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HTML5 Video Player

HTML5 Video Player

Juicer - a CSS and JavaScript packaging tool / Ruby - For best performance, CSS and JavaScript should be served up using as few requests and bytes as possible. Juicer is a new command line tool that helps by resolving dependencies, merging and minifying files. It can even check your syntax, add cache busters to and cycle asset hosts on URLs in CSS files and more. Belorussian translation. Background For web applications there's a screaming gap between development best practices, and deployment best practices. Developers generally prefer to work with some kind of source code organisation other than "one CSS file, one JavaScript file". $ juicer merge stylesheets/main.css Produced stylesheets/main.min.css from stylesheets/framework/reset.css stylesheets/framework/grid.css stylesheets/skins/midnight.css stylesheets/main.css $ juicer merge javascripts/app.js Produced javascripts/app.min.js from javascripts/prototype.js javascripts/lightbox.js javascripts/app.js Installation In order to use Juicer, you need Ruby and RubyGems. Update CSS files URLs

Pourquoi utiliser les tablettes en classe de français ? Depuis quelques années, les tablettes suscitent un engouement sans pareil dans le monde de l’enseignement, exprimé autant par la simplicité de l’outil que par son vaste potentiel pédagogique pour les enseignants comme pour les apprenants. Un outil « unimédia » Outre son faible poids, sa mobilité et son allumage rapide qui la différencie de l’ordinateur, la tablette est avant tout appréciée pour son caractère « unimédia ». (Source image : Être en possession d’une tablette, c’est être en possession d’un appareil photo, d’une caméra, d’un scanner, d’un visualiseur, d’un dictaphone, d’un lecteur MP3 et MP4, d’un mini tableau blanc (qui peut devenir interactif), d’un classeur de ressources, d’un cahier de textes, etc ... réunis sous une même interface. Une nouvelle vision de l’enseignement Les potentialités pédagogiques ne tiennent pas uniquement dans la tablette mais dans la façon dont on s'en sert. En savoir plus :

Responsive Web Design Patterns | This Is Responsive Responsive Patterns A collection of patterns and modules for responsive designs. Submit a pattern Layout Reflowing Layouts Equal Width Off Canvas Source-Order Shift Lists Grid Block Navigation Single-Level Multi-level Breadcrumbs Pagination Images Responsive Image Techniques Media/Data Video Fluid Video Iframes Tables Charts & Graphs Responsive Chart Forms Basic Forms Text Lettering Fittext Footnotes Responsive Footnotes Modules Carousel Tabs Accordion Messaging Lightbox

Skeleton: Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development Résumé interview vidéo C. Vaufrey - Bilan ITYPA2 déc2013 — Your Web, documented Yeoman - Modern workflows for modern webapps Pearltrees Tooltipster - The jQuery Tooltip Plugin Getting Started 1. Load jQuery and include Tooltipster's plugin files After you download Tooltipster, move tooltipster.css and jquery.tooltipster.min.js to your root's CSS and JavaScript directories. <head> ... 2. In order for Tooltipster to work, we first need to add the .tooltip class (or whatever class / means of selection you'd like to use) to whatever element we wish to have a tooltip. Adding a tooltip to an image: Adding a tooltip to a link that already has a class: <a href=" class="ketchup tooltip" title="This is my link's tooltip message!" Adding a tooltip to a div: <div class="tooltip" title="This is my div's tooltip message!" 3. The last thing we have to do is activate the plugin. <head> ... 4. Using HTML tags inside your tooltips Tooltipster allows you to use any HTML markup you can think of inside your tooltips. Customizing Your Tooltipster's Style Tooltipster is also packaged with 4 alternative themes to choose from. Customizing Tooltipster's Functionality

Crazy Egg - Visualize where your visitors click Over 200,000 businesses Convert Better with Crazy Egg, The Original Heatmapping Technology A heatmap is an easy way to understand what users want, care about and do on your site by visually representing their clicks - which are the strongest indicators of visitor motivation and desire. A Crazy Egg heatmap lets you collect more than 88% of the data you would using a traditional eye-tracking process. At a fraction of the price. Because Google Analytics & Site Catalyst Leave Questions Unanswered, Trust Crazy Egg Visualizations to Help You Understand Your Users. Wouldn't you like to fill in the gaps left by analytics… without A/B testing every little assumption… and without breaking the bank on in-lab usability studies? Heat Maps: At a glance, see the hotspots on each page - so you know what to change, preserve or delete "Do our users think they can click greyed out buttons?" Click-Tracking Overlays: Find a hot spot? Scroll Maps: "Where are we losing visitors on our lead gen page?"

Utiliser pearltrees Opens in a new window Opens an external website Opens an external website in a new window This website stores and accesses information on your device, such as cookies. Personal data may be processed, such as cookie identifiers, unique device identifiers, and browser information. Third parties may store and access information on your device and process this personal data. You may change or withdraw your preferences by clicking on the cookie icon or link; however, as a consequence, you may not see relevant ads or personalized content. To learn more, view the following link: Cookie Policy Storage Preferences Third Parties Utiliser pearltrees Signaler CDI-Lycée Parc ImpérialSuivre CDI-Lycée Parc Impérial 7 Feb 2012•0 j'aime•49,264 vues 1 sur 18 Télécharger pour lire hors ligne Formation Tutoriel élèves projet TRAAM documentation Nice 2011 2012 Recommandé Etude de cas e-réputation - groupe 5Christophe Blazquez970 vues•4 diapositives Contenu connexe Tendances Tendances(20) nodesway•8.3K vues ir. En vedette M.

7 Best Sources for Free Photoshop Files + Bonus - Frontify Blog Showcases are a great resource for inspiration. At a certain point you as a designer sometimes is lacking the intuition how to solve a specific design problem. We've collected our 7 most used resources for design inspiration, in order that it might help you as it helped us. 1. If you're looking for the paradise, Pixeden is your choice. 2. Premium Pixels is not just a resource for free quality .psd Files, it offers WordPress themes as well as tutorials on an occasional basis. 3. Deviant Art is well known in the design universe for its variety of resources for web and creative workers. 4. Another, rather unknown source is I chose it because it's free, it's PSD and it's tidy. 5. Designmoo is clean designed and I love it's simple access to the relevant categories. 6. Not only because of the stock, I love GraphicsFuel because of the inspiring blogposts as well. 7. dribbble is an infinite source of inspirations. Bonus Hope you found this blend of sources helpful.

Pearltrees, la classification du web Un service indispensable est né il y a bientôt un an, un service qui se propose en toute simplicité de révolutionner notre approche d'internet. Ce service, c'est Pearltrees, et en tant qu'utilisateur forcené depuis sa création, il me semble qu'il est temps de faire partager mon avis qui, une fois n'est pas coutume de ma part, sera à la limite du dithyrambe. Partons pour une petite exploration tant du service que de l'entreprise, jeune pousse française située dans le XIème arrondissement de Paris. "Créez le monde de vos intérêts" Pearltrees se propose de vous permettre d'archiver et de classifier un nombre infini de pages web, par l'intermédiaire d'une interface visuelle épurée. Le service a également été créé dès le départ dans une optique collaborative et "d'amélioration du web" . Vidéo de présentation de Pearltrees : stockage & partage Votre future mémoire subjective du web Un bon service se caractérise par une interface ergonomique, simple tout en étant flexible. Défauts de Pearltrees
