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Kassadin: El Innerfeable. A toda velocidad en su vehículo (así es, y uno ultimo modelo) Kassadin, escapaba a toda prisa, sabia que lo perseguían.Llevaba días huyendo, se encontraba exhausto, su mana como de costumbre estaba a punto de agotarse, incluso con lagrima a 750 cargas y vara del vacio, sus perseguidores eran implacables, sabia que no duraría mucho tiempo así, por lo que que decidió usar su ultimo recurso...huir a la ciudad de los nerfeados.

Kassadin: El Innerfeable.

Tenia un contacto en esta ciudad, alguien con experiencia en estos asuntos, sabia que el lo podría ayudar, no lo veía desde hace un tiempo pero aun así era su única esperanza. El teléfono sonó, después de una noche agitada le dolía un poco la cabeza y tenia sueño, pero aun así, Skarner resolvió contestar, alcanzo el teléfono con sus pinzas y con una voz ronca dijo: "No, no me interesa lo que sea que venda o quiera ofrecerme. " "Ni siquiera una llamada de un viejo amigo? " Fotos de la biografía. Como mantener el Ingles en los servers Latinos - Comunidade League of Legends. Attachment.php (960×536) Real elo hell. Rude Arrogant Rioteer. Computer shutting down when game is launching. Tribunal is corrupted (or so i've heard) $10 RP Giveaway 5/26. Diana Comic. Pull the lever, Trudle. GUIDE: How to Find your Last 500 posts.

ATTN : Riot Games this message contains a CURE for gaming DESPAIR and ANXIETY. Riot Games, Hello, I am Lee Southard, author of "Zen Gaming and the Art of Electronic Sports.

ATTN : Riot Games this message contains a CURE for gaming DESPAIR and ANXIETY

" I offer a simple solution to your biggest problems; toxic gamers. This message will be quick and easily understood. The solution: Imagine a point structure in which the word "kill" was changed to something less mortal like "take downs". League of Legends Community - Search Results. North America - English.

League of Legends Community - Search Results

How old is your account? I just flashed to secure a single CS - Page 4. "Oh, hi Bittersweet Lu-" Whoever gets the most downvotes wins $20 RP - Page 15. Don't ever expect a skin like "French Maid Nidalee" or "Battle Bunny Riven" - Page 6. Just got hired for Riot, will start working next week, AMA - Page 2. Supporting would be fun if... Is it just me - Page 4. Bronze is a joke - Page 5. MOved to Bronze IV. For all of you who hate solo queue, think you deserve higher elo or rage too much. Sorry for being gone so long Finally got a new pc.

For all of you who hate solo queue, think you deserve higher elo or rage too much.

(alienware m17) and its a beast. Going to hit diamond this season for sure 420 upvotes and over 97,000 views.. Added a section on Studying Making mistakes and added some solid information to several of the sections.. Fighting agaisnt Jax - Page 3. Great Wall of Elo Hell w/ tl;dr. This wall of text is dedicated to explaining what the essence of elo hell is, that it does happen, why it happens, and how you can beat it.

Great Wall of Elo Hell w/ tl;dr

Just played one of the most satisfying games of my life. It ended in a loss but surprisingly thats the best i've ever felt after a game.

Just played one of the most satisfying games of my life

I started 5/0 my bot lane and top lane were feeding and my jungler was one of those bed hecs. we've all played with one. i switched with my top dominated their top laner. took the tower. started team fighting we lost the first few. Teach me to jungle better. Pick Order vs. Call Order. Summoners, As you all know, we value communication and collaboration above all when it comes to choosing roles in ranked games.

Pick Order vs. Call Order

According to the Player Behavior team's studies, teams that cooperate together have a greater chance to win. Naturally, cooperation and communication is something we want to encourage within all games of League of Legends. That said, we do know that there have been some problems with coming to an agreement at champion select, and many players have defaulted to one of two systems: Pick Order – where players higher on the pick list have first choice of their role – and Call Order – where players believe whoever “calls” a role first gets the right to it.

*~ Anniversary Gift ~* - Page 3. ¿Que te gustaría ver en el Servidor Latinoamericano (LA-S)? Summoner Rift - Custom Map Skins. CG Education. Areas Of Visual Detail, Areas Of Visual RestBy Neil BlevinsCreated On: Sept 3rd 2012 Before reading this tutorial, you may want to check out these other three tutorials that discuss similar compositional issues: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Shapes, Contrasts In Composition, and Clumping or Grouping.

CG Education

Areas Of Visual Detail, Areas Of Visual Rest is an important principal in composition. It's something I use a lot, like in my tech floor images, notice you have areas with very little detail, and areas of tons of detail. This helps move the eye around the image. If the whole image was equally detailed, the eye would get overloaded and would move away quickly. But instead, you only add details to specific areas, the details draw the eye to that area (because they contrast with the open areas), then as the eye moves away, it's presented with a less populated area where it can rest before hitting another detailed area.

@Lyte - Page 2. Quote: Originally Posted by DemolitionDean Thanks for the response Lyte!

@Lyte - Page 2

Tristana stopping malphite ult. Look at this fool. Where did Latin American players learn their English from? $10 RP Code Giveaway. The Winner has been chosen!

$10 RP Code Giveaway

I am giving away a $10 RP Code Giveaway. Lissandra is a copy of Gaara - Page 2. I Just Ate An Entire Large Pepperoni Pizza By Myself - AMA - Page 3. You are my only hope, GD. I need your 3 fave champs, and your favourite song. I'm writing an essay on the correlation between a variety of music & the multi-general definition of style choice. A small part of this includes information regarding music choice compared to the subject's (In this case you) choice of style (In this scenario, style means Champion Choice). Journey Into The Freljord VI: Journey’s End. Southern Freljord We’re finally heading home. It’s been a long journey, and I’ll be happy to see Demacia again. I’ve begun preparing my report for Jarvan on the state of tensions in the Freljord.

I believe he’ll be surprised with the results. Champion rework: Trundle, the Troll King. As tensions rise in the Freljord, the frost trolls fight to preserve their homeland. NewTrundleDance.gif (300×250) Trundle Speed Sculpt. [Featured Discussion] I just realized why Trundle needed a lore change. His story was already complete. Think about it. He is raised as the runt of the clan and is bullied.