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GooBing Detroit – Formerly, comparing Detroit property on Google Streetview (c. 2009) and Bing Streetview (c. 2012). Currently, just using Google Street View Time Machine. A personal project. Get in touch at Vincent Fillon // Photographe. Des humains à têtes d'animaux.

Cette page Etsy a toute une série de montage dans lesquels des têtes d’animaux sont intégrés sur des corps d’humains dans des photos anciennes. ( Via )

Des humains à têtes d'animaux

"Laundromat" by The Snorri Bros. Looks At a Dying NYC Institution. The Snoori Bros are two Icelanders, Eiður Snorri and Snorri Sturluson.

"Laundromat" by The Snorri Bros. Looks At a Dying NYC Institution

For two decades, the Snorri Bros. have been making pictures and telling stories in various formats. Today they are best known as filmmakers, but from the beginning of their careers photography has always been a large part of their repertoire. Their latest project is titled Laundromat and is a compilation of photographs portraying what they’ve defined as a dying breed. Here, Snorri Sturluson tells us why he wanted to pay homage to one of New York’s most “cultural” chores. Photography & Culture. Abandoned places. CONSUME CONSUME.