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:: Mapas Interactivos :: ChronoZoom. ChronoZoom is an educational tool for teachers and students who want to put historical events in perspective. A great many resources have been created already in ChronoZoom for your enjoyment and enlightenment. Start Exploring Use ChronoZoom to get a perspective of the extensive scale of time and historical events relative to what happened around the world. Become an author yourself!

Simply log on with your social networking credentials to record your unique perspective or tell a story that needs to be told. New Teacher Resources RT @MSFTResearch: See how #Chronozoom helps students “think historically” & travel though time with 3 newly created curriculum modules http… #chronozoom is a valuable tool for illustrating Climate Change: @metanexus Anyone can author their small or Big History on the 14 Billion year timeline at - an open source project. @BillGates Congratulations to the Big History Project. You don't have any favorite timelines yet. Literature-Map - The tourist map of literature. Europe - Carte linguistique / Linguistic map. Atlas of the World's Languages in danger. SlaveryMap. Mapeas. Newspaper Map | ✰ Novels: On Location - 378 Novels/429 Locations.