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CALI DE PELICULA de Luis Ospina y Carlos Mayolo (1973)_Versión restaurada. 25 películas que hacen que '50 sombras de Grey' parezca una insípida comedia romántica - No te pierdas las 25 películas que hemos... Escrito en el cuerpo (1996) The Pillow Book Dir.

Escrito en el cuerpo (1996)

Peter Greenaway | 126 min. | Francia – Reino Unido Intérpretes: Vivian Wu (Nagiko), Ewan McGregor (Jerome), Yoshi Oida (Editor), Ken Ogata (Papá), Hideka Yoshida (Tía), Judie Ongg (Mamá), Yutaka Honda (Hoki) Un pasado trastocado se reescribe en el futuro de una niña. Un homosexual editor japonés se hace de la dermis tatuada de su amante muerto y exhumado. Esta muerte, desconocida en un principio, nos conquista por su rareza y descorre el telón de esta producción británica de 1996, ambientada en Japón.

10 películas en las que el sexo fue completamente real. Twitter18.2K 18.2Kfacebook1037K 1037Kpinterest212 212google plus5031Share5031stumbleupon145Share145meneame200Share200tumblr101Share101 El sexo debe ser un acto íntimo, en el que sólo los involucrados sean testigos de las emociones del otro.

10 películas en las que el sexo fue completamente real

The Seven Occult Movies You Must See. You can go anywhere and find a list of scary movies to watch.

The Seven Occult Movies You Must See

But when you’re dealing with the occult, the scope narrows considerably. It’s not just Japanese water ghost girls who desperately need conditioner jumping out from closets; it’s something far darker than that. It’s about the things that go on behind closed doors, with no fucks given about the Three-Fold Law. The 20 Best Movies About The Occult. 14.

The 20 Best Movies About The Occult

The Witches (1990) – Nicolas Roeg A second entry from Nicolas Roeg, this one is a typically clever and twisted Roald Dahl imagining. For those born in a certain era, this is a childhood favourite that would have made a few leave the light on at night. A young boy, after hearing tales of evil witches who hate children, comes across a real witch convention.

Featuring a stunning and incredibly effective Anjelica Houston as the Grand High Witch, this film is complemented by Jim Henson’s wonderful ability of making fairy tales come to life. Here's 9 Great Movies About Magick and the Occult. 10 series de anime oscuras y perturbadoras que deberías ver. El arte del manga y el anime se presta para hacer producciones para todas las edades.

10 series de anime oscuras y perturbadoras que deberías ver

A continuación, compartimos un listado hecho por Gizmodo de series japonesas con un tinte más oscuro, perturbador y hasta confuso que el usual que vale cada minuto que invirtamos viéndolas. The 20 Best Atmospheric Horror Movies of All Time. Most modern Horror movies depend on a pretty manipulative modus operandis (from a cinematic point of view) to grab its audience: jump-scares.

The 20 Best Atmospheric Horror Movies of All Time

There’s nothing wrong with jump scares per se, they’re often the best part of an otherwise forgettable film. But the tough fact is that the overly-reliance on this easy to use but hard to master technique has overruled any other tactic of creating horror. One of those dying methods to convey horror is atmosphere. Creating atmosphere and ambience isn’t easy: you need to right set of visual cues and smart cinematography to conjure up the correct amount of dread and sense of space. The score can’t be overburdening either: it needs to complement the action, suggest rather than outright tell what the viewer should be feeling.

12 Great French Surrealist Films That Are Worth Your Time. France is considered to be responsible for influencing the surrealist movement due to surrealism emerging from Dada art in Paris during WWI.

12 Great French Surrealist Films That Are Worth Your Time

The goal of surrealist art was to liberate imagination and the subconscious mind. In the early 1920s, surrealists sought out a new art form that was separate from paintings and sculptures and discovered the perfect medium: cinema. They found comfort in films for it enabled them to allow the subconscious to speak. 15 Great Films Without a Soundtrack. How important is music to film?

