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Timescope présente sa nouvelle borne de réalité virtuelle en libre-service, le Timescope miniActualités Pro de Museumexperts. Au cours du SITEM 2019, Timescope a dévoilé son nouveau dispositif : le Timescope Mini.

Timescope présente sa nouvelle borne de réalité virtuelle en libre-service, le Timescope miniActualités Pro de Museumexperts

Grâce à son fonctionnement en libre-service, le Timescope Mini révolutionne l’usage de la Réalité Virtuelle dans les espaces accueillant du public. Des bornes comme outil de médiation au Musée d’Orsay : Timescope. Is there any future for virtual reality in theme park attractions? VR Brings Hope For The Kingdom Of Tonga. Take Action Support Mission Blue Hope Spots Hope Spots are special places that are critical to the health of the ocean — Earth’s blue heart.

VR Brings Hope For The Kingdom Of Tonga

Hope Spots are about recognizing, empowering and supporting individuals and communities around the world in their efforts to protect the ocean. Dr. Sylvia Earle introduced the concept in her 2009 TED talk and since then the idea has inspired millions across the planet. VR Game Simulates Experiences With Race. A novel computational model that considers how users have been conditioned to think about race might facilitate training for teachers and students.

VR Game Simulates Experiences With Race

Video games that use virtual reality to create immersive experiences have become increasingly popular for entertainment and for research. However, the representation of race in these simulations is often shallow — and fails to go beyond physical appearance attributes like skin color. For a more lived, embodied experience in the virtual world, MIT researchers have developed a new computational model that captures how individuals might have been taught to think about race in their upbringing. The new model of racial and ethnic socialization, presented at the AAAI 2019 Spring Symposium, has the potential to not only enhance video game simulations, but also to facilitate training for teachers and students who might encounter racial issues in the classroom.

La réalité augmentée au musée, une médiation en expérimentation – L'Observatoire critique. “Stories Behind the Paintings”.

La réalité augmentée au musée, une médiation en expérimentation – L'Observatoire critique

LE PATRIMOINE, NOUVEAU TERRAIN DE JEU DE L’AUDIOVISUEL ? Le 20 mars, a eu lieu une rencontre professionnelle à la Bibliothèque Nationale de France sur les synergies envisageables entre monde de l’audiovisuel et du patrimoine pour créer, produire et diffuser des dispositifs et expériences de médiation numérique.


'The Cave' Is Proof That Mass Social VR Works. In technical demos, Parallux saw the effect its technology had on viewers.

'The Cave' Is Proof That Mass Social VR Works

"People were holding hands, whispering to each other; doing things that you would expect people to do at the cinema or a theater," said the company's COO, Gabe Zetter. "But they were all in a shared virtual environment. " The demonstration appeared simple, though, frankly, it could use better animation. Even so, as a proof of concept The Cave is compelling. L'arbre phylogénétique du vivant. Il est important de prendre garde ou d’avoir en tête que, comme toute représentation imagée, l’arbre du vivant tente de compiler une histoire évolutive des êtres vivants riche et buissonnante.

L'arbre phylogénétique du vivant

VR Shows How Corals Recover After Bleaching. A five-panel 3-D mosaic of the same reef over five years shows how corals in Palmyra were affected by the 2015 bleaching event and then recovered.

VR Shows How Corals Recover After Bleaching

Credit: 100 Island Challenge Hundreds of videos the researchers generated are available on YouTube for public viewing. "The program gave us the unique opportunity to virtually re-visit each of our dives and to examine the reef with a new focus," said Fox. "When we 'dove' back into the images, we realized that the bleaching was even worse than we remembered when we were actually diving on the reef collecting the data. " Along with documenting the bleaching, the researchers were able to closely monitor coral recovery. In areas where coral did die and was covered with reef-smothering algae, researchers saw that in about a year this algae was replaced by the pink crustose coralline. Traditionally, changes in coral reefs were measured with transect sampling, in which divers record observations along one specific line across the reef.

Celebrate Earth Day With These VR Experiences. Are Shared Experiences The Future Of VR? Image credit: Parallux Get together.

Are Shared Experiences The Future Of VR?

VR is traditionally a lonely experience. VR Reduced Parkinson's Symptoms Of 10 People. 'The primary advantage is that they can encounter multiple obstacles and terrains while a safe environment is maintained using equipment such as a fall restraint tether,' said K.

