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KatyKatiKate: next-level rage stroke: harvey fucking weinstein. Harvey Weinstein sexually assaults women.

KatyKatiKate: next-level rage stroke: harvey fucking weinstein

The Decline of the American Laundromat - The Atlantic. Why Bomba Estéreo's New Music Video for 'Soy Yo' Sings to My Brown Girl Heart. My Four Months as a Private Prison Guard: A Mother Jones Investigation. Chapter 1: "Inmates Run This Bitch" Have you ever had a riot?

My Four Months as a Private Prison Guard: A Mother Jones Investigation

" I ask a recruiter from a prison run by the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). I was never raped, but when I was 11, the son of a family friend copped a feel whenever we were… — Athena Talks. I was never raped, but when I was 11, the son of a family friend copped a feel whenever we were playing video games or watching tv