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Tweet ping. Is the best dashboard to organize your followers. Check Your Twitter Stats. Your Twitter Karma. Как зарабатывать в твиттере с Twite 12 600 рублей каждый месяц: раскрываю все секреты | Доброго времени суток! Сегодня будет урок, который очень давно хотел написать. Я буду рассказывать про то, как можно заработать в Твиттере с помощью 12 600 рублей и более, используя несколько аккаунтов. Вы не верите, что это возможно? Тогда обязательно прочитайте урок, где подробно написано сколько я зарабатываю в Twitter (там пример на одном аккаунте). Кстати, все это легально, то есть, если следовать советам, не нарушать правила, шанс получить бан – минимальный. Вот официальные доказательства со страницы Поддержка на Твайт.ру : Как я могу работать в системе с нескольких аккаунтов? Нет, это не запрещено, важно, чтобы все блоги удовлетворяли условиям Соглашения .

Если Вы не знаете, что такое твиттер, обязательно прочитайте вот этот урок и второй урок ; если же Вы уже работаете с Твайт.ру , можете ознакомиться с уроком по облегчению работы с этим сервисом . Итак, от нас сначала требуются аккаунты в твиттере. Пока оставляем поля пустыми, их будем заполнять по ходу действий. Opera . Know and show what you got - TwentyFeet - Social Media Monitoring & Ego tracking. Know and show what you got - TwentyFeet - TwentyFeet Wiki. The performance post for twitter is a cool way to recap your last week for your followers and friends. It's for free. You can do that with your "forever free" twitter account . It contains the changes in your key twitter metrics. We will only post positive changes (e.g. a growing number of followers).

The "My week on twitter"-post is published at the beginning of the week automatically (only for authorized accounts and if you choose so). Sign up now and try it for free! Examples for the perfomance post What else TwentyFeet does for you: Detailed analysis for your web and social media profiles with historical charts. Start with TwentyFeet now! Useful links for existing TwentyFeet users. Twitnest 0.1 (by @nattster) Search.

Find Who Follows Whom on Twitter - the quickest way to see who several Twitter users have in common. Status People Fake Follower Check — Social Media Management Platform for Business. 60+ Twitter Tools On Web | SocialBlogr. Twitter is my favorite microblogging service, i’ve made a list of Twitter tools on web .

Thank’s to all developers who has developed all these tools, they are cool and very nice.. . Not all of these tools good for your business or blog, my favorite is Twitterfeed , i dont need WordPress plugins anymore to automatic post my new blog entries to Twitter. – a tools website for twitter. – Coming soon.. tweettop – Tweet Top is the latest and greatest from Twitter people on popular topics. Huitter – Mutually, GTalk2Twitter, Microsites, Feeds, and more yous can also request a tool. MyCleenr – Unfollow your inactive following. Who Follow Whom – Find out who follows whom, simple apps. Twittangle – a free service that helps you untangle the mess of having too many friends on twitter. Tweet-Rank – Tweet-Rank provides you the relevance of each tweet by checking how much followers you won or lost with each tweet. – A new follower?

Mr. Twittervision – Cool! A world of tweets. Are Most Major Brands’ Twitter Followers Fake? Despite talk of measuring “engagement” and “interactions,” success on social platforms is often crudely judged by the size of the audience a brand has amassed. (Digiday has been guilty of this.) But on Twitter, marketers are talking to far fewer people than they think, according to data gathered from Status People’s Fake Follower Checker. According to the tool, over half the followers of the world’s 20 largest brands are either fake or inactive. Some brands do better than others at attracting real people, or at least people who tweet regularly, but on average only 49.9 percent of top brands’ followers were deemed “good.” Status People admits the checker isn’t 100 percent accurate for all accounts because it only analyzes their most recent 100,000 followers but said it’s confident it can at least provide “good insight.”

But there could be a major flaw in the tool, and that’s its definition of an “active follower.”