VR Reduced Parkinson's Symptoms Of 10 People

Bo Foreman, PhD, associate professor and director of the Motion Capture Core Facility at the University of Utah. 'Participants enjoyed the experience and thought it was fun, not just exercise. They liked training and challenging themselves without the fear of falling.' The virtual reality experience is projected onto semi-circle-shaped wall facing the patient, who is on a very wide treadmill. The patient wears a headset, shoes and clothing with sensors on them, and they are tethered to a pole behind them for control. Some of the tasks seem more straight forward than others - walking straight through a field, for example, rather than jumping up onto the curb of a road.

Le Musée américain d’histoire naturelle intègre à sa nouvelle expo sur le T.rex une première expérience de réalité virtuelle multijoueur interactive – Club Innovation. Le Musée américain d’histoire naturelle, l’une des institutions scientifiques, culturelles et éducatives les plus prestigieuses au monde, intègre la réalité virtuelle à sa nouvelle exposition T. rex: The Ultimate Predator. Avec la VR, le Royal Air Force Museum offre une expérience immersive de pilotage d’un avion de guerre – Club Innovation. Experiments in Virtual Reality at The Museum of Flight – American Alliance of Museums.

TrendsWatch 2016 will go up on the web at the end of this week! And (spoiler alert) one of the topics I cover this year is the explosive rise of Augmented and Virtual Reality devices. The technology behind AR/VR is rapidly becoming more sophisticated, while costs plummet. The implications go far beyond games development: AR/VR have tremendous potential as educational tools, having been dubbed “empathy engines” for their ability to foster human connections. Museums are already exploring the potential for these technologies to enhance our practice. Today, a case in point: Peder Nelson, exhibit developer and Geoff Nunn, exhibit developer and adjunct curator for space history tell us about the Museum of Flight’s forays into the virtual realm.

For the past six months or so, the exhibits department at The Museum of Flight has experimented with the use of virtual reality (VR) technology. The response to the test run was overwhelmingly positive. Six Tips for Making Virtual Reality a Reality – American Alliance of Museums. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are coming to a museum near you.

The Sep/Oct 2017 cover of AAM’s Museum featured a photo of a young woman wearing a VR headset at the American Museum of Natural History’s Hall of Biodiversity. Walk the floor of any museum conference expo, and you’ll see vendors promoting VR and AR hardware, software, and content. The keynote speaker at the most recent Association of Science and Technology (ASTC) conference was Brendan Iribe, co-founder and vice president at Oculus. History Of Virtual Reality - Virtual Reality Society. Virtual reality has beginnings that preceded the time that the concept was coined and formalised. Casque et réalité virtuelle ; les applications. Réalité virtuelle : une révolution scientifique. Après la sortie de l’Oculus Rift de Facebook, et de la Playstation VR mi-octobre par Sony, il se dit que 2016 serait l’année 1 de la Réalité Virtuelle pour le grand public.

Mais au-delà du jeu vidéo, ça fait bien longtemps, près de 60 ans maintenant que la communauté scientifique se passionne pour tout ce qui permet d’augmenter le réel, voire de plonger dans des univers immersifs qui s’y substituent. Réalité virtuelle, réalité augmentée : quelles sont les révolutions techniques et scientifiques à venir, c’est le problème que nous allons tenter de résoudre dans l’heure qui vient. Bienvenue dans La Méthode scientifique. Casque et réalité virtuelle ; les applications. VR & Médiation Scientifique. Introduction - Virtual Reality. When Facebook bought virtual reality company Oculus in early 2014, virtual reality blew up.

While game and movie studios began reimagining the future, others looked back at the "old days" of VR — a loosely remembered period in the 1990s when gloves and goggles were super cool and everyone was going to get high on 3D graphics. But things were never so simple. We spoke to 18 key VR innovators about their work and dreams.

What follows is over two decades of memories and visions for what the future could be. Some people identify the birth of virtual reality in rudimentary Victorian "stereoscopes," the first 3D picture viewers. In 1965, Ivan Sutherland — already known as the creator of groundbreaking computer interface Sketchpad — conceived of what he termed "The Ultimate Display," or, as he wrote, "a room within which the computer can control the existence of matter. " Les musées en réalité virtuelle bouleverseront-ils l’expérience de l’œuvre d’art? Jeremy Bailenson: "Experience on Demand: What Virtual Reality Is, How It [...]" Mel Slater's Theory of VR Presence vs an Elemental Theory of Presence.

