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Color Scheme Designer 3. Call to Idea - Get inspired! Home of free code snippets for Bootstrap. Bootstrap form builder HTML. Les propriétés CSS :nth-child et :first-child. Afin de styliser en CSS une liste d’éléments, que ce soit pour la navigation de votre site web ou pour une liste dans vos contenus, vous pouvez utiliser un « ID » différent pour chacun de vos items.

Les propriétés CSS :nth-child et :first-child

Cependant, cela aura comme inconvénient de vous créer plusieurs lignes de codes qui auraient pu être évitées à l’aide de différentes propriétés telles que :nth-child, :nth-of-type, :first-child et :last-child. Ces propriétés sont également très utiles lorsque vous avez une liste avec énormément d’éléments. Voici un article illustrant à merveille l’utilisation de chacune de ces propriétés CSS dans différents contextes afin d’avoir un contrôle absolu sur vos listes HTML. L’article suivant a été écrit par Chris Coyier du site web Sélectionner seulement le 5e élément Si vous devez sélectionner seulement le 1er élément de la liste, vous pouvez utiliser ceci li:first-child ou tout simplement li:nth-child(1). Tout sélectionner sauf les cinq premiers Sélectionner seulement les cinq premiers. Best of Sublime Text 3: Features, Plugins, and Settings.

Related Course Get Started with JavaScript for Web Development JavaScript is the language on fire.

Best of Sublime Text 3: Features, Plugins, and Settings

Build an app for any platform you want including website, server, mobile, and desktop. Sublime Text 3 is an amazing piece of software. To start, it is a clean, functional, and fast code editor. I know there have already been many articles like this online, but I am teaching a class on Sublime Text and thought it would be good to have all the information online.

. # Features Command Palette ctrl + shift + p The command palette let’s you access pretty much anything in the settings menus, call your package commands, change file syntax, handle Sublime projects, and so much more. For instance, you are able to call Git commands add, branch, commit, push, and pull all from the command palette. Simple Storage Service (S3) – Service en ligne de stockage de données et de fichiers dans le cloud. Create a new fiddle - JSFiddle. Hosted Libraries - Developer's Guide - Make the Web Faster. CSS Reference, Properties and Values, CSS3. BigResource: Webmaster Scripts & Tutorials Directory. Php.js. WebPagetest - Website Performance and Optimization Test. CSSrefresh - automatically refresh CSS files.

Griddify, a Tiny Photoshop Panel for Guides and Grids. Griddify is tiny and fast.

Griddify, a Tiny Photoshop Panel for Guides and Grids

It helps you compose custom grid systems, vertical rhythm, and do a bunch of other stuff with guides in photoshop. Watch the short tutorial to learn how it works: Download and Install (Photoshop CC) Download and install ZXPInstaller. It helps you install Griddify and other Adobe extensions easily. Download and Install (Photoshop CS6) Download the CS6 version of Griddify here and extract the zip file.

Gutters in divide I’ve added one more feature to Griddify since recording the video, so it’s not demoed there. Issues regarding Photoshop CS6 HTML panels in Photoshop CS6 don’t work as well as they do in Photoshop CC, because CC uses an embedded version of Chromium to render HTML content while CS6 uses Flash, which is significantly less stable. What about CS4/5? For Griddify to work on CS4/5, its HTML code should be wrapped in a Flex application. Source Code. Optimize and compress your images and photos.

Heartcode CanvasLoader Creator. Create, use and share The Heartcode CanvasLoader Creator is a free online tool which you can use to generate scripted preloaders (spinners or throbblers) for your HTML projects.

Heartcode CanvasLoader Creator

The Creator is using the CanvasLoader UI Library. To create your free preloader follow these 2 easy steps: Customize the preloader (on the left) by changing the settings (below) Click the 'Download custom CanvasLoader' button to download your example HTML file, or use the code snippet Have fun! CanvasLoader settings Heartcode CanvasLoader UI Library The Heartcode CanvasLoader is a lightweight JavaScript UI library, which can be used to create spinners using the HTML5 Canvas object in modern browsers, or VML in older ones. The main advantages of CanvasLoader Browser Support Canvas rendering is hardware accelerated in more and more browsers these days, which means smooth animation with minimal CPU usage.

JSON Generator – tool for generating random JSON data. jQuery Select CSS Style. Resurrecting the blink tag. Développez votre propre plug-in jQuery ! HTML5 Video Player. GenerateWP - User friendly tools for WordPress developers. CSS3 Generator. Picturefill. Cssarrowplease.