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Business Case. Where the semantic web stumbled, linked data will succeed - O'Reilly Radar. In the same way that the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor Roman, Facebook’s OpenGraph Protocol is neither open nor a protocol. It is, however, an extremely straightforward and applicable standard for document metadata. From a strictly semantic viewpoint, OpenGraph is considered hardly worthy of comment: it is a frankenstandard, a mishmash of microformats and loosely-typed entities, lobbed casually into the semantic web world with hardly a backward glance. But this is not important. While OpenGraph avoids, or outright ignores, many of the problematic issues surrounding semantic annotation (see Alex Iskold’s excellent commentary on OpenGraph here on Radar), criticism focusing only on its technical purity is missing half of the equation.

Such consumer causality is critical to the adoption of any semantic mark-up. Linked data intends to make the Web more interconnected and data-oriented. Linked data is, at last, bringing the discussion around to the user. Related: The Semantic Web Delivers For Best Buy. So Why Not For Your Business, Too? Best Buy may be considered by many as a poster child for why businesses should use Semantic Web technologies. An early adopter of the GoodRelations vocabulary (just recommended for product and price information usage in web pages by Google), the retailer has been at the forefront of the Semantic Web wave – but it’s only just begun.

Semantic Web technologies, says Jay Myers, lead web development engineer at Best Buy, are a portal to better insight, in more ways than one (thoughts he’ll be sharing in more detail with attendees at this week’s Semantic Web Summit in Boston). “There is a vast amount of data that corporations produce or are able to consume,” he says – and within that a huge amount of insight most of them aren’t tapping into, which is a real loss considering the challenging environment that businesses such as retailers confront. Prove It It’s all good stuff, but how do you prove that the vision really will pay off? Sem Web Data, Everywhere. iGlue, Which Wants To Wikify The Web, Launches Its Semantic Content Organizer. iGlue, which wants to “wikify the web“, has officially launched its semantic content organizer and search application.

Three years in the making before being unveiled at TechCrunch Europe’s GeeknRolla event in London last April, iGlue creates an additional information layer over web pages by using natural language technology to understand its content. The browser plug-in or bookmarklet recognises names of relevant entities in text, such as people, geographical locations, institutions etc. and then when a user rolls their mouse over those entities, displays related information, images and videos.

However, where iGlue perhaps comes into its own is that users can contribute to this structured data via the plug-in’s annotation tool by entering their own entries and data, potentially turning any website into a Wikipedia-like resource, hence the “wikify the web” description used by the company. iGlue is a semantic search and content organizer applications. iGlue is the revolution of meaning.

"The Internet of Things is Already Here" - Dispatches From Internetome. Internetome, the U.K.'s first full day conference dedicated to the Internet of Things was held on Nov 10 in London. In front of a full attendance, with representatives from academia, government, and enterprise, a wide range of speakers illustrated the promise and the challenges of the complex systems based on smart sensor networks.

The Economist magazine featured in its current issue a special report on Smart Systems, underlining how rich, and important these ICT solutions have become, and how they will in the future sustain value added services for a wide set of vertical application areas. Guest author David Orban is the Chairman of Humanity+, an organization dedicated to promoting understanding, interest, and participation in fields of emerging innovation. "We do not know how these tiny chips will transform our lives, and that is the beauty of it. " John Woodget, Global Director for the Telecommunications sector, Intel Next on stage was myself.

View more presentations from David Orban. Web of Intent | Introduction - Introduction to ontologies and semantic web - tutorial. This site introduces ontologies and semantic web, with the emphasis on how ontologies are defined and used for semantic web applications today (more about this site background is here). This tutorial is extracted from the introductory chapter of the dissertation that deals with the applications of ontologies in multi-agent systems - Marek Obitko (advisor Vladimir Marik): Translations between Ontologies in Multi-Agent Systems, Ph.D. dissertation, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, 2007. Enough for introduction, you can choose the Next buttons to continue reading or select any topic of interest from the menu on the left. Warning: If you have older browser, you may not see some of the symbols (for example in the description logics section) properly - in this case either update your web browser or get the pdf version of this text.

(c) Marek Obitko, 2007 - Terms of use. Comprendre le web sémantique. Le Web sémantique, ou « langage naturel » est le Saint Graal sur lequel planchent les chercheurs depuis quelques années. Pour un de ses théoriciens, Tim Berners-Lee, l'idée est de parvenir à un Web intelligent, où les informations ne seraient plus stockées mais comprises par les ordinateurs, pour apporter à l'utilisateur ce qu'il cherche vraiment. Le Web sémantique permettra donc de rendre le contenu sémantique du Web interprétable non seulement par l'homme, mais aussi par la machine.

L'idée est donc de permettre une recherche intelligente sur le Web, faite par des ordinateurs et basée sur des définitions qu'ils puissent « comprendre », des définitions données pour le monde entier. En faisant une requête sur un moteur proposant de la recherche en langage naturel, vous l'interrogerez comme vous parlez, et il transformera cette demande en langage compréhensible et cohérent pour la machine.

