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5 Brainwashing Tricks That Work No Matter How Smart You Are. #2.

5 Brainwashing Tricks That Work No Matter How Smart You Are

Everyone Has the Same Moral Code, They Just Use It Differently Win McNamee/Getty Images News/Getty Images Question: Do you consider yourself morally superior to the people who used to burn witches (and in fact, still do)? I would certainly hope so -- these people are kidnapping innocent men and women and executing them based on a ridiculous superstition. Johann Jakob Wick"Well done, not medium.

But what if, in some surprising turn of events, it turned out that witches were not only real, but that everything said about them was true*? This, then, is where you realize that you're not necessarily more tolerant than the witch hunters -- you just don't share their belief in witches. *The above example was stolen wholesale from C.S. Now look at pretty much every single political debate. Now, in order to preserve the good vs. evil narrative, here is where we say that the other side is simply lying about what they believe.

. #1. Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images. What Schools Could Use Instead Of Standardized Tests : NPR Ed. Close your eyes for a minute and daydream about a world without bubble tests.

What Schools Could Use Instead Of Standardized Tests : NPR Ed

Education Week recently reported that some Republican Senate aides are doing more than dreaming — they're drafting a bill that would eliminate the federal mandate on standardized testing. Annual tests for every child in reading and math in grades 3 through 8, plus one in high school, have been a centerpiece of federal education law since 2002. No Child Left Behind, the current incarnation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, requires them. But this law has been overdue for reauthorization since before President Obama took office.

The Senate plans to take the matter up early this year. Discussions about cutting back on these requirements comes at a time of growing concern about the number of tests kids take and the time they spend taking them. Education Secretary Arne Duncan says he is concerned about testing too, but he has written he "strongly believes" in annual tests as an educational tool. "Said No Teacher Ever" Is Super Funny Because It's All True. As both a mother of school age children and a teacher of undergrads, this video totally cracked me up.

"Said No Teacher Ever" Is Super Funny Because It's All True

I am so grateful to the folks who teach my kids and for all they do behind the scenes. From the comments about standardized testing to volunteering for bus duty, I think these guys nailed it. Let “Blurred Lines” Parody Teach You About Grammar - Video & Lyrics. Problems with English pronunciation FUNNY. The Secret Lives Of Teachers : NPR Ed. So where do they go, all the teachers, when the bell rings at 3 o'clock?

The Secret Lives Of Teachers : NPR Ed

When you're a kid, you don't really think they go anywhere. Except home, maybe, to grade papers and plan lessons and think up pop quizzes. And when you find out otherwise, it's a strange experience. Many people remember it vividly: the disorienting feeling of encountering your teacher in the grocery store, or in the line at McDonald's, talking and acting just like other grownups. A jarring reminder that they have lives outside the classroom. But of course teachers go off and do all sorts of things: They write books and play music and run for office and start businesses. Tell us about the Secret Lives of Teachers – maybe your own or a teacher you know. For others, it's a natural outgrowth of their lives as educators: the drama teacher performing in community theater, the history teacher/Civil War re-enactor, the music teacher onstage at open-mic night.

Funny Teacher Sites

Why Do Americans Stink at Math? The Most Common Language In Each US State—Besides English And Spanish. Education predictions for the year 2060. Stupid is not the same thing as slow: All the words teachers use to describe student failure. Photo by Marek Slusarczyk/iStockphoto/Thinkstock I know a teacher—a great one, actually—who, in private, refers to his students as “bricks.”

Stupid is not the same thing as slow: All the words teachers use to describe student failure.

As in, “dumb as a brick.” You almost never hear that level of candor among teachers, and not just because every parent’s got a lawyer on retainer. Teachers avoid words like stupid because they know how badly labels can sting, and how long the bruises linger. School shapes you, and no teacher wants to leave scars. On the other hand, you don’t educate kids by sparing their feelings and reciting politically correct mantras. So when talking to failing students, teachers can’t be too blunt or too circumspect. So how do teachers frame failure for their students? I’ve heard slow, weak, struggling, behind, and other words too numerous to list. Consider slow. Usually, slow is used to mean “slow to understand.” In short, slow has become a stand-in for “a little bit stupid.”

That’s too bad. I taught a student, Roberto, who quite literally thought slowly. How Language Seems To Shape One's View Of The World : Shots - Health News. "It's on the left," he says.

How Language Seems To Shape One's View Of The World : Shots - Health News