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The free encyclopedia. Twitter. Prepaid Unlimited Cell Phone Plans | Android | Smartphone | Broadband | Virgin Mobile. Media Smarts: Kids Learn How to Navigate the Multimedia World. Narrator: The average American young person spends more than six and a half hours in front of some sort of screen each day. Surfing the web, watching TV, and playing games. Teacher: Okay, when you have a novel-- Narrator: Yet, most schools treat the written word as the only means of communication worthy of study, and as a consequence, students remain poorly equipped to think critically about, and express themselves through, the media they are immersed in every day. George: We stress so hard learning English, and learning English grammar, and then we shove music and art over into some sort of artistic, which means, sort of therapeutic or fun thing.

It's not approached as a very valid form of communication. Narrator: In a recent interview, filmmaker George Lucas spoke about the need to rethink the way we teach communication skills. Narrator: The teaching of those rules and other facets of media literacy, is gradually gaining traction in schools across the country. Teacher: But why? National Novel Writing Month. 826 National | Writing Publishing Tutoring. An online charity connecting you to classrooms in need.

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