How Museums Can Use Virtual Reality - Film. Find more examples in this article on How museums are using virtual reality. Virtual Reality exhibit shows the human side of war. Can an immersive museum virtual reality exhibit change minds and foster understanding? Take the museum into untested territory, both technologically and politically. Museums have a role to play as a platform for conversations and exchanges of views on complex and socially relevant topics. The continuing design and development of virtual reality technologies is a powerful tool in engaging visitors with emotionally, compelling narratives, ones that could change perceptions and influence how we think and behave. The VR experience, ‘The Enemy’ is deeply affecting experiment in communication that holds the promise of opening new frontiers for the integration of journalism and art in a social experience poised at technology’s cutting edge. Ann Neumann,Director of Exhibitions and Galleries, MIT Museum Hélène Adamo,Head of VR Distribution , Camera Lucida Productions.

Les musées s’ouvrent à la réalité virtuelle. VR Tech Lets Doctors Visit Your Blood Vessels. A futuristic image shows an interventional radiologist doing a procedure in a model patient's blood vessels with the VR rendering of the vessels they are seeing in their headset - Inverventional radiologists use tiny catheter tubes to operate inside blood vessels - They are guided by X-ray imaging displayed on giant screens in special operating suites - Doctors and patients are exposed to radiation and have to wear heavy vests - But new VR technology developed by University of Washington researchers lets doctors see inside the veins in 3D and real-time, immersing them in the veins - If approved, it would allow them to ditch the Xrays and equipment and lead vests, take the tech on the road, and cut costs, researchers say.

ARCTIC 2100 - The virtual expedition - Océanopolis. Natural History Museums — Framestore VR Studio. Explore the Museum's collection with Sir David Attenborough. Hold the World, commissioned by Sky VR Studio, will transport you behind the scenes of the Museum and take you on a guided tour of collection highlights with the world's foremost natural history broadcaster, Sir David Attenborough. Users will be instantly transported to areas of the Museum that are usually closed to the public, in the groundbreaking interactive experience that is launching this spring. Using a headset and controller, participants will be able to peek inside the Conservation Centre, Cryptogamic Herbarium and Earth Sciences Library, and handle rare and priceless objects. Attenborough, who was digitally recreated as a lifelike 3D hologram for the experience, will impart his expert knowledge about a series of specimens, including a blue whale, Stegosaurus, trilobite, dragonfly, butterfly and pterosaur.

VR Pioneer Jaron Lanier On Dystopia And Empathy. Are Short Films The Future Of Virtual Reality? As VR continues to grow, shortform storytelling looks poised to re-enter mainstream cinema. Past meets future in François Vautier’s virtual reality film, I Saw the Future. Using a 1964 BBC interview with famed science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke, a low-resolution video-taped clip is transformed into pixels and stars. Clarke, who has been tasked with imagining the future, describes new cities, forms of communication and how those technological advances will change the world we live in. It makes us think of what the future may hold for us. Virtual reality is a portal to the future, bringing us ever closer to the pop cultural reality simulators of Star Trek and Strange Days. At the Regard film festival in Saguenay, Canada, where I saw the Future recently screened, a tent was set up for VR experiences. For most people, VR is more closely associated with gaming than cinema, but that distinction might be increasingly worthless.

VoidVR Releases VR Suicide Awareness Title. Jardin des Plantes. La réalité virtuelle : Quand l'illusion a toutes les apparences de la réalité - Howard Rheingold. Aussie VR Start-up Aims To Fight Discrimination. Museums Embrace New Ways Of Experiencing Art. Museum Of Natural History Resurrects The T-Rex. Avec « The Virtual Arctic Expedition », Océanopolis (Brest) teste une plongée virtuelle collective inédite en Arctique – Club Innovation. Château-musée de Nemours : avec la réalité virtuelle, les visiteurs peuvent replonger au Moyen-Age – Club Innovation.

Le Musée américain d’histoire naturelle intègre à sa nouvelle expo sur le T.rex une première expérience de réalité virtuelle multijoueur interactive – Club Innovation.


Artist Sees VR As Stage For Human Development. Discover The Cyclorama, The 19th Century's VR. VR Resurrects Ancient Rome Bit By Bit. Social VR Might Solve The Flaws Of Social Media. Project Aims To Preserve Africa's Heritage In VR. Empowering Marginalized Communities With VR. 'HP Mars Home Planet' Premieres VR Experience. The Smithsonian Turns Art Into VR Experiences. VR Augments Tourism Through Touch And Smell. Become Hamlet's Murdered Dad In This VR Play. New VR Experience Turns You Into A Tree.

Explore Alien Exoplanets In 360 Degree. Why Digital Art Still Isn’t Understood. Stephen Hawking To Star In Blackhole VR Film. Plan grande galerie evolution 2014. How Museums Can Use Virtual Reality - Film. Extinct Languages Find A Voice In VR. La revue - Especes. How The Immersive VR Film Tree Was Created.