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Guzheng Playing Technique - Online Guzheng Basic Tutorials. Beginner’s music composing tips. Beginner’s music composing tips: Consonance The first thing you should learn before writing music is what notes sound good together. The harmonious blending of notes is called consonance (the opposite being dissonance). You can get a feel for this by trial and error, but we’re going to take a shortcut in this article. Here is a guide showing which notes sound good with C on a piano (notes in green sound good with C, yellow fair to bad, and red is really bad): (*please note that there are more levels of consonance than what is shown here, this is just a rough guide). One thing you should notice is that most of the white keys on the piano match ‘C’, which is also a white key.

You should also notice that the consonance pattern repeats every 12 notes, or every octave. It gets much more complicated than what is shown in the note guide up above. Notice that the ‘good’ notes are still the same number of keys up or down from the base note as in the original. Or this tune: Beginner4thpdf. The Top Five Chess Strategies for Beginners — Chess Blog. Many people feel intimidated by the game of chess. They feel that it is a game for intellectuals; however, chess is one of the fairest games out there. There is no dice used to leave the game up to “chance,” and there is no referee involved to possibly “throw” the game. Yes, chess is a thinKing person’s game, but you do not need to have a Calculus degree to master chess.

You are the one that calls the shots of your chess pieces. You are the one that can learn various approaches and tactics. The chess game itself is very easy to learn, and could possibly take a lifetime to master with all of the different strategy books available. 1.Slow down your moves by thinKing things through. These top five beginning chess strategies and tactics should be taken as sound advice to build your chess game on.

Chess Game Strategies, From Beginner To Better. Beginner chess mistakes to avoid. Becoming a great chess player is a journey. And as is the case with any truly great game, understanding the rules is just the first step. The second, we'd venture to say, is being able to identify, understand, and fix your mistakes. Fortunately, there are a few elementary (and easily corrected) blunders that nearly all beginner players fall into at some point. Dodge them, and grand mastery -- or, at any rate, a much better standard of play -- is just around the corner. Here are seven of the most common. Hands off the queen Let's be honest about it: queens kick ass.

Not so your queen. Avoid pointless exchanges In economics, there's a concept called the sunk cost fallacy. The same applies to lost chess pieces. Play Chess right here at Y! Don't rush Chances are you're not playing a timed game. Even if you're confident in your next few moves, take a few minutes to sit back and smell the roses. Don't pawn off your pawns Wrong. Castling: not just for Harold and Kumar You know the rest.

FindTheData | Find. Compare. Decide. How to interview: tips and tricks. By Taryn Davies | So you’ve scanned the job market, submitted your application form and been invited to the next stage. Preparing well for an interview will pay dividends. You’ll walk into the room with a confidence and competence that will set you apart from other candidates. An interview is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to meet your possible future colleagues. They’re not the only ones making decisions – you’ll also be sizing up whether you want to work with them. An interview is the first real opportunity you’ll have to start to build a relationship with people who may be pivotal to your career success for many years to come. Psychologist Sarah Rozenthuler, shares her top 10 tips on how to interview.

"I’ve coached hundreds of people over the last 10 years to perform at their best during high stakes interactions. 1. Entry is everything so think about how you want to “show up” at the interview. Write a “to be” list and identify ways you can transmit the qualities you want to broadcast. Top Tip Spot - Free Tips, the Best Guides & Easy 'How to' Instructions. 12 Secrets Of Effective Business Communication.

Feb 26 2010 By Alyssa Gregory The ability to communicate, and communicate well, is one of the biggest factors in business success. You could be an excellent designer, but if you’re unable to promote your services and communicate effectively with clients and colleagues, your potential is limited. The principal areas where communication is essential include: Pitching potential clients,Client meetings,Customer service,Face-to-face networking,Marketing your business Pitching Potential Clients When you freelance or own a business, your livelihood depends on your ability to sell your services. Image by Mart1n. 1. Part of selling your services is being able to understand the client’s unique needs.

For example, when I am contacted by a prospective client, I have them fill out a website requirements document that poses various questions to help me better understand what they are looking for in a website. Describe the nature of your business.Who is your target audience? 2. Client Meetings 3. 4. 5. 6. How to create a language. [All the pages of How to create a language can be downloaded for offline browsing in a .zip file. That doesn't include multimedia content. A big consolidated page with all the topics is also available for reading, and is a bit more suitable for printing.] These pages are intended for people interested in creating languages for fictional purposes (or just for fun) and in linguistics in general.

They're not meant to be an online linguistics course, but you sure can learn quite a few things about linguistics by reading them, the same way I, not being a linguist, learned from others. They're also not supposed to be a guide to the creation of auxilliary or international languages such as Esperanto. The pages are divided into two main fields: phonology and grammar.

Before starting, I'd like to give the credit deserved to Mark Rosenfelder, who gave me the first tool to engage myself in serious language development. Sounds Phones and phonemes Back on topic... Vowels vs. consonants Consonants. French Dictionary Online Translation LEXILOGOS. Tools for Educators - free worksheet templates, printable game templates, 100% customizable worksheet makers with images! Free Printable Flash Card Maker. How To Do Things » How To Articles & How To Videos.