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Nutella Milkshake. Have you been having Nutella withdrawals? I know I have! So I thought it was time for another Nutella recipe before someone got hurt (yes it’s that serious in my house LOL) I was lucky enough to get a 750ml jar of the luscious Nutella for Christmas and it was time to crack that bad boy open (I know such restraint right, don’t get too excited I have gone through 2 other smaller jars since Christmas tee hee)! I hadn’t had a frappe’ (pronounced fra-pay) in awhile and additionally I got a FAB stainless steel Cuisinart Immersion Blender for Christmas (Mwah, thanks Mom!) & have been itching to try it out (it’s ah-some btw, love how the bottom portion pops off for easy cleanup)! So naturally a frappe’ was in order.

Oh, in case you didn’t know, frappe’ just means milkshake! You might have seen in one of my previous Nutella Challenge Posts the evah so popular Frozen Nutella Pops. Pssst, lean in…I’m working on a super deluxe recipe for World Nutella Day next month on February 5th. Baci! 2. Cake Batter Truffles | Snappy Gourmet - StumbleUpon. Spring is here, or at least it’s kind of here.

I’m still waiting for Mother Nature to get the memo. Easter is also right around the corner and my kids are counting down the days for the Easter Bunny! I couldn’t wait to try this recipe I created, so Easter came a little early in the treat department at our house! What Easter Bunny wouldn’t love these cute little Cake Batter Truffles?! No baking, and less than 10 ingredients! But before I get to more about the recipe, I have an announcement. Ok, back to the recipe….I’ve been running across a lot of different truffle recipes lately. The dough doesn’t take many ingredients and comes together quite easily. In the meantime melt some of your favorite chocolate or candy melts. Once the chocolate/melts are smooth, get ready to dip. Let the chocolate run off the truffles for a few seconds then place the truffle back on the lined baking sheets. After you dip the truffles place them back in the fridge for a few minutes for the chocolate to set. Most gawked all-time - page 20 | foodgawker - StumbleUpon.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough + Cupcake = The BEST Cupcake. Ever. Recipe - Al... Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes. Well these naughty little treats are well….naughty but oh so necessary. There are a bit like my Brownie Covered Oreo’s from last Christmas but enhanced with layers of peanut butter and a double decker stack of Oreos in each little brownie cake. They are simply prepared in cupcake liners. Hope you enjoy this ultra sweet little cake Ok, I have to brag about this brownie mix from Trader Joes for a second. I know not everyone has a Trader Joes near by, however if you do, get a load of their ready to pour baking mix. I am in love! Other than a brownie mix, you just need some of your favorite peanut butter and some Oreos. Break out 24 Oreo Cookies.

Some of your favorite peanut butter. Spread a teaspoon of peanut butter over Oreo #1. Press a second Oreo right on top One more teaspoon right on top. Place the little stack right into a cupcake lined muffin cup. Like so Take your brownie mix…. …and spoon a couple tablespoons right over top, letting it run around the edges of the cookies. Mmmm! 1. 2. Enjoy! Most favorited all-time.