Le principe du Web sémantique Premiers développements et usages Trulia À savoir Le moteur de Evi Powerset. Razorfish’s Rachel Lovinger on Using Semantic Web to Boost Brand ‘Findability’ All Posts | Smart Data Collective. Easier in RDFa: multiple types and the influence of syntax on semantics. RDF is defined as an abstract data model, plus a collection of practical notations for exchanging RDF descriptions (eg. RDF/XML, RDFa, Turtle/N3). In theory, your data modelling activities are conducted in splendid isolation from the sleazy details of each syntax. RDF vocabularies define classes of thing, and various types of property/relationship that link those things.

And then instance data uses arbitrary combinations of those vocabularies to make claims about stuff. Nothing in your vocabulary design says anything about XML or text formats or HTML or other syntactic details. All that said, syntactic considerations can mess with your modelling. I’ve just written this up for the Linked Library Data group, but since the point isn’t often made, I thought I’d do so here too.

RDF instance data, ie. descriptions of stuff, is peculiar in that it lets you use multiple independent schemas at the same time. Backstory – decentralised extensibility Here’s a simple RDF/XML description of something. A Rubyist's instant grasp on semantic web. How Best Buy is Using The Semantic Web. Yesterday we wrote about the increasing usage of Semantic Web technologies by large commercial companies like Facebook, Google and Best Buy. The Semantic Web is a Web of added meaning, which ultimately enables smarter and more personalized web apps to be built.

In this post we explore how a leading U.S. retailer, Best Buy, is using a Semantic Web markup language called RDFa to add semantics to its webpages. This is not just an academic exercise for Best Buy. As we will see, semantic technology has already led to increased traffic and better service to its customers. We spoke to Jay Myers, Lead Web Development Engineer at, to find out how.

ReadWriteWeb's Guide to The Semantic Web: Myers told us that the primary goal of using semantic technologies was to increase the visibility of its products and services. The process of adding RDFa to Best Buy's webpages began two years ago, when the company began to look for ways to get more visibility to its stores on the Web. Tim Berners-Lee Says the Time for the Semantic Web is Now. In an hour long interview posted today about the Semantic Web, W3C Director Tim Berners-Lee says all the pieces are in place to move full steam ahead and realize the potential of a world of structured, machine readable data.

Available as a part of the Talking with Talis semantic web podcast series, the interview (listen here) is summarized on interviewer Paul Miller's new ZDNet blog dedicated to the semantic web. A full transcript is available here. It's an important conversation and a good introduction to what the semantic web is. Also notable is the way that Berners-Lee sees Semantics and Data Portability as very related. Some highlights are excerpted below. My standard explanation of the value of the Semantic Web is this: Once our software is capable of deriving meaning from web pages it looks at for us, then there's a whole lot of work that will already be done, allowing our human, creative minds to reach new heights.

On the topic of challenges still faced, Berners-Lee said: Linked, open, semantic? | paul walk's weblog. During an interesting session called the 'Great Global Graph' at the CETIS conference this week I formed the opinion that, in the recent rush of enthusiasm for 'linked data', three 'memes' were being conflated. These next three bullets outline my understanding of how these terms have been used in recent discussions, including the CETIS session: Open data: I see this as something expressed as a philosophy or, in more concrete terms, as a policy, such as that espoused by the UK Government. There are aspects of public ownership in this, but also a philosophical approach based on 'openness' and a rejection of the economic idea of value in scarcity of information. I think that specific technology does not come into this really: for example one concrete realisation of this policy in the UK is the Freedom of Information Act under which it is perfectly permissible for a data owner to supply data in any reasonable format and medium.

Option 3 seems increasingly viable. Comments Thanks again. Yeah. Web sémantique : quand le Web devient données : Introduction. Quand la donnée prend le dessus. C’est ainsi que pourrait être, très vulgairement, résumé le Web sémantique. Un vaste projet qui a éclaté aux yeux de tous suite à l‘intervention de Tim Berners-Lee, patron du W3C - et également père du Web -, le consortium en charge de définir les standards du Web. Dans un entretien réalisé par le Courrier Unesco en 2000, il est parvenu à transmettre sa vision d’un autre web. Non pas le web 2.0, qui aujourd’hui bouleverse les usages du Web en donnant la parole aux internautes, en rendant le web plus participatif, non pas le Web 3.0 dont les contours restent encore aujourd’hui à géométrie variable - on parle notamment d’Internet des objets.

Mais, bien un principe qui doit doter le Web d’une part d’intelligence qui lui fait défaut aujourd’hui. “J’ai un double rêve pour le Web. Les activités liées au Web sémantique existent depuis 1998 au sein du W3C, et ont débouché depuis sur l’éclosion d’une série de technologies qui forment l’ossature de l’ensemble. Semantic Web, Semantische Technologien, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Social Software, Ausbildung, Seminare, Studien. The Semantic Web: An Explanation in Plain English. The Semantic Web The Semantic Web is a big step toward Web 3.0, where the ultimate goal is to make Web content more machine-friendly. Most Websites are produced using HTML, which is a markup language used to make a Website “look” a certain way. The Semantic Web, on the other hand, is based on markup languages that focus on tagging the content by what it “means.” A more “semantic” Internet will allow search engines to produce more relevant results because the searched content will be “marked up” in such a way that the engines (machines) can make more sense of it.

