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Symbaloo. BeyondWeird Home Page. Smart Notebooks. Spicynodes : Home. - Content Hub and Identity Management Platform. Online Stickies - lino. Create bar graph, line graph or pie chart. - Enjoy Mobile Reading. Find the shortest route between two Wikipedia articles. GQueues - Manage tasks & to-do lists with your Google Account. Instapaper, ReaditLater, Readability,, Evernote Clearly, etc. I’ve been experimenting with all of these for a little while (ok, Clearly the most recently since it’s new).

For those who aren’t already familiar with these tools/services, they provide distraction-free reading when you’re browsing online. I’m not surprised that they’ve become so popular since webpages look increasingly like Times Square; these tools make reading so much more comfortable. If you don’t already use one, I highly recommend you choose one—maybe after reading this post. As they get more popular, there’s more competition.

Since I’ve grown unhappy with my current service (ReaditLater), I decided to try out the others and see if it was worth a switch. I’ll be looking at Instapaper, ReaditLater, Readability,, Evernote Clearly, and the old standby iReader. Before I actually get to the reviews, let me clarify that I’m a researcher. Browser integrated FAST clippingorganize them in some way via folders, tags, etc. PROS: Let me start with Instapaper. Read It Later: One List Everywhere You Are. Instapaper: Save interesting web pages for reading later. Readability. Read It Later: One List Everywhere You Are.

Discover. - interactive charts online! Les meilleurs outils pour gérer vos favoris sur le Net. Indispensables pour retrouver vos sites préférés, les favoris deviennent difficiles à gérer lorsqu’ils sont nombreux. Voici des outils pour organiser ce foisonnement. Un tiers du temps passé sur Internet est consacré à la recherche d’informations, selon l’institut Nielsen. D’où l’intérêt de mémoriser l’adresse de vos sites préférés en créant des favoris (également appelés «bookmarks», signets, marque-pages…).

Et surtout de les classer de manière pertinente, avant de perdre pied devant leur nombre. Disponibles en ligne, directement sur vos navigateurs Internet ou en passant par des plates-formes spécialisées, les outils sélectionnés ici vous permettront de les organiser par dos­­siers, en fonction de thématiques précises par exemple, pour les retrouver en un clin d’œil. Firefox : le plus simple La version 7.0.1 du célèbre navigateur (téléchargeable gratuitement sur ) propose un gestionnaire de marque-pages très intuitif. Instapaper. Dabbleboard - Online whiteboard for drawing & team collaboration - Interactive whiteboard software. Kippt.

Get it out there! Remember Everything | Evernote Corporation. YouCanBook.Me. Your.flowingdata / Capture your life in data. Create timelines, share them on the web. Clearly. Distraction-free reading Create the perfect online reading experience by clearing away everything but the content. Make it your own Choose from several pre-set themes or build one to suit your needs. Save it for later If you don’t have time to finish reading, tap on the Evernote icon to finish reading later. Outbrain - Related Link Widgets.

Sebuah Komunitas Titip Menitip | iCharts | easily create, share and embed interactive charts. Readability Now Available on Android; Saves Articles for Later Sans Formatting. 'Apps' para viajar este verano. THE HIGHLIGHTS.