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Writing, Grammar, and Vocabulary

Facebook Twitter & Single Purpose Apps. So many of today’s apps sport a plethora of features and uses, which often times go completely unused. & Single Purpose Apps

The wide range of features included in apps aren’t always for each user but rather the wide range of users that have greatly differing workflows or preferences. However, when you only need to accomplish a simple task, what’s a user to do? Single purpose apps of higher quality seem to be popping up more and more these days and provide great, simple and easy to use solutions to some of the simple tasks some of us need to tackle. Check out our look at, a super fast and simple way to publish content online, and, a drop-dead simple image gallery for sharing quickly. What do you think of these single purpose apps? Simple Content Publishing Overview is built with a single focus — to be a permanent alternative to blogs.

Creating a Page Creating a Page Create a page and assign it a password. Editing a Page. forclj. Tagul - Gorgeous tag clouds. - Visualize words! Lexipedia - Where words have meaning. Lingro: The coolest dictionary known to hombre!

JustTheWord. VocabGrabber. Internet ESL Study Links, Organized by Grammar Topics - ESL Audio & Computer - Vancouver Community College. Crocodoc. Etherpad Lite. TitanPad. Collaborative writing software online with Writeboard. Write, share, revise, compare. Hello, We launched Writeboard back in October of 2005 as a stand-alone service.

Collaborative writing software online with Writeboard. Write, share, revise, compare.

A few years later we integrated Writeboards into Basecamp Classic and Backpack. Today, the vast majority of Writeboards are created inside those two products. As part of refocusing on Basecamp, we’ve decided to retire You’ll still be able to create Writeboards inside Basecamp Classic and Backpack, but you’ll no longer be able to start new stand-alone Writeboards here at But don’t worry — any Writeboards you already created here at will continue to work. Thanks to everyone who used over the years. Onwards, Jason Fried, Founder & CEO, Basecamp. Create beautiful timelines. ThingLink. PicLits-Inspired Picture Writing. See the full PicLit at PicLits is a great creative writing site that provides attention-grabbing images and word banks to use to write a caption for the picture or to write a short paragraph.

PicLits-Inspired Picture Writing

Word lists are categorized by nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, and a universal list. Users can comment on others’ work and rate work using the star rating feature. All work is public. You do not have to have an account to use the site; however, to save your work you must register for an account. Like this: Like Loading... Create a PicLit. Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary and thesaurus.

Tag cloud - Educational Technology. Comment on, edit, and fill PDF files, Word documents, images and more. JustPasteIt. The quickest way to share text with other people Why is so special?


Easy to use text editor with text formatting feature Just paste text from other webpage or word processor. Text formatting and images will be preserved. Pictures and movies By using "Upload images" module you can easily add new graphic to your notes. Mathematical formulas You can add a professional-looking mathematical formulas to the notes.Simply, use LaTeX: [tex]m = \frac{m_0}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}[/tex]. Protection from web crawlers You can protect your text or links from web crawlers using [encrypt] marks, e.g. Importing from file If you have written your note originally in word processor: Microsoft Word, MS Works or Open Office, simply upload it to server using "Import from file" function.

Automatic text backup Every 3 minutes your currently written text is saved to server. Save notes as PDF Your notes can be downloaded as PDF files. What you can share with it? Wordnik: All the Words. – Be a publisher.