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If you have dyslexia, this website can show your friends what reading is actually like. If you stumbled upon Victor Widell's website, you might think your computer was experiencing some technical difficulties. GIF via Widell's website. But you'd be wrong. The letters within each word on the site are scrambled and moving around erratically, and although you might be able to read each sentence if you slow down and focus, it's no walk in the park. Widell designed it that way on purpose. It's a glimpse into what someone who has dyslexia might have to deal with every day.

GIF via Widell's website. "A friend who has dyslexia described to me how she experiences reading," Widell writes on his site (excerpt above), which has spread across the Internet in recent days. Seeing letters "jump around" is a common experience among (the very large number of) people who have dyslexia. Dyslexia occurs when there's a problem in the area of the brain that interprets language, as the National Library of Medicine points out. GIF via Dyslexie Font/Vimeo. Take the letters "h" and "n," for example.

Sos. Links: 30 dos 100 melhores contos da literatura universal. Um dos gêneros literários mais cativantes (para muitos leitores, não todos), o conto está presente na obra completa de grandes nomes da literatura, sendo que alguns deles se dedicaram quase que exclusivamente a estas histórias menores – em número de páginas, não na grandiosidade poética ou ficcional. É o caso de Borges, Edgar Alan Poe e Kafka.

Machado de Assis também traçou suas linhas, deixando contos que surpreendem até os mais acostumados com sua escrita. Ainda no Brasil, nomes como Rubem Fonseca, Guimarães Rosa e Clarice Lispector merecem nossa admiração e respeito quando estamos a falar sobre a produção de contos para a Literatura Brasileira. Pois bem, dada a devida apresentação, vamos ao ponto principal deste artigo: links dos 100 melhores contos da literatura universal. Encontrei a lista em um blog e de lá fui buscar links em português de pelo menos 30 deles.

E eu encontrei! Para ler todos eles, algumas horas de leitura serão necessárias, mas vale muito a pena. National Education Technology Plan. About the National Educational Technology Plan The U.S. Department of Education released the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP): A Call to Action for Closing the Digital Access, Design and Use Divides. First released in fulfillment of the 2000 Educate America Act, NETP has been updated multiple times since its original release, most recently in 2016. While past NETPs have largely served as surveys of the state of the field, the Department of Education’s 2024 NETP frames three key divides limiting the transformational potential of educational technology to support teaching and learning, including: The Digital Use Divide, addressing opportunities to improve how students use technology to enhance their learning, including dynamic applications of technology to explore, create, and engage in critical analysis of academic content and knowledge;

New measurements promote efficacy of personalized learning. How do you measure the efficacy of a learning trend if a single concrete definition of the trend doesn’t exist? That’s one challenge out of many faced by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the RAND Corporation in the production of their new report, “Continued Progress,” which analyzes how well personalized learning is working in schools. The report examined 11,000 students subjected to various personalized learning strategies over the course of two years.

The overall result? The students, from 62 different public charter and district schools, reportedly “made gains in mathematics and reading over the past two years that were significantly greater than a comparison group made up of similar students selected from comparable schools.” Measuring efficacy Researchers looked at student achievement, school design, and perceptions from those using personalized learning plans — commonly referred to as PLPs. The Gates Foundation funded the study, but isn’t necessarily an unbiased observer. Warmers, fillers & coolers. Warmers Below is a list of warmer/cooler/filler/game activities in no particular order. If you have any warmers you'd like to add to the list then please send them to via the Contact page Aims: - to introduce a theme - to relax stds after a hard day's work - to wake stds up after a hard night - to wait for late arrivals - to provide a break in the lesson - to provide humour - to provide oral fluency practice - to finish the lesson on a light note 1. 2.Spot the difference. 2 pictures - the same but with a few differences. 3 Find someone who. 4.Word association. 5.Word disassociation. 6.Mini-role plays. 7.Correct the mistakes. 8. 9.Collocations. 10.Cut up story/conversation - put in order. 11.Match headlines and articles. 12.Find connections between words e.g. television, lake and pen. 13.Call my bluff - give three definitions of a word & guess which is right. 14.Brainstorm all words connected with area. 16.What's my line -guess the job & can only answer Yes or No. 17.Train compartment. 41. 61. 1.

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills - Difference and Importance. Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills – What’s the difference and is one more important than the other to your career success? In my recent articles – What are Soft Skills and List of 28 Soft Skills, I offered detailed definitions of soft skills. Here I want to highlight three key differences between hard skills and soft skills and how their importance depends highly on the career you are in. Three Key Differences between Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills To be good at hard skills usually takes smarts or IQ (also known as your left brain-the logical center). Hard Skills vs. Careers can be put into 3 kind of categories. Food for thought – most of us have spent at least 16 years in school focused mainly on building our hard skills full time and a little on our soft skills through team projects, sports, and social activities.

