridge University Press. The publisher is offering a 20% discount to anyone who buys the hardcopy Here. By agreement with the publisher, you can still download it free from this page. Cambridge Press does, however, retain copyright on the work, and we expect that you will obtain their permission and acknowledge our authorship if you republish parts or all of it. We are sorry to have to mention this point, but we have evidence that other items we have published on the Web have been appropriated and republished under other names. It is easy to detect such misuse, by the way, as you will learn in Chapter 3. --- Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman (@anand_raj), and Jeff Ullman Download Version 2.1 The following is the second edition of the book, which we expect to be published soon.

There is a revised Chapter 2 that treats map-reduce programming in a manner closer to how it is used in practice, rather than how it was described in the original paper. OpenIntro. Statistical Analysis - Stack Exchange. Elements of Statistical Learning: data mining, inference, and prediction. 2nd Edition. Stat Trek. Resources for Statistical Computing. Other Resources for Help with Statistical Computing The primary mission of the IDRE Statistical Consulting Group is to support UCLA researchers in statistical computing using statistical packages like SAS, Stata, SPSS, HLM, MLwiN, Mplus and so forth.

We provide this support through our web pages, our walk in consulting services, classes and seminars, and email consulting. If people outside of the UCLA community email us with questions, we try to provide an answer when we can answer quickly, but if the question is difficult or outside of our expertise, then we would refer you to these other resources for help. Below, we provide a list of commonly used statistical software packages along with sources of support, including newsgroups/mailing lists, web pages provided by the vendors, and the vendor's technical support email address.

Other lists news:sci.stat.consult - General issues in statistics. Statistics Help | Understanding Statistics | Statistical Analysis Online. Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages.