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Océans / Continent Plastique

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Lns_arte_infographie_emission13_site_fr_1.png (700×1102) La planète plastique. Those Crazy Plastic Cleaning Machines | Kumu. If I had a dime for each brilliant idea to “clean up the “Garbage Patch” that has been forwarded to me over the last few years I would be a millionaire. These gyre cleanup machines, devices and foundations that emerge periodically are not going to happen. However they are likely to get lots of media attention –and distract from the real solutions. These more or less sophisticated delusions and fantasies of massive offshore cleanups testify to how misunderstood our plastic pollution problem is, and how disconnected we are from nature in general, and from our oceans in particular.

What about stopping plastic pollution at the source? Wouldn’t that be a better use of our ingenuity, time and money? It also happens to be quite doable too Let me start from the beginning. I have been deeply involved in plastic pollution awareness and activism for over five years. These basic questions usually make the whole idea dissipate like a cloud of smoke in the air. But that’s not all. Le dessous des cartes : l'empreinte écologique. Ocean Report - Déchets aquatiques. Intro to Plastics At Sea: North Atlantic Expedition 2010 (High Definition) Ocean’s plastic pollution runs deep - GeoSpace. Recent research shows the ocean may contain more plastic debris than previously thought.

Here, samples researchers pulled up from the Sargasso Sea. (Credit: Kukulka et al.) The ocean is filled with more plastics than previously thought, according to a new study. Tiny plastic fragments not only float on the ocean’s surface, but are also temporarily pushed beneath the top layer of water by the tumult caused by maritime winds, according to the new research. The higher the wind speed, and the more turbulent the gusts, the more mixing that occurs between the upper and lower ocean layers. Traditional measurements of plastic marine pollutants only account for the top layer of water, since plastic is buoyant. Kukulka and his colleagues wanted to look deeper, and scour lower depths for debris in a process called subsurface towing.

“This process allows us to sample only a ‘discrete’ depth, without exposing the open net to other depths,” Proskurowski said. -Eric Villard, AGU science writing intern. OSL-Expédition 7eme continent. MIDWAY - a film by Chris Jordan.