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ImageMagick: Convert, Edit, Or Compose Bitmap Images. Libconfig - C/C++ Configuration File Library. If you find this software useful, please consider making a donation in the amount of your choice.

libconfig - C/C++ Configuration File Library

At the very least, such donations can go toward paying for the hosting of this website. Overview Libconfig is a simple library for processing structured configuration files, like this one: test.cfg. This file format is more compact and more readable than XML. And unlike XML, it is type-aware, so it is not necessary to do string parsing in application code. Libconfig is very compact — a fraction of the size of the expat XML parser library. The library includes bindings for both the C and C++ languages. Documentation Documentation is included in the distribution in the form of a texinfo manual. License Libconfig is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. Download Download libconfig now! Qt Project. OpenCV. Qwt - Qt Widgets for Technical Applications. Python - Kivy.

How to use the Python Imaging Library (PIL) Polycode. G'MIC. Haxe. Tiny osc library. The story OscPkt is a very minimalistic OSC library.

tiny osc library

What I wanted to achieve with this lib: make it at small as possible. It consists of one header file, oscpkt.hh, which implements pretty much all of the OSC specification, even the pattern matching stuff (the wildcards etc). use only dumb, basic, c++. No boost stuff and no exceptions. make it robust with respect to malformed packets, and handle errors cleanly. make it portable on linux/macos/win32. release it under the zlib license, which basically allows you to do whatever you want except suing me. Other OSC libraries: liblo is the most well-known. The code Here is the code, approximately 650 lines of boring c++, in a single header file: oscpkt/oscpkt.hh .

As a bonus, I also provide a header file for sending/receiving these packets over UDP: oscpkt/udp.hh. And finally a test file oscpkt/ with a bit of fuzzing, and a very basic demo file oscpkt/ The doc. SFML. SFML Tutorial: Basic Game Engine. Creating a Basic Game Engine At the core of every good game is a game engine.

SFML Tutorial: Basic Game Engine

But as a beginner, building your first game engine can be pretty daunting. There are lots of things to consider when designing a solid game engine. Managing all the graphics, sounds, music, and game objects takes a lot of effort and is not as fun as designing what the game will actually do. Most people interested in game programming start with a game idea and don't know where to start in bringing their game idea into reality.

Quick Links Namespaces [Top] Most Game Engines begin with basic building blocks that are borrowed, stolen (hopefully not!) …and for the .cpp file you do the following: Another great feature about Namespaces is that they prevent two identically named classes from interfering with each other. Notice how we can create variables of both Clock classes by using their Namespace tag. Using namespace MyStuff;// ORusing namespace sf; using MyStuff::MyClass;using sf::Clock; Forward Declarations [Top] LWJGL.