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United Inventor Association. Professional Inventors Alliance. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Curt Rosengren - Passion Catalyst. Creativity Portal® Yahoo! Small Business: Web Hosting. Resources for Entrepreneurs. The U.S. Small Business Administration.

ThomasNet® - Supplier Discovery Platform. Why Culture is Key? The Simple Dollar. Get Rich Slowly - Personal Finance. Kiplinger - Personal Finance. Salary Reports. Get Everything Done. The Personal MBA. Why Blacksmiths are Better at Startups than You « Unicornfree. Translations: русский язык There’s a great show called Mastercrafts, a mini-series documentary from the BBC.

I recommend you go out and find a way to watch it, right now. Mastercrafts is all about — surprise! — master crafts: blacksmithingstonemasonrythatchinghand weavingstained glassgreen wood furniture-making Trades we barely even think about today; obsolete, cottage industries. Nevertheless, there are still people who dream of learning these trades, and that’s where Mastercrafts comes in. I’ve watched the series twice, and loved it both times. Whoever cast the shows did a fantastic job. Every flaw you’ll ever see in a “startup founder,” you’ll see play out in Mastercrafts.

Bad behavior you’ll recognize Here are some of the personality flaws I’ve spotted: Several students in different episodes are obsessed with “expressing themselves” instead of following the brief (the job specification). Several more wield perfectionism as a weapon against their own achievement… a weapon, and an excuse. Kiva - Loans that change lives.