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The CrowdSchool PBL Weekly -  April 13. Main Course Not Dessert (by BIE) FriEdTechnology. Trading Card: Turn your photos into trading cards! Tons of fun stuff... Give one of our toys a spin! Cube, Color Palette Generator, Badge Maker, Billboard, CD Cover, Trading Card, Photobooth, FX, Mosaic Maker, Magazine Cover, Pop Art Poster, Map Maker, Movie Poster, Framer, Calendar, Motivator, Hockneyizer, Pocket Album, Bead Art, Mat, Jigsaw, Letter from Santa, Lolcat Generator, Wallpaper, I know, right? It's a lot to take in. Go slow. Teaching Critical Thinking Skills Through Project Based Learning. DRIVING QUESTION: Does Project Based Learning Teach Critical Thinking? Critical thinking is a foundational skill for 21st century success, a reality recognized by P21 adherents and educators everywhere.

But how do we help students learn to do it? And what is critical thinking, anyway? Is Project Based Learning (PBL) really the best way to help students become critical thinkers? At the Buck Institute for Education (BIE), we believe PBL is a powerful pedagogy that helps students to learn how to be critical thinkers – to make thoughtful decisions and exercise reasoned judgments. BIE’s understanding of critical thinking is influenced greatly by the ideas of Roland Case and the Critical Thinking Consortium. With this definition in mind, let’s consider what a project would look like that required students to be critical thinkers.

Compare those Driving Questions to: “What was the most important cause of our city’s growth?” So does PBL teach critical thinking? Crafting Questions That Drive Projects. Which comes first, the driving question or the learning goals? I think it depends. The most successful projects feed off of students’ passions. Don’t be afraid to tap into them. Take what they are interested in and find a way to connect that interest to learning standards. In my first year of teaching, my fifth graders were obsessed with SpongeBob Squarepants. What adventures would SpongeBob have during the Great Depression? So, to develop a driving question, you can use students' interest as a starting point and then creatively connect learning standards. Some of the learning aims my school had for students in math were working with decimals and graphing data. So, you can start with a topic or you start with learning standards to develop a driving question.

Home - Teachers academy. Introducing Project-Based Learning in your Classroom - Teachers academy. Get Your Community on Board with PBL. Real-world learning is a big motivator in Project Based Learning. Most students respond positively when they have opportunities to tackle challenges or investigate issues that extend beyond the classroom walls. Make the most of these learning experiences by ensuring that community members are ready and willing to get involved in projects, too. Here are some strategies to help get your community on board with PBL. Lay the groundwork. Inform community members about the benefits of PBL.

Use your district website or Facebook page to explain how projects prepare students for college and careers. Look for opportunities to have students talk about their projects with the media. Recruit content-area experts. Recruit community clients. Offer students as problem-solvers. Open your doors. Watch Hangout with BIE: Building Support for the 4 C's. Going Public: The Power of Local, Community Partners | Blog. Ever have a project that students don’t get very excited about? Chances are that it was lacking a quality audience and purpose. Deciding on the right public product that is authentic to students can be one of the most challenging and rewarding parts of designing a gold standard PBL project. Sometimes teachers try to force a project on a set of standards in an artificial way. A way to avoid this is to start with an excellent, local partner.

How we “went public” In our community, Grand Rapids, a couple of local citizens started an organization called Grand Rapids Whitewater, dedicated to removing dams from the Grand River in order to restore the original rapids for economic and ecological reasons. They raised money and political capital until it became obvious that their dream was going to become a reality. My colleagues and I immediately recognized that this was going to be the biggest change to our city in decades. So how can you design a project with maximum local impact? 1. 2. 3. TeamUp - Aalto. Objectives Builder - TeachOnline.

Skip to Content Teach Online9 Learning Objectives Builder Use the ASU Online Objectives Builder tool below to write measurable course outcomes and learning objectives. About Learning Objectives Learning Objectives are statements that describe the specific knowledge, skills, or abilities student will be able to demonstrate in the real world as a result of completing a lesson. Learning objectives should not be assignment-specific, however, an assignment should allow students to demonstrate they have achieved the lesson objective(s). Examples of Learning Objectives Describe individual, behavioral, and social factors positively influencing health in the Blue Zones.Calculate the median of a set of values using Excel.Create a needs analysis using Gilbert’s Performance Matrix.Revise a company operations manual to reduce energy consumption.Diagram the main constructs of social cognitive theory.Summarize the scope and source of food waste in the United States.

Objectives Builder Tool 15 replies Links. 6 Alternatives To Bloom's Taxonomy For Teachers | TeachThought. This post is updated from an article we published in April. At the end of the day, teaching is about learning, and learning is about understanding. And as technology evolves to empower more diverse and flexible assessments forms, constantly improving our sense of what understanding looks like–during mobile learning, during project-based learning, and in a flipped classroom–can not only improve learning outcomes, but just might be the secret to providing personalized learning for every learner.

This content begs the question: why does one need alternatives to the established and entrenched Bloom’s? Because Bloom’s isn’t meant to be the alpha and the omega of framing instruction, learning, and assessment. So with apologies to Bloom (whose work we covered recently), we have gathered five alternatives to his legendary, world-beating taxonomy, from the TeachThought Simple Taxonomy, to work from Marzano to Fink, to the crew at Understanding by Design. The 5 Minute Lesson Plan | @TeacherToolkit. Reading Time: 2 minutes. Updated October 2016 … used by thousands of teachers in hundreds of schools, in over 140+ countries across the world! “ Welcome to the original place to find context for The 5 Minute Lesson Plan ©; including history and evidence of how it’s being used by thousands of teachers and in hundreds of schools worldwide!

If you would like to view the other 30+ variations, please visit The #5MinPlan Series ©. which also has (FAQs) Frequently Asked Questions. Contents: The template – click right imageA new version is here – published in my book – to meet recent reforms in the UK.The copyright licenceThe digital version of The 5 Minute Lesson Plan ©How it all started?

Licence: The 5 Minute Lesson Plan © is developed by @TeacherToolkit ( Ross Morrison McGill ) and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. The 5-Minute Digital Lesson Plan: The 5 Minute Lesson Plan © is now available in digital format! How It Started? How To Use? 5 Strategies for Fostering a Collaborative Culture in a PBL Classroom. As a middle school teacher I understand that my students are at a developmental crossroads. They want to be seen as independent, responsible adults but at the same time still need guidance in order to be successful. This makes this age both challenging and rewarding to work with, as it allows me as a teacher to help them as they become the independent students they see themselves to be.

It is not uncommon for teachers new to Project Based Learning to express skepticism or concern about “dropping the reins” and allowing students to take more control over the pace and scope of their learning. However, it is an essential aspect of good PBL. Ultimately, in order to be successful in the 21st century world, our students need to be able to manage themselves and work effectively with groups of peers. If it is true that the purpose of school is to prepare students for future success, then the building of these skills must start in the classroom. How to start this process is a common question. My Collaboration Tools.Introducing Pb Learning In Your Classroom - Lessons.

Providers. Viewer - Learning Designer. Teacher Academy. How Resilient Are You? How Resilient Are You? You got: You are quite resilient! Resilience is a quality that helps us through daily stressors and major life crises. While some of our resilience is associated with inborn personality traits, there’s much you can do to develop your resilience level, and the resources below can help. Your answers indicate that you have many traits and thinking habits that are associated with greater levels of resilience, which is a very good thing. You are likely more able to handle life's crises – both major and minor – and turn difficulties to your advantage, or at least weather them optimally.

The resources below can help you to build even more resilience in your life, and help those in your life do the same. THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Share Your Results You got: You have some resilience, but could develop more. It appears that you have a lot going for you already – several of your answers indicated a sense of resilience, but there's room for improvement. Tips4teaching | Ideas and resources for teachers. Positive Attitude - Its Power and Benefits. By Remez Sasson A Positive Attitude Leads to Success and Happiness. A positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life.

It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it would bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing. Positive attitude manifests in the following ways: Positive thinking. A positive frame of mind can help you in many ways, such as: Expecting success and not failure. A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If this attitude is strong enough, it becomes contagious. Visualize and Achieve Your DreamsLearn how to turn your dreams into reality with simple creative visualization techniques. Choose to be happy. Curiosity: The Fuel of Development. "Whas’at?

Whas’at? " —A question from a 3-year-old boy asked of his mother over and over as they walked through the zoo. Children are such curious creatures. They explore, question, and wonder, and by doing so, learn. From the moment of birth, likely even before, humans are drawn to new things. When we are curious about something new, we want to explore it.

And while exploring we discover. The Cycle of Learning If a child stays curious, he will continue to explore and discover. Shared Discovery What is most pleasurable about discovery and mastery is sharing it with someone else. Constrained CuriosityFor too many children, curiosity fades. There are three common ways adults constrain or even crush the enthusiastic exploration of the curious child: 1) fear, 2) disapproval and 3) absence. Fear: Fear kills curiosity. Disapproval: "Don’t touch. If we let them, children can reintroduce us to the world. 11 Ways to Think Outside the Box. Thinking outside the box is more than just a business cliché. It means approaching problems in new, innovative ways; conceptualizing problems differently; and understanding your position in relation to any particular situation in a way you’d never thought of before.

Ironically, its a cliché that means to think of clichéd situations in ways that aren’t clichéd. We’re told to “think outside the box” all the time, but how exactly do we do that? How do we develop the ability to confront problems in ways other than the ways we normally confront problems? How do we cultivate the ability to look at things differently from the way we typically look at things? Thinking outside the box starts well before we’re “boxed in” – that is, well before we confront a unique situation and start forcing it into a familiar “box” that we already know how to deal with.

Or at least think we know how to deal with. Here are 11 ways to beef up your out-of-the-box thinking skills. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 10 Tips to Develop Persistence - Elusive Life. Persist (intransitive verb, \pər-ˈsist, -ˈzist\ ): to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition, importunity, or warning. (via Merriam-Webster) Persistence is attributed by many as a crucial key to success. The ability to keep pushing ahead despite resistance, to get back up when we fall, and to detour when we find out path blocked – these are the embodiment of persistence.

The problem is that, for most of us, persistence is not natural; we prefer instead to follow the path of least-resistance. To persist is difficult, while giving up is easy. To persist takes time, while giving up frees us to watch more reality tv shows. The good news is that persistence is a trait that can be developed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Start including these tips into your daily routine and you will find yourself inching closer toward your goals! What have you done in your own life to develop persistence and achieve your goals?

“As long as there’s breath in you – PERSIST!” What Does ‘Design Thinking’ Look Like in School? Getty Images Design thinking can seem a bit abstract to teachers. It’s not part of traditional teacher training programs and has only recently entered the teachers’ vernacular. Design thinking is an approach to learning that includes considering real-world problems, research, analysis, conceiving original ideas, lots of experimentation, and sometimes building things by hand.

But few schools have the time or wherewithal to integrate these processes into the school day. But at the Nueva School in Hillsborough, Calif., a small, private school for grades K-8, design thinking is part of every class and subject, and has been integrated throughout the curriculum with support from a dedicated Innovation Lab or the iLab. “It’s really a way to make people more effective and to supercharge their innate capabilities,” said Kim Saxe, director of Nueva’s iLab, and one of the champions of design thinking. [RELATED: What Do Wii Remotes Have to Do With Science?] [RELATED: Recasting Teachers as Designers] Design Thinking... What is That? Iterating and Ideating: Teachers Think Like Designers. Design Thinking for Educators. Groups. More than One Story | The Intercultural Innovation Award. The More Than One Story card game - Simrishamn Kommun.

Apps Learning Center – All the training you need, in one place. TES - Main Page. Working in groups. 6 Scaffolding Strategies to Use With Your Students. 10 Team-Building Games That Promote Critical Thinking | TeachThought. The Ultimate Guide to Using iPads in the Classroom. TES.Web. 7 Free & Engaging Presentation Apps for Teachers. Tutte le dimensioni |Critical Thinking Skills | Flickr – Condivisione di foto!

20 Simple Assessment Strategies You Can Use Every Day | TeachThought. Every Teacher’s Guide to Assessment. Formative assessment. Rubrics. Documenti da Canal de CEDEC su Slideshare. ForAllRubrics - The Rubric & Badging Platform. Project Design Rubric. Stop and Learn English. Project Design Rubric. Home of free rubric tools: RCampus. 61 Awesome Fundraising Ideas for Schools [Quick and Easy] – Double the Donation.

Viewer - Learning Designer. Your Rubric. PBL tools. How to use Google tools in Project-Based Learning. Template for Letter to Parents. Learning Diaries and Learning Designs (Responses) - Fogli Google.