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Lycée Paul Lapie - La Broderie perlée. 1.Son histoire.

Lycée Paul Lapie - La Broderie perlée

La Broderie est une activité ancienne en Lorraine, liée à la cour des ducs de Lorraine... Elle connaît cependant une développement considérable à partir du XIXe siècle, sous l'impulsion de l'Impératrice Joséphine qui lance la mode des "colifichets féminins". La dentelle au point de Lunéville connaît alors un très grand succès et la réputation des brodeuses de Lunéville dépasse largement les frontières de notre région. La broderie à la main, sur tulle percale ou mousseline, devient alors l'activité dominante de la Lorraine : c'est un travail presque exclusivement féminin et très pénible pour les ouvrières à domicile (12 à 14 heures de travail par jour).

Mais peu rentable, cette activité artisanale subit de plus en plus la concurrence des ateliers mécaniques et son avenir semble compromis. Vers 1865, Louis FERRY, patron de la Maison Ferry-Bonnechaux, imagine de relancer la broderie à la main, en relation avec la naissance de la haute couture. Chinese New Year Doll. Here at long last is the pattern for the Chinese New Year Doll that I made as many of you have been asking for it!

Chinese New Year Doll

Once again, thank you so much for your encouragement and support of this blog! I am happy to provide this pattern since, as many of you have written, seeing this doll has rekindled your passion for crocheting or got you interested in amigurumi. // ]]> This is my first original pattern and the first one I’ve ever written up, so if you have any questions or find any errors, please let me know! I would be delighted to hear from you as you try to make this doll, and please feel free to share the photos with us on my facebook fan page! Let’s begin! Free Amigurumi crochet patterns. Free Skirt Patterns. Free Skirt Patterns Posted on | January 6, 2013 | 17 Comments Five years ago, it was hard to find even one free skirt pat­tern on the in­ter­net.

Free Skirt Patterns

Now­a­days, doz­ens of free skirt pat­terns abound. For beginners, try a simple elastic waistband skirt or a pillowcase skirt. Ad­vanced seam­stres­ses might enjoy try­ing their hand at an a-line skirt or an 8 gore skirt. Stitch Patterns. TARDIS (easy amigurumi) pattern by Nyss Parkes. Very simple crochet pattern for an amigurumi TARDIS from Doctor Who.

TARDIS (easy amigurumi) pattern by Nyss Parkes

It might not be bigger on the inside, but if you haven’t tried amigurumi or are new to crochet this could be a good place to start. Pattern only includes blue box shape and some ideas of decoration, not specifics for how to decorate your TARDIS. See images for how others have gained different effects. Joining Granny Squares. When I join my Granny Squares together I always choose to crochet them rather than stitch them.

Joining Granny Squares

Its just the way that appeals to me, although many of my hooking buddies prefer the stitching method. I guess it's a personal preference. And as many of you have asked me to supply this information, here you have it :: my take on joining the Grannies, in usual Attic24 style with waaaaay too many pictures I suspect. But hey, I want you to get it and not struggle with it, and I think pictures do the job better than words. Ok, firstly put your two squares together, Right Sides together. Block Stitch Afghan : the way I do it !!!!

.....what about two more pictures of my blanket to be????

Block Stitch Afghan : the way I do it !!!!

Some of you asked me how the "dots" ( I call them "rice grains"!!!) Can pop out in this way, so I thought it will be nice if I show you how this happens!!!! Happy about that??? Tutorial for crochet roses. One of the first things I crocheted was roses.

Tutorial for crochet roses

I saw cute brooches and I decided that I should have at least one)I found some tutorials in Internet here and hereMy first rose I don't want to show you) It was so strange and not much to look at) The second was better and after that all my roses was beautiful. So If you have problem doing it try again and you will have perfect rose! Depending on the thickness of yarn rose can be smaller or bigger. Celtic Lace Join. Over 300 Free Tatting Patterns and Projects, How To Tatting Guides, Charts and More at AllCrafts! Online Since 2000 FreeCrafts Free Holiday Crafts Sewing & Quilting Crochet & Knitting More AllCrafts Over 300 Free Tatting Patterns and Projects Welcome to Tatting at AllCrafts where you can find hundreds of free tatting patterns and projects.

Over 300 Free Tatting Patterns and Projects, How To Tatting Guides, Charts and More at AllCrafts!

