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Interactive Graphic: The NSA's Spy Catalog. Global Futures Studies & Research by The Millennium Project. Natural Building Techniques: PSP. Comment from Mike: I'm building a new underground house/tree house, Kelly, and have been working on it for two years now. It should be spectacular--my reply to all those who wouldn't consider my methods because they were too small or cheap. Q: Has anyone used bags full of leaves, sage brush.. on to top of an underground house???

Such that you get insulation.. toped by PE film and with perhaps 2" of sand on top to protect the PE film?? In this way you keep the weight down to very little. A: I know of no one who has used bags of leaves or sagebrush on top of an underground house, though the idea is intriguing. Q: Thanks for getting back to me.. A: (Kelly) I would have some concerns about the weight of the collected water, as it can be VERY heavy. Q: If I use Mike Oehler's method of building underground, can Ihave a bathroom, bathroom shower, washer/dryer, or just plain running water in the house without having to build a story above ground ? A: Most likely yes. A: Excellent question. Zen Wood Stoves - Wood Burning Stoves. Contact: Wood Stoves and Wood Burners Homemade wood stoves can be as simple as setting up a windscreen and burning the wood inside it (pot set on stakes or rocks).

More complex versions are elevated off the ground to protect your fire and ground, incorporate integrated pot stands and sometimes even have electric fans. There are several commercial and many more homemade wood stoves out on the trail and the advantages are obvious. Advantages include: Disadvantages include: weight, bulk blackening of pots and everything your pot and stove touches in your pack everything you hike with will smell like smoke need to hunt for fuel at the end of the day or during your trek dependence on availability of dry burnable wood slow cook time need to fiddle with the fire knowledge of fire building required potential to start forest fire in dry windy areas may be banned in your hike area Why is using a stove better than just starting a fire on bare earth?

Zip Stoves/Turbo Stoves 10oz Sierra Titanium Stove. Hugelkultur: the ultimate raised garden beds. Raised garden bed hugelkultur after one month raised garden bed hugelkultur after one year raised garden bed hugelkultur after two years raised garden bed hugelkultur after twenty years It's a german word and some people can say it all german-ish. I learned this high-falootin word at my permaculture training. Hugelkultur is nothing more than making raised garden beds filled with rotten wood. I do think there are some considerations to keep in mind. Another thing to keep in mind is that wood is high in carbon and will consume nitrogen to do the compost thing. Pine and fir will have some levels of tanins in them, but I'm guessing that most of that will be gone when the wood has been dead for a few years.

In the drawings at right, the artist is trying to show that while the wood decomposes and shrinks, the leaves, duff and accumulating organic matter from above will take it's place. Permies: a big crowd of permaculture goofballs. Closing the 'Collapse Gap': the USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am not an expert or a scholar or an activist. I am more of an eye-witness. I watched the Soviet Union collapse, and I have tried to put my observations into a concise message. I will leave it up to you to decide just how urgent a message it is.

My talk tonight is about the lack of collapse-preparedness here in the United States. I will compare it with the situation in the Soviet Union, prior to its collapse. The rhetorical device I am going to use is the "Collapse Gap" – to go along with the Nuclear Gap, and the Space Gap, and various other superpower gaps that were fashionable during the Cold War. Slide [2] The subject of economic collapse is generally a sad one.

And this next one certainly has me intrigued. Slide [3] I anticipate that some people will react rather badly to having their country compared to the USSR. Slide [4] The USA and the USSR were evenly matched in many categories, but let me just mention four. These are the generalities. Codex Futurius: Why Gray Goo Is a Great Dud | Science Not Fiction. The Codex Futurius project, this blog’s never-ending quest to explore the timeless scientific questions raised by science fiction, is back—and this time we have reinforcements. The NAS’ Science and Entertainment Exchange (SEEx), a group dedicated to bringing real science into entertainment, has agreed to help us find experts who can tackle these ineffable sci-fi questions. Our first expert-answered Codex question goes to J Storrs Hall, an independent scientist and author who’s also president of the Foresight Institute, a nanotech-oriented think tank.

Thanks especially to Jennifer Ouellette, a science writer and the director of SEEx, for connecting us with Hall. Without further ado, here’s the question of the day, asked by an (imagined) big-time Hollywood director/producer who thinks getting the science right might help nail down that elusive Oscar: “How could nanotechnology transform the world? On further analysis, it turned out that the situation wasn’t that simple.