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Pearltrees overview

WikiMindMap. Wikipedia : Category : Social Bookmarking. What is curation? Pearlytrees. Pearltrees. Looking for the interest graph. First steps. Around pearltrees. Around Pearltrees... Pearltrees tips. Pearltrees presstree. About Pearltrees. Qq articles sur Pearltrees. WWW Pearltrees is this! Pearltrees Help. Pearltrees: pearls. What is curation?

Histoire de Perles. Beyond pearltrees... Forum feedback pearltrees. Blog.Pearltrees : What's a pearltree? Bog.Pearltrees : What's a Tteam? A team within Pearltrees is a group of people who have come together to collaboratively curate a common interest.

Bog.Pearltrees : What's a Tteam?

When you want to join a team, just click on the “team up” button to send a request. As soon as your request has been accepted, you’ll be able to curate the pearltree with the other team members. Each member can add and organize the pearls and pearltrees of the team. Each member can also decide to accept or invite other members to expand the team. The founder has some privileges : he can express his objectives for the pearltree to the team in the editorial panel, and he’s the only one who can create subteams. Bog.Pearltrees : What's a pearl? Wikipedia : Pearltrees : Français. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Wikipedia : Pearltrees : Français

Pearltrees Pearltrees est un service qui permet à ses utilisateurs d'organiser, d'explorer et de partager des pages web, des notes, des photos ou des fichiers. Suivant la logique de curation de contenu (faire ressortir le meilleur contenu du web), Pearltrees fait à la fois office d'agrégateur de contenu mais aussi de moteur de recherche communautaire. Son concept repose sur l'idée que la multiplication des contenus (blogues, images, vidéos, etc.) rend nécessaire une organisation humaine du web[1].

Wikipedia : Pearltrees. Pearltrees refers to itself as "a place for your interests".[8] Functionally the product is a visual and collaborative curation tool[9][10][11][12] that allows users to organize, explore and share any URL they find online as well as to upload personal photos, files and notes.[13] The product features a unique visual interface[14][15] that allows users to drag and organize collected URLs, and other digital objects.[16] that themselves can be further organized into collections and sub-collections,[17] (URLs).

Wikipedia : Pearltrees

Users of the product can also engage in social/collaborative curation using a feature called Pearltrees Teams.[18] Pearltrees was founded by Patrice Lamothe, CEO,[22] Alain Cohen, CTO,[23] Nicolas Cynober, Technical Director,[24] Samuel Tissier, Ergonomy/UI[25] and Francois Rocaboy, CMO.[26] History[edit] Development of Pearltrees began in 2007. In July 2012 Pearltrees launched their iPhone app. Pearltrees introduced Pearltrees 2.0 on May 22nd, 2014. Wikipedia : Team. Not to be confused with Teem.

Wikipedia : Team

A team comprises a group of people or other animals linked in a common purpose. Human teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks. A group does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. Naresh Jain (2009) claims: Team members need to learn how to help one another, help other team members realize their true potential, and create an environment that allows everyone to go beyond his or her limitations. A team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members. Thus teams of game players can form (and re-form) to practise their craft/sport.

Wikipedia : Arbre de connaissances. Exemple d'intégration des arbres de connaissances dans un outil décisionnel spécifique aux ressources humaines.

Wikipedia : Arbre de connaissances

Un arbre de connaissances est une représentation des connaissances ; c'est par exemple une représentation imagée et structurée de la somme des richesses que chaque membre apporte à une communauté, selon diverses réalités (connaissances, compétences, opinions, événements, projets, besoins etc.) vécues par un groupe de personnes. Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] Édith Cresson, Premier ministre français à partir de mai 1991, s'intéresse aux causes d'exclusion liées au savoir, et interroge Michel Serres[1]. Ce dernier constitue une équipe et la première réunion a lieu le 20 novembre 1991[2]. Un communiqué officiel est publié le 16 janvier 1992, qui donne à Michel Serres « une mission destinée à préparer « l'Université de France » »[3],[4]. Trois postulats fondamentaux énoncés par Michel Serres sous-tendent le dispositif. Wikipedia : Pearltrees : English.

Wikipedia : Pearl. The most valuable pearls occur spontaneously in the wild, but they are extremely rare.

Wikipedia : Pearl

These wild pearls are referred to as natural pearls. Cultured or farmed pearls from pearl oysters and freshwater mussels make up the majority of those that are currently sold. Imitation pearls are also widely sold in inexpensive jewelry, but the quality of their iridescence is usually very poor, and often, artificial pearls are easily distinguished from genuine pearls. Pearls have been harvested and cultivated primarily for use in jewelry, but in the past they were also stitched onto lavish clothing. Pearls have also been crushed and used in cosmetics, medicines, and in paint formulations. Whether wild or cultured, gem quality pearls are almost always nacreous and iridescent, as is the interior of the shell that produces them. Etymology[edit] A pearl being extracted from an akoya pearl oyster. A black pearl and a shell of the black-lipped pearl oyster.