Lexique Français/Anglais des termes de crochet. Logiciel gratuit de création de patrons de sacs, chapeaux... 32 Flaresbuttonbutton-type-facebook flare-iconstyle-round-bevel first" style="background-color:#0b59aa;z-index:3"> button-wrap"> button-icon">Facebook button-count">0 width=120&show_faces=false&action=like&colorscheme=light&font&height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:120px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>">buttonbutton-type-googleplus flare-iconstyle-round-bevel" style="background-color:#d84d2f;z-index:2"> button-wrap"> button-icon">Google+ button-count">2 buttonbutton-type-pinterest flare-iconstyle-round-bevel" style="background-color:#ce1c1e;z-index:1"> button-wrap"> button-icon">Pin It Share button-count">30 pin/create/button/?

Logiciel gratuit de création de patrons de sacs, chapeaux...

Je n’ai que peu de temps en ce moment d’où la désertion transitoire de ce blog… A tout avouer, je préfère utiliser le peu de temps que j’ai à coudre ;-). Mais tout de même voici une petite découverte toute fraîche que je voulais partager. Amiguitas pattern by torirot design. FREE! NEON LOVE MITTS: POM POM X MILLAMIA. It’s a dull and dreary day here at Pom Pom HQ in London.


Typically we’d be moping around, wishing we were curled up on our sofas watching retro murder mystery shows on repeat – but today we’ve got something to be cheerful about! Bright and happy neon colours are on the top of Pom Pom’s current “favourite things” list, and luckily our pals at MillaMia have waved their magic wands and made them appear in yarn form! Lime and Cobalt are their first ever Limited Edition colours and boy do they pack a punch! We wanted to show off the Lime (we’re suckers for a “grellow”) and also throw in one of their new permanent colours, Berry. Stripy Mitts pattern by Sandra Paul. Free Pattern- Cable Wrist Warmer Pattern. This pattern was previously offered for sale in my Etsy shop but every once in a while I like to take an older pattern and offer it up for free as a thanks!!!!

Hope ya'll enjoy it!! Julee Cabled Wrist Warmer Size: With “F” crochet hook- 7 inches around X 7 ½ inches longWith “G” crochet hook- 7 ½ inches around X 8 inches long Level of Difficulty: Advanced Beginner Materials:Approx 4 ounces of Caron Simply Soft or comparable yarnG/6-4.25 (For smaller warmer use size “F” crochet hook)Tapestry Needle for weaving in yarnsYarn bobbin (optional- for 80 inches of yarn measured off at beginning of wrist warmer) Gauge:With “F” crochet hook: 4 ½ HDC= 1 inch, 3 ½ rows = 1 inchWith “G” crochet hook: 4 HDC = 1 inch, 3 rows = 1 inch Stitches Used:HDC, SL ST, SC. Special Stitches Used:Front Post Double Crochet (FPDC): Yarn over, insert hook behind post of stitch ( insert hook from front to back of stitch), Yarn over, pull through, Yarn over, (pull through 2 loops) 2X’s. Cosy Neck Warmer.

This cosy neck warmer is constructed as a simple tube, formed by working rows which are actually worked as rounds (ie the beginning and the end of each row joins up), so no messy seams! And no stitching up! It's a super easy pattern where you only need to know one basic stitch :: double crochet (that's single crochet if you are across the pond). Before we begin, lets just clarify the stitches in words...I'm writing this pattern using UK crochet terms :: sl st [slip stitch] :: insert hook, yarn over, pull the loop back through the stitch, then through the loop on your hook. dc [double crochet] :: insert hook, yarn over, pull the loop back through the stitch (two loops on hook), yarn over and pull through both loops on hook (note :: this is equivalent to the US sc stitch).

For this project you need to choose your yarn carefully. 90390938.pdf. Mes favoris tricot-crochet Tuto Bordures au crochet. *Skip 2 stitches, then dc 7 times into the next stitch. Skip 2 stitches, then slip stitch into the next stitch.* Repeat between ** 150 points au crochet. Adeptes des diagrammes, vous êtes à la recherche de points au crochet pour vos inspirations futures : j'ai rassemblé ce qu'il vous faut !

22 Patrones de Puntos Crochet Calados / Gratis. Tricot pour tous. Crochet Stitches VISUAL Encyclopedia.