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Industrias creativas - culturales

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International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, 2021. In 2019 at the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, 2021 was declared the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development.

International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, 2021

Indonesia was the main sponsor of the proposal, which was presented by a global grouping of countries, including Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Philippines and Thailand. The proposal recognised the need to promote sustained and inclusive economic growth, foster innovation and provide opportunities, benefits and empowerment for all and respect for all human rights. It also identified the ongoing need to support developing countries and countries with economies in transition in diversifying production and exports, including in new sustainable growth areas, including creative industries. The full resolution is here. La cultura en el desarrollo económico y humano - El Nuevo Día. With a country “on the brink” does it matter if your arts venue is shuttered? In three short months Americans have shifted from tuning into the daily drama surrounding the democratic primaries, to daily Covid-19 briefings and debates over whether or not lives matter more than money, to now 24/7 coverage of the protests erupting across a reported 350 cities in the US (as of June 2) in the aftermath of the horrific killing of George Floyd—an act that has quickly become emblematic of systemic racism and the longstanding and escalating hatred, violence and injustices toward people of color in the US and in particular black people.

With a country “on the brink” does it matter if your arts venue is shuttered?

News commentators are characterizing the present moment as a “tipping point”—a country “on the brink,” unable to contain or carry the collective grief, anger, humiliation, fear, and desperation that so many are feeling. It is profound that performing arts venues and museums are dark at a moment when so many are clamoring for their thoughts, emotions, embodied pain, and voices to be expressed and heard by others. I had a dream last night. Culture Factories / Fábricas de Cultura. Participants include mainly young people and women, who find themselves quite often out of the formal working and education systems, and people belonging to minorities (e.g. transgender persons, deaf or hearing impaired persons, persons with mental and/or physical pathologies or persons deprived of liberty).

Culture Factories / Fábricas de Cultura

They are provided with tools, which might improve their chances on the labour market. However, work focuses also on other aspects, such as self-esteem, the creation of groups with a sense of belonging and social integration.The Culture Factories programme designed the playing and recreation areas in the centre of the Peñarol neighbourhood, for which access and integration of all ages acted as a guiding principle. La cátedra - A creative strategy consultancy. Cluster de Industrias Creativas y Contenidos, Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá.

Creativesmb. Projekt Zukunft Berlin. Projekt Zukunft Berlin ist eine Landesinitiative der Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Forschung des Landes Berlin zur Förderung des Wachstumsfeldes Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT), Medien- und Kreativwirtschaft in Berlin.

Projekt Zukunft Berlin

Zielsetzung, Aufgaben und Handlungsfelder[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Als Bindeglied zwischen Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik arbeitet Projekt Zukunft an der Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen für in Berlin ansässige Unternehmen und unterstützt ihre Innovations- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Leitbild ist eine kreative, innovative und digitale Metropole mit internationaler Wirkkraft. Projekt Zukunft erarbeitet Strategien für den Standort, entwickelt neue Förderinstrumente und koordiniert die Akteure. Economía Naranja: Innovaciones de LAC. Para darle visibilidad a los talentos creativos que contribuyen al desarrollo económico y social de la región, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo presentó el día de hoy el e-book “Economía Naranja: Innovaciones que no sabías que eran de América Latina y el Caribe”.

Economía Naranja: Innovaciones de LAC

Para el BID, la economía naranja abarca a las industrias culturales y creativas, en disciplinas como la arquitectura, la artesanía, las artes audiovisuales, el diseño gráfico e industrial, la moda, la música, los servicios digitales y el software. En 2015 generó ingresos por US$124.000 millones y dio empleo a 1,9 millones de personas en América Latina y el Caribe. Puerto Rico Creative Economy Initiative. Archivo Creativo con sede en el Archivo... - Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña. #Unite4Heritage – Celebrating & Safeguarding Cultural Heritage. Humanities Indicators. INVERSION CULTURAL.

Industrias Creativas - Compañía de Comercio y Exportación de P.R. Biblioteca Digital – Observatorio de Cultura y Economía.