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Gamification et entreprises

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Two of the Coolest Recruiting Sites I’ve Ever Seen. I have come across some interesting recruiting sites over the years, and I wanted to share 2 among the best with you today.

Two of the Coolest Recruiting Sites I’ve Ever Seen

Both offer fully interactive experiences, leverage gamification, are brilliantly designed and executed, and happen to have been produced by…(wait for it)…the Swedish Armed Forces. Surprised? You’ll want to set aside a little bit of free (non-prime) time to participate in each to fully appreciate just how good they are and the work that went into them, as well as to see how well you actually perform against the averages, and perhaps even send a challenge to a friend to see if they can beat your performance.

How gamification is reshaping business in the engagement economy. Businesses should start thinking differently about how to engage customers and employees.

How gamification is reshaping business in the engagement economy

Gamification can provide a reason for a customer to visit a website or a store more often. It could give employees a new way to obtain the feedback they desire on job performance. It could connect customers in a way that makes them feel rewarded and respected for their opinions and support of your business or product. In today’s engagement economy, where time and attention are becoming increasingly scarce and resources precious, people are likely to gravitate to activities that are authentically rewarding and filled with the opportunities to achieve, grow and socialize. The lessons that can be learned from games and game designers are one set of tools to help us increase our return in such an economy. Want to learn more? How Gamification Can Reduce the Need for Discounts.

Gamification helps enterprise IT train employees. Games aren't just awkward team-building exercises used during employee orientation anymore.

Gamification helps enterprise IT train employees

Many organizations have discovered the use of game mechanics for non-game activities, or gamification , can be used to educate employees on the tools, services and applications IT delivers to them, and even reduce the number of help desk tickets filed. "It's really about changing behavior. People are comfortable when they are gainfully employed, but how do you get them to try new things and change the way they've always worked? " said Imran Sayeed, CTO at NTT Data Americas, a Boston, Mass. -based IT services firm. Gamification in HR: the reinvention of work. Will McInnes , 31 Jul 2012 Work is a game.

Gamification in HR: the reinvention of work

You know that phrase ‘he’s just good at playing the game’? You also know all of those other Americanisms about ballparks, strategic ‘plays’, A-games and so on. The thing is, all of our lives we've been playing games. Not just scrabble, doctors and nurses and football. Each game is made up of simple rules; each includes competitions, collaboration, teams (and individuals who won't play as part of a team), shared goals and many different roles played by many different players.

Innovation is the Aim of the Game: Using Gamification when Co-creating and Co-selecting Ideas with Consumers. Singapore AirLine : Gamification et histoire. L’aérien a toujours fait rêver.

Singapore AirLine : Gamification et histoire

Prendre un avion est quelque chose d’assez excitant car on nous transporte vers la différence. Néanmoins, avec l’habitude de voler, une compagnie ne peut plus se permettre de faire asseoir des gens sur une chaise pendant des heures. Il faut nous occuper et nous faire vivre quelque chose. Le but: nous séduire pour que la prochaine fois, on veuille reprendre cette compagnie… Gros défi surtout quand le facteur « argent » est pas mal décisif. Dans ce domaine Singapore Airline se démarque (bien que KLM se fasse remarquer de plus en plus par ses initiatives « flyées »)!

Mais comment faire interagir une compagnie aérienne avec ses anciens, actuels ou potentiels clients ? Singapore Airline capitalise pour sa part sur son histoire. Sur la base de la timeline Facebook, la compagnie invite les visiteurs sur sa plateforme SIAJourneys pour en découvrir sur la marque. Ainsi, on peut: Visuellement: La section du site « passport » est elle aussi bien sympa.

Gamified Enterprise. How IBM Builds Vibrant Social Communities. “I see IBM as a social business,” says Jeff Schick, IBM’s vice president of social software for IBM.

How IBM Builds Vibrant Social Communities

“We’ve broken down the barriers of reaching out to the people within the organization” — not to mention partners and clients as well. And the company is making it easier for its client companies to do the same thing. Jeff Schick, IBM’s vice president of social software. When companies use the tools that they sell to the outside world, the common expression is that it “eats its own dog food.”

“I prefer the French version of the expression, ‘We drink our own champagne,’” says Jeff Schick, the vice president of social software for IBM, and the key player in bringing social networking both to the IBM global staff and to IBM’s corporate customers. Games companies play - Page 1 - Enterprise Business Applications. FEATURE Gamification has made the enterprise software experience more fun for end users.

Games companies play - Page 1 - Enterprise Business Applications

Réinventer les règles du jeu productif avec la gamification. Gamification de l’entreprise : la DSI, moteur de cette nouvelle tendance. Gamification : réponses à des questions opérationnelles. Suite à des remarques de clients, nous échangions récemment à travers notre réseau social interne sur la gamification.

Gamification : réponses à des questions opérationnelles

J’ai trouvé intéressant de partager ici les grandes lignes de cette conversation. 1. Est-ce que ce dispositif ne s'adresse pas plutôt à une population jeune et éloignée du contexte de l'entreprise qu’à des cibles communément adressées par celle-ci, plus senior ?

Saas + Gamification = ?

Gamification In Innovation.