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Permaculture- All earth care, people care, fair share

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Temperate Forest Farming & Permaculture Strategies. Introduction to Permaculture. Free Geoff Lawton Permaculture Videos. We’re rolling out a series of free videos from Geoff Lawton.

Free Geoff Lawton Permaculture Videos

The first video is about how Geoff Lawton got started in Permaculture and how he used it to transform his burnt out farm to abundance and what a little permaculture knowledge can do for you. This first video has been a terrific hit and has had thousands of views and over 1,800 comments. The response has been truly phenomenal. See what you’ve been missing.

Permaculture Education

Founders of Permaculture. Sustainable housing. Strategies. Ecology Action: Home. Permaculture Publications. Anima Mundi movie. Permaculture projects. Zero waste. Ecology. Permaculture Teams. What is Permaculture? Permaculture resources. Permaculture Institutions, demonstrations and training grounds.