The Semantic Web is not AI (artificial intelligence) as some people seem to think. Structured Data You can prepare your content in a way that will help search engines include it in very relevant search results. Structured data has been around for some time, waiting in the wings for the search engines to take it seriously. Google is supporting the two most standard markup formats: “Microformats” and “RDFa.” Continued on the next page. Web 3.0 demystified: An explanation in pictures. contributor Deltina Hay now has a featured column on Technorati called You’ll Be Back: Search Optimization & Survival.

The column focuses on search optimization as it applies to the entire Web: search engines, social search, mobile search, the semantic Web, etc. You can read the articles right here on every week. In this first series of articles, we discuss each of the fundamental elements that are moving us toward an application-driven, Web-based, mobile computing era, and how they will ultimately affect search optimization. Web 3.0 aims to make online content easier for machines to understand and opens up and links large sets of data in consistent ways. Finding a definition for Web 3.0 is no easy task when most people are still trying to grasp Web 2.0. Web 1.0: The Internet in one dimension In the beginning, the Internet was flat. The inventor of the Web, Timothy Berners-Lee, refers to this phase of the Internet as a “Web of Documents.” Another Word For It.

Le web sémantique est-il l'avenir du web 2.0 ? Le web 2.0 a-t-il fait long feu? «C’est vraiment aisé, pour n’importe qui, de mettre un peu d’Ajax dans une page, d’ajouter quelques tags et de réaliser une jolie interface utilisateur. Mais ça ne suffit pas pour créer une valeur durable», juge sévèrement Nova Spivak, le créateur de Radar Network. Avec sa société, il veut apporter une nouvelle dimension au web, transformer un simple catalogue en un guide intelligent, avec lequel l’utilisateur pourra interagir sur un mode beaucoup plus naturel. La force des applications du web 2.0, en général accessibles depuis un simple navigateur, est de s’appuyer sur des "mash-ups", ces remix de différents services qui ajoutent des couches plus pratiques et fonctionnelles au web.

Par exemple, en couplant un site d’annonces de location de vacances avec les cartes géographiques de Google Maps, et Google Maps avec un site d’échange de photos comme Flickr. La vision d’un web sémantique Elever l'intelligence collective. Mobile. Semantic Web at WebDeux.Connect, Paris | MilStan’s blog. ★ Le Web Sémantique ou l'importance des données liées , dans conferences, web semantique sur BioloGeek, l'avis d'un freelance passionné par le web et son évolution. Ce billet n'est pas un transcript de ma conférence sur l'identité numérique et le Web Sémantique à Paris Web mais un document permettant de résumer ce qui a été dit (pour les absents), de lier les ressources citées (pour les fainéants) et de proposer des pistes pour aller plus loin (pour les curieux).

Web Sémantique ? Le premier problème du Web Sémantique est probablement son nom. Il est difficile de comprendre ce qui se cache derrière ce terme qui manque de sens (un comble !) Au premier abord. Il a donc été supplanté par Web des Données pendant un moment, terme qui se retrouve d'ailleurs dans l'introduction sur le site du W3C : The Semantic Web is a web of data. Mais je ne suis pas vraiment d'accord avec ce nom qui est réducteur et je lui préfère de loin celui de Données Liées qui permet de visualiser d'un seul coup les deux fondements du Web : la donnée et le lien. L'ajout de sens afin d'augmenter la pertinence des contenus ;la constitution d'une base de données à l'échelle du web. Bilan. Lorna’s JISC CETIS blog » When is Linked Data not Linked Data? - A summary of the debate. Blogue du GTA » Blog Archive » Le point sur le web sémantique, les données liées et ouvertes.

Web 3.0, the Semantic Web - A Web of Machine Readable Content and Endless Possibilities - virtualrescue's posterous. Web 3.0, the Semantic Web: A Web of Machine Readable Content and Endless Possibilities. Web 3.0, the Semantic Web - A Web of Machine Readable Content and Endless Possibilities | Structured Dynamics. Ozmota | "Do we have your attention yet?"

Atigeo - Home. Bibliothèques [reloaded] Olin Hyde | Marketing Technologist. Un ascenseur pour vos données. Blogs. - The Voice of Semantic Web Business.

Fabien L. Gandon. Le Parasite - Drague & Séduction. Le Web 3.0 s'en vient et il sera sémantique! Avec le web 3.0, "l'idée est de rendre la machine intelligente" : Geek c'est chic, le blog. Open Knowledge Foundation Blog » Blog Archive » Getting started with Governmental Linked Open Data.