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El Moviment als mitjans – MOVIMENT PER LA JUSTÍCIA CLIMÀTICA. La ley catalana del cambio climático no convence al activismo medioambiental Anna Pérez Català en La Marea, 18/06/2016 Diversas organizaciones y plataformas ya presentaron alegaciones a la ley, que calificaron de “insuficiente para afrontar los retos energéticos y climáticos de este siglo”.


Desde el Movimiento para la Justicia Climática (MJC), Maria Garcia (Ecologistes en Acció) afirma que “los planes de reducción de emisiones tendrían que ser más ambiciosos si se quieren cumplir los objetivos marcados en París de no sobrepasar los 1,5 grados de calentamiento” y pide que estos se basen en los niveles de 1990 y no los de 2005, tal y como se establece en Europa.

También critica la inclusión de los mercados de carbono, “instrumentos que se han demostrado completamente ineficaces para reducir emisiones y que sólo han llevado a la especulación y el enriquecimiento de las grandes empresas”. La llei catalana del canvi climàtic no convenç l’activisme mediambiental Cimera del clima a París. Mescladís - Barcelone - Organisation non gouvernementale (ONG) Diálogos Invisibles. Flipped Learning. Flipped/ Blended Learning. Climate Change. CIES ONLUS ONG ROMA. Tutte le attività saranno supervisionate da un Comitato Tecnico Scientifico, composto da cinque membri di diversi Paesi Europei, e tutte le attività del primo anno avranno il marchio EYD 2015 (Anno Europeo dello Sviluppo).


Il 12 gennaio 2015 e' iniziato ufficialmente il Progetto dal titolo “SAME World - Sustainaibility, Awareness, Mobilization, Environment in the Global Education for the Eyd 2015”, cofinanziato dal Programma Europeo EuropeAid. In tre anni, si propone di sensibilizzare studenti/esse e docenti sull'interdipendenza tra Europa e Paesi del Sud Globale con un focus sulla Giustizia Ambientale e sull'adozione di stili di vita sostenibili che assicurino a tutti una vita dignitosa. Educazione globale e giustizia ambientale. Project: S.A.M.E.

Educazione globale e giustizia ambientale

WORLD: Sustainability Awareness Mobilization Environment in the global education for EYD 2015Period: 2015-2017Sector: Education for sustainabilityArea: EuropeCountries: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Bulgary, Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, Greece, HungaryStatus: OngoingPartners: C.I.E.S. Onlus | Arche Nova, Society for Human Rights and Supportive Action Humanitas | Associacio per a la creacio d’estudis i projectes socials | Artemissziò Foundation, Computer Technology & Press Institute “Diophantus” | | Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation | Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation, | CeVI | Associacão de Professores de Sintra | Slovak Center for Communication and DevelopmentFunding body: European Union Topics such as climate change, relationship between Global North and Global South, environment migrations and environmental racism are not frequently included in educational programs.

Awareness and active citizenship S.A.M.E. Fai una donazione. Tekoči projekti - Humanitas. Namen projekta je spodbujanje pristopa globalnega učenja v aktivnostih skavtskih organizacij na lokalni, nacionalni, evropski in globalni ravni.

Tekoči projekti - Humanitas

S pomočjo povezovanja nevladnih organizacij, ki delujejo na področju GU, in skavtskih organizacij, ki imajo zelo širok doseg in vpliv med mladimi, bomo spodbujali odgovorni življenjski stil mladih, zavedanje o globalnih soodvisnostih in kritično ovrednotenje lastne vloge na našem planetu ter opolnomočili mlade za organizacijo in vključevanje v akcije ozaveščanja na lokalni ravni. Slovenské centrum pre komunikáciu a rozvoj. Non-profit organisation Slovak Centre for Communication and Development (SCCD) was founded on April 15, 2005.

Slovenské centrum pre komunikáciu a rozvoj

It is focused on two areas of activities – enforcement and use of Global Education, and realisation of development assistance, primarily in the former USSR countries. However, its expertise lies in the Central Asian area. In addition, it manages a development volunteer programme. SCCD acts as a publishing house, exhibition organiser and provides expert consultation services. It operates the first public library oriented on global issues. S.A.M.E. Through online tools and social networks, teacher trainings and educational materials we would like to raise students and teachers’ awareness on the interdependence between Europe and DCs with a focus on Environmental Justice and on the mobilization in favour of a sustainable way of living for a decent life for all.

Project main focus are: SCCD participates in preparation of educational kit and teachers workshops. [CTC] Peipsi Koostöö Keskus » SAME World. Project name - S.A.M.E.

[CTC] Peipsi Koostöö Keskus » SAME World

WORLD .SUSTAINABILITY. AWARENESS. MOBILIZATION. ENVIRONMENT in the Global Education for EYD 2015 Project funder: Europe Aid. SAME World: our new global education project on environmental justice is launched - Artemisszió Alapítvány. As a partner, Artemisszió Foundation also takes part in the new SAME World project: the main aim is to bring the topics of environmental justice in schools through innovative and creative methods. 13 partner organisations from 10 different countries participate in the 3-year program.

SAME World: our new global education project on environmental justice is launched - Artemisszió Alapítvány

The project is supported by the EuropeAid program of the European Commission. The issues of poverty, climate change, social injustice, connections between the countries of the Global North (’developed’) and the Global South (’developping’), and environmental migration are hardly included in school curricula, or are often treated as separate topics. Addressing these topics through the lenses of environmental justice allows the students and the teachers to understand the relationship between these issues and their complexity. The main coordinator of the project is C.I.E.S. Stand for Trees - Homepage.

Giustizia ambientale, sociale ed ecologica: scenari, proposte e sfide per superare la crisi. Pubblichiamo un'interessante riflessione che Giuseppe De Marzo, portavoce dell'Associazione A Sud, economista, attivista, giornalista e scrittore, ha scritto nello scorso dicembre per il secondo numero dei Quaderni Corsari, rivista di approfondimento autoprodotta che nasce da una costola de, e disponibile gratuitamente online.

Giustizia ambientale, sociale ed ecologica: scenari, proposte e sfide per superare la crisi

Nel secondo numero abbiamo scelto di affrontare la questione ambientale. Leggete online o scaricate gratis il secondo numero della rivista: "Pensare ecologico: i limiti del pianeta e il nostro futuro". Articoli, interviste, video, approfondimenti ed estratti dai libri di Guido Viale, economista e scrittore italiano. Statement and poem by Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Climate Summit 2014 - Opening Ceremony. Green City. More than just “Thinking Green”, the future of sustainability in urban environments relies on the overarching ethos that sustainable development should ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Green City

The Routledge “Green City” collection explores the ever-increasing need for urban sustainable initiatives and provides an insight into its theory and implementation with the latest articles from our Urban, Housing, Environmental, Regional and Politics titles, among others. Each month, we will focus on a specific aspect of sustainable urban development including: Planning for Sustainability Community Development Renewable Energy Regeneration/Conservation Transport Water Resources These articles will remain FREE TO ACCESS until the end of the year.

Simply click on the below topic to read articles on the subject for free. Venecia convierte su 56ª Bienal en un volcán de arte sociopolítico. Okwui Enwezor (Calabar, Nigeria, 1963) anunció, desde que fue elegido para comisariar la Exposición general de la 56ª edición de la Bienal de Venecia titulada Todos los mundos futuros,que quería la implicación de los artistas en el convulso momento que se vive en el planeta.

Venecia convierte su 56ª Bienal en un volcán de arte sociopolítico

El crítico nigeriano pretendía que el arte contemporáneo volviera a recobrar la importancia que ha tenido cuando las circunstancias históricas así lo han requerido.