15 Great Films Without a Soundtrack

The American Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences would say important enough to merit an Oscar each year since 1935, not only for an original score, but an original song as well. 15 Essential Jean-Luc Godard Films You Need To Watch. Jean-Luc Godard is one of the most well-known figures of La nouvelle vague, or the French New Wave.

15 Essential Jean-Luc Godard Films You Need To Watch

Filmmaker, screenwriter and critic, he started as a writer for the influential Cahiers du Cinema, like Claude Chabrol, Jacques Rivettes, Eric Rohmer and Francois Truffaut, who are also influential directors of the movement. Andre Bazin, the theorist and co-founder of the magazine, also had a great influence on the movement, so the Cahiers equipped Godard with all the theoretical knowledge he needed to get more involved in the movement. As a critic, he wrote about the “Tradition of Quality” style of French cinema, pleading for more filming on location and a more experimental style in film. Lalulula TV. ¡Somos Lo Mejor! (We are the best!) / Tráiler Oficial Subtitulado / Revista Cine&Mas.

10 Great Minimalist Films That Are Worth Your Time. The connoisseurs of La-La-land have always been dreaming up spellbinding ways of hiking up the money tree and impressing millions.

10 Great Minimalist Films That Are Worth Your Time

Sometimes it was through the glamorous sensuality of Dietrich and Munroe and, at others, it was the nerve-touching fair-ground attraction of computer generated worlds. The 20 Best Movies With a Nonlinear Storyline. Nonlinear narratives comprise a vast amount of narratives that do not tend to follow the direct causality pattern of their depicted events. Generally speaking, such amount responds to the variety of available resources, from flashbacks to anarchic deconstructions, narrators have to constitute nonlinear exercises. Experimentations with non linear narratives in Cinema can be traced to the Silent Era but especially to the emergence of Avant-garde Cinema, which as a manifest goal defied the canons of standard linear narratives in exchange for a disordered but playful bet for randomness. There are many reasons as for why nonlinear narratives can be seen as preferable to their linear correlates. For instance, they seem a more suitable tool to reproduce phenomena surrounding subjectivity such as memory, impressions and imagination.

The 20 Best Movies about Art and Artists. “Films about art and artists” covers a variety of things, from biopics about artists dead or imagined, to documentaries on living ones. However, the best of them are the ones that are able to teach us something about the medium they depict, or about the people who create it. These films portray artists as compelled to create from an inner need, whether for therapeutic, spiritual, or philosophical reasons. They celebrate the unique worldviews such individuals often possess, while outlining their limitations, from their heightened emotionality to their predisposition to mental illness. At the same time, they explore the relationship between art and the viewer, as well as art’s somewhat unsettling contiguity to wealth and power. 20.

Peliculas de Terror. CRITICA:Esta película es el homenaje que la música Metal se merecía, una mirada cómica y divertida de este mundillo trasladada a un largometraje lleno humor y gore para dar y tomar. Deathgasm es un homenaje y también una parodia de la música metal pero bien hecho, con humor de buen gusto, con chispa, imaginativa, sin necesidad de un gran argumento, la historia de la película pasa a un segundo plano, Deathgasm se inclina de lleno hacia el gore y la comedia con personajes bien diferenciados y sobretodo divertidos de ver por las situaciones bizarras que les tocara vivir. La película lo tiene todo, litros y litros de sangre, acción, momentos para el romance, humor sarcastico-ironico-parodiado a cada minuto…. y Metal, aburrirse es tarea completamente imposible, incluso si no eres del palo de este genero musical.

METALHEAD 2013 - Online - Subtítulos en español ~ El Cuartel del Metal. El año pasado publicamos el trailer de esta película y bastantes personas nos preguntaron si se iba a estrenar en algún país de Latinoamerica o si estaría disponible para verla online. Hoy les tenemos buenas noticias, la película ya está disponible para verla online y también tiene subtítulos en español. VIAJE A LO INESPERADO — THE STUFF (1985) LA SUSTANCIA MALDITA -...