Want more on this topic? Like this post? Your Comments – What are the best ways you are using to improve your soft skills? I look forward to your comments. Lei What are Soft Skills? Soft Skills List - 28 Skills to Working Smart. I originally published this soft skills list in June 2011. I am honored to discover that more than 500,000 of you have since read my soft skills list and found it helpful. There are 28 soft skills essential to your career success. I wished I knew about many of these earlier in my career. I want to share them so I can empower you to work smart and achieve more. I look forward to your comments. What are Soft Skills? For a skill to be considered a soft skill, it needs to have three characteristics. Other experts agree. Based on 20 years of working experience, I define 28 soft skills that every professional should develop – 10 Self-Management skills and 18 People Skills.

Soft Skills List – Self Management Skills Self-Management Skills address how you perceive yourself and others, manage your personal habits and emotions and react to adverse situations. Soft Skills List – People Skills “Tribal” – List of people skills that you will not find in any job descriptions. . – Lei Like this: Like Loading... Classroom Management. More Articles of Interest CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT TIPS Differentiated Instruction, Flexibility Make Multi-Age Classes Work Multi-grade classes sound like a lot of work for teachers. But by regularly assessing students, differentiating instruction, and using flexible groupings, the experience can be revitalizing for a teacher. Included: Tips for planning lessons in multi-grade classes. Goal Setting Made Easy Teaching students how to set goals is easy with Goal Setting 101, a 3-part article that describes the process, and the Goal Tracker booklet, a student journal for recording goals and focusing on action steps.

Tools for Teaching Supplies Specifics for PBIS and RtI The objective of Tools for Teaching for the past 40 years has been to develop specific classroom management procedures that prevent both discipline and instruction problems. Learning Theories, Learning Models, Learning Theory Summaries - in Plain English! Why We Should Build Classes Around Mobile Tech -- Campus Technology. Mobile Learning Page 2 of 2 Why We Should Build Classes Around Mobile Tech The Mobile 3.0 app has built-in tools for photos, audio and video. CT: What is the interactive app you developed for use in your classroom? Yaros: Mobile 3.0 is a free app available for Apple, Droid, Windows and Blackberry platforms. CT: Why did you develop your own app? Yaros: I wanted to consolidate everything in my course into one "go-to" app. Mobile 3.0 now incorporates all of my slides and includes several built-in tools for interactivity, including instant polls, open-ended questions for students to discuss and answer, live Web sites, Twitter feeds, PDFs — even quizzes that report scores back to me.

CT: How does the app function? Yaros: Mobile 3.0 typically has 10 to 15 menus, depending on the weekly assignment. CT: How do your classes teach students to become better digital communicators? CT: What about course content? About the Author Toni Fuhrman is a writer and creative consultant based in Los Angeles. The Teacher’s Guide to Using YouTube in the Classroom. YouTube is one of the most popular websites on the planet and a vast resource for educational content.

The site is home to over 10 million videos tagged as educational, many of them submitted by your fellow teachers. A completely free resource this huge and varied has nearly endless potential for the classroom. Here are some ideas and suggestions to get you started. Ways to Use YouTube in the Classroom 1. Bring in videos that show students a more fun side of the lesson. Many lessons can be enhanced with the right video. Showing videos in the classroom doesn’t have to mean much work for you. 2. Some people learn better by watching than reading, so providing video alternatives to the reading homework you assign could really pay off for some students. 3. YouTube can become a repository for saving and sharing any lectures you record. 4.

If you want to do a little more with the video assignments you give, you can use EdPuzzle to: Other Educational Video Resources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. In Short. 29 Of The Most Creative Business Cards Ever. Advertisement A good business card definitely won’t ensure your success, but it sure can help! It can make all the difference in the first impression that you have on someone, or whether or not you leave an impression at all, so here are 30 cleverly-designed business cards that will get you thinking about how you might want to present yourself!

Many of us are probably guilty of accepting business cards out of politeness and then just throwing them away or forgetting about them (I know I am). These cards, however, stay with you – psychologically or physically. Some have been cleverly designed to double as useful tools, product samples or funny little toys, while others manage to make a point about the person on the card that will stick more than just a name and an address. With the emphasis placed on networking these days, it’s more important than ever to stand out of the crowd – and here are a few good ideas for how to do it! 1 | Cosmetic Surgeon Business Card 5 | Yoga Mat Business Card. Asking Questions to Improve Learning | The Teaching Center | Washington University in St. Louis. When you prepare for class, office hours, and help sessions, compose specific questions that you will ask your students (or that you anticipate they will ask you).

Doing so will help you increase student participation and encourage active learning. The strategies below will also help you formulate questions for exams and paper assignments. Active learning extends beyond the classroom. When you ask questions in the classroom, you are modeling a process that students can and should use themselves; encourage your students to use the following questioning strategies to assess what they have learned, to develop their thinking skills, and to study for exams.

General Strategies for Asking Questions When planning questions, keep in mind your course goals. Responding Effectively Wait for students to think and formulate responses. Why Ask “Open” Questions? 1. What is the most important idea that was generated in today’s discussion? 2. Could you elaborate on that point? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 10 Emerging Education Technologies. Are you or your students wearing your Apple Watches to school, and if so, are you using them as part of your curriculum?

