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Ben Cerveny talks Planetary and where they go next. Planetary, the iPad app for music exploration by Bloom, has hit the ground running. Out only a few days now, Planetary is already number four on the list of top free apps. Ben Cerveny, the president of Bloom, chats on Press:Here about the app, visualization as UI, and where they go next in the video below. In a nutshell: Planetary is just the beginning of a planned series of apps to explore data, networks, and relationships. Bloom is just getting warmed up, and there are exciting things ahead.

In case you haven't seen Planetary in action yet, here's a demo video: [Press:Here via @flinklabs] [nytlabs] Project Cascade. Ubimash - Sensor data mashing for connecting physical devices and interfaces with virtual CAD applications. About The project is created to foster open source community who collaborates on connecting the physical with the virtual for architecture and design applications, and beyond. It aims to integrates various sensors, physical devices, and tangible interfaces into 3D modeling environment and various physical design outputs and prototypes. It is currently a publisher-subscriber framework which allows various virtual applications to subscribe to the server in order to access, monitor, and modify the data of the connected devices. Email: << u b i m a s h A T g m a i l D O T c o m >> (without the spaces) Please email us when you download UbiMash For more information visit or read this article or join our discussion group.

Versions Latest working versions of ubimash, source codes, and manual need to be checked out from Usage Some examples how ubimash can be used: Please email us to get support and also cite the following papers if you use UbiMash: Salim, F. Code Development.


Fathom. Using triggers to connect Pachube to Twitter. Coding and the API For code and programming questions, pose them to the Xively community on Stack Overflow. Many of our engineers actively participate in responding to questions there, alongside topic experts in various programming languages and hardware platforms under the 'Xively' tag. It's a great place to troubleshoot code you’ve been working on, and look for related questions. For technical questions that don't contain code and aren't answered by the API Docs, check the FAQs under 'Using Xively'. TED가 무릎 친 ‘민세희 데이터 마법’ … 그 뒤엔 스마트 파트너 4인이 있다. [중앙일보 이나리.김한별.김상선] 랜덤웍스 멤버들이 공동작업한 결과물을 비춘 스크린 앞에서 포즈를 취했다. 왼쪽부터 소원영(대학생 창업가), 엄기순(디지털 프로토타이퍼), 민세희(TED 펠로), 유지은(인터랙션 디자이너), 김성훈(미디어 아티스트). 이들은 예술적 토양에 디지털 마인드를 겸비한 전형적인 통섭형 인재들이다. [김상선 기자] 지난달 초 미국 캘리포니아에서 열린 세계 지식인의 축제 TED 콘퍼런스.

데이터 시각화 전문가인 민세희(36)씨는 이 행사에서 한국인 최초 펠로 자격으로 강연하는 행운을 얻었다. 그는 이 자리에서 "디지털 시대에 쏟아지는 데이터들 간의 숨겨진 관계를 찾아내 이를 구조화·시각화함으로써 사람들의 각성을 이끌어내고 세상을 변화시킬 수 있다"는 요지의 발표를 해 큰 반향을 일으켰다. 이날 민씨가 발표한 내용은 그러나 혼자 창안한 것이 아니다. 이들은 전형적인 '통섭형 인재'다. 또한 이들은 수평적 커뮤니케이션에 능하다. 공통의 공간이 없는 이들은 각자의 집·카페·사무실에서 자유롭게 일한다. 디지털 혁명은 랜덤웍스가 시공의 한계를 뛰어넘어 국제적 프로젝트를 진행할 수 있는 원동력이기도 하다. 글=이나리·김한별 기자 < > 사진=김상선 기자 ◆TED콘퍼런스 =기술(Technology)·엔터테인먼트(Enter­tainment)·디자인(Design)의 머리글자로 첨단 기술과 지적 유희, 예술과 디자인이 하나로 어우러지는 지식 축제다. 공동기획 : Skype visualization. We finally finished and sent out the Skype visualization poster we have been working on for quite a while. As mentioned in one of our earlier blogposts, it visualizes the Skype log files between Julia and myself over the last 3 years. Since then we virtually shared everything: from the development of the »Generative Gestaltung« book, to our first projects as a team, to the establishment of our studio and even the creation of this poster.

We obviously love Skype and we definitely love data graphics. What, then, makes more sense than designing a data graphic of our communication? More details flickr set of the poster. Pachube - data infrastructure for the Internet of Things. Amazon. Graph-theory-algorithms-book - A book on algorithmic graph theory. This version is not longer maintained. The newest version of the book is at the URL (Please update your links accordingly.) A GNU-FDL book on algorithmic graph theory by David Joyner, Minh Van Nguyen, and Nathann Cohen. This is an introductory book on algorithmic graph theory. Theory and algorithms are illustrated using the Sage open source mathematics software. To get an overview of the book, you can view the table of contents as shown below or download the complete book. This book is more commonly known as the "DaMN" book if you notice the first letter of the first name of each author. The book is a work in progress; it is by no means complete yet.

The latest revision of the book is called latest-rxxx. Think Quarterly. The Crippled Japanese Nuclear Reactors - Interactive Feature. Randomwalks :: randomwalks is a multi-disciplinary data visualization studio. A visual exploration on mapping complex networks. Water is Money. Water is Money The +-water meter is a digital device that attaches to faucets and gives you accurate feedback about usage. It stands out from other meters by converting the consumed liters into actual cost!

Now you’ll know your water bill in advance, sort of! Designer: Young-Suk Kim.