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The Top 50 Best Blogs For Men. Fat & furious burger. Ninite - Install or Update Multiple Apps at Once. Achievement.aspx (JPEG-bilde, 422x77 punkter) Popular posts this forever. The BIGGEST ever list of design resources! : : ProofHQ ? Product Blog. Following the huge success of last year’s “World’s Biggest Ever List of Graphic Design Blogs”, we’ve decided that we should turn it into an annual event – after all, more people than ever before are blogging and the talent pool continues to grow. This year, we’ve added in some additional categories including typography and image sourcing sites to help you along your way. The list is at least 40% larger than last year and is the one stop shop for all that you could need in terms of inspiration, reference material or tools for you to use.

So, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen…. drum-roll please! Graphic Design 1stwebdesigner Blog by Dainis Graveris in Latvia covering all things design and freelance. 2expertsdesign A blog filled with tips – whether it’s graphic design, logo design, web design, advertising, branding or typography. 456 Berea Street Blog from Roger Johansson containing articles and tutorials on web standards, accessibility and usability. 72dpi Graphic design inspiration. Street Art Utopia | We declare the world as our canvas. 10 Rock Solid Website Layout Examples. Keeping It Simple Page layout is equal parts art and science. Creating something that’s visually attractive and unique takes an artist’s eye. However, there are several very easy to follow guidelines that you can use to create solid layouts that work for any number of cases. These principles include choosing and sticking to an alignment, structuring your whitespace properly and highlighting important elements through size, positioning, etc.

Designers often stress out far too much about the layout process. We have a tendency to approach a project while thinking that it needs to be completely unique in every respect to be worth our time and the client’s money. However, if you have a good look around the web you’ll see that this isn’t necessarily the case. In this article we’re going to take a look at ten very common layouts that you can find on countless sites across the web.

If you’re a web designer, bookmark this page and come back the next time you get stuck laying out a page. Fitness Gurus on YouTube. If you’re bored of your current routine, or not producing results, or simply need an injection of motivation here’s an awesome list of fitness gurus on YouTube you should subscribe to. As a personal trainer myself, it is imperative for me to keep my skills updated and stay on top of new techniques, industry trends and all the science behind it. I subscribe to these fitness experts not only to learn something new half way around the world, but also to get inspired. John Kiefer is the most recent entry to my Fitness Gurus on Youtube list. Kiefer provides great advice, backed by research, on nutrition and training and how to optimize it for maximum results. I recently discovered Kiefer’s blog Dangerously Hardcore and had to add to my list of Top Fitness Blogs That Challenge the Status Quo.

Jeff Cavaliere puts together very tough and challenging workouts. Bret Contreras also known as the Glutes guy. Scooby Werkstatt is a living encyclopedia of fitness. Zuzana Light’s workouts are brutal. 6 Of The Best Shopping Sites For The Coolest Gadgets. The following are the best shopping sites that specialize in the geekiest, funkiest and sometimes stupidest gadgets for boys and girls, old and young.

So if you’re shopping for yourself, a loved one just a friend you’re bound to find something that fits. Fire up your browser and dig out your wallet ““ it’s time to put it on plastic. I Want One Of Those A very fitting name, considering the selection of products on offer. If you’re really stumped, the website’s gift finder (on the left side of the homepage) is bound to help you pick that perfect prezzie. ThinkGeek Certainly one of the more established geek-oriented web stores online, ThinkGeek has had it all sewn up for years.

The company now also offers a reward scheme called Geek Points, which accrue with each purchase. Woot! Not so much of a shopping website as a deal website, Woot! Despite the uh… limited selection, Woot! eBuyer Firebox Toys, gadgets, gifts and all things fun are available from this UK and US serving online retailer., the art of recycling ! If you dig straight down, where will you end up? Star Wars Weather Forecast. A380 - cockpit | gillesvidal - photographe panoramiste. Awesome Stuff.