What about the use of digital textbooks, adaptive learning, collaboration with other schools or flipped classrooms? These technologies represent some of the cutting edge tools and trends in education. While some are being implemented now, regular use of others is on the (not to distant) horizon. We’ve scanned the gurus’ lists and found the top technologies that educators need to prepare for in the next one to five years. Image via Flickr by Kārlis Dambrāns As we look at the top new trends in edtech, we notice some common themes: Individualism– much of the new technology is for one person and is customized to that person’s preferences, to be used when convenient. 1. 2. 3.

Shared information—collaboration is key, whether it is with increased reliance on social media and an opportunity for more openness. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. These are exciting times for edtech. Untitled. By Ron Bethke, eCampus News Assistant Editor, @eCN_RonBRead more by Ronald Bethke August 18th, 2015 Students identified numerous ways that technology can improve their learning experience: 61 percent of students said that the opportunity for more interactivity, such as homework containing video elements or the ability to exchange instant feedback with professors, would improve learning.

Moreover, 55 percent of students said digital learning and having teachers follow their progress in real-time personalizes their learning experience and would be useful. Finally, 48 percent of students said their learning would be enhanced by technology that helps them collaborate digitally with students from their class or even from other schools. Startlingly, 81 percent of students agreed that over the next 10 years, fewer students will go to college because it is simply too expensive. However, technology is identified as being a major factor in helping to address the rising cost of attending college.

Learners NOT Students! All of us are learners. Think about it. We were born curious and open to learning or we wouldn't walk or talk. It's just how each of us were made. Learning is part of us. We were not born students -- we were born learners. 1350-1400 - Middle English, alteration (influenced by Latin studre, to study) of studient, studiant, from Old French estudiant, one who studies, from present participle of estudier, to study, from Medieval Latin studire, from Latin studium, study.] This is the 21st century not the Middle Ages. All the references to student that we could find represent someone who studies or is being taught as part of an institution.

A student is someone who is learning when they attend an educational institution. In the Free Online Dictionary, student means: 1. A. B. How about calling students, "learners? " Think about yourself as a learner in and outside of school. A student... What do you think of the term "learner"? TEPLS_report-FINAL-051415. ESL Warmers - Page 1. Teacher Trove - Warmers and Fillers. Dramawarmups.pdf. Ultimate Camp Resource - Camp Games, Camp Songs, Camp Skits. Multiple Intelligences Self Assessment. Multiple Intelligences -- Assessment.

Birmingham Grid for Learning - Multiple Intelligences (Secondary) Youthwork Links and Ideas: Activities Groups. Fun_ways_to_group_students.pdf. 12 Interesting Ways To Start Class Tomorrow. The Precious First Few Minutes Of Class. Links and Ideas: Activities Groups. Hazards in the Retail Workplace. Safe-T1. TeachThought - Learn better. Bring Your Lectures into the 21st Century. Articulate - E-Learning Software and Authoring Tools. Video Solutions for Education. eTV. Tech Tools by Subject and Skills. Create Quizzes and Student Responses.

Wheel Decide. How To Find Openly Licensed Educational Resources You Can Use [Infographic] Shared Activities. Play online, learn online and feed the hungry. Presentation-lesson-plan.pdf. Oral-presentations.pdf. 50 Essential EdTech Tools By Category - Getting Smart by Guest Author - blended learning, EdTech, social learning. EDpuzzle. Kahoot! | Game-based blended learning & classroom response system. Socrative. Scavenger Hunts: Searching for Treasure on the Internet! The Best Tools and Apps for Flipped Learning Classroom. ESL Classroom Fun Teaching Tools - Game Count Down timers.

Login to Polldaddy. Free Productivity Resources for Educators | Emerging Education Technology. YouTube Video Converter and Download - The Four Important Models of Blended Learning Teachers Should Know about. Teacher's Guide to Teaching Using Social Media. 8 Great Free Digital Presentation Tools For Teachers To Try This Summer. Introduction to blended learning | Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute. What is Blended Learning? Best practices for blended learning. 5 Skills for Blended-Learning Teachers. Blended Learning in Higher Education: Framework, Principles, and Guidelines - D. Randy Garrison, Norman D. Vaughan. 50 Ways EdTech Benefits Teachers and Students. Chapter 11. Designing Blended Learning Space to the Student Experience.

'Flexible' Classrooms: Blended Learning 2.0? - Education Week. 15 Tips For Facilitating Online Discussion. Thinking Skills. 5 Great Videos for Clarity on Blended Learning and its Power. Technology won’t fix America’s neediest schools. It makes bad education worse. Daphne Koller: Online ed won't replace the traditional model. Effective-Assessment-Examples. 10-Examples-of-Question-Improvements.pdf. Evaluating Technology Use in the Classroom. Nearpod: Create, Engage, Assess through Mobile Devices. | Interactive Lessons | Mobile Learning | Apps for Education | iPads in the Classroom. Creating Successful Blended-Learning Classrooms - Education Week Teacher. Types of Plagiarism — - Best Practices for Ensuring Originality in Written Work.

Sugata Mitra: Kids can teach themselves. The Teacher Scream. Teacher's inspiration. Writing. Grovo_Microlearning_Whitepaper_Final. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. Resources and Downloads for Teaching Critical Thinking. Critical Thinking Lesson Plans.