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Random Synonyms, Random Antonyms. Bee English Dictionary: Free Online Dictionary of English. English Idioms Idiomi Inglesi, American English, Cockney slang, phrasal verbs. Longman English Dictionary Online. Luciferous Logolepsy. Welcome to Luciferous Logolepsy, a collection of over 9,000 obscure English words.

Luciferous Logolepsy

Though the definition of an "English" word might seem to be straightforward, it is not. There exist so many adopted, derivative, archaic or abandoned words in what we loosely define as the "English Language", that a clear-cut definition seems impossible. For the purposes of this project though, words are included that may stretch any basic definitions. Particular attention has been paid to archaic words, as they tend to be more evocative - as if their very age lends additional meaning or overtones.

Current personal favorites include "skirr", "epicaricacy" and "schizothemia". Cliche Finder. Have you been searching for just the right cliché to use?

Cliche Finder

Are you searching for a cliché using the word "cat" or "day" but haven't been able to come up with one? Just enter any words in the form below, and this search engine will return any clichés which use that phrase... Over 3,300 clichés indexed! What exactly is a cliche? See my definition Do you know of any clichés not listed here? The Internet Picture Dictionary. Visual Dictionary Online. Visuwords? online graphical dictionary and thesaurus. Free online dictionary definitions for learners of English. Free Online Dictionary for English Definitions. Cambridge Dictionary Online: Free English Dictionary and Thesaurus - Cambridge University Press - Cambridge Dictionaries Online - Cambridge University Press.

Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online. Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus: Free English Dictionary Online. Oxford Dictionaries Online - English Dictionary and Language Reference. Online Dictionary - Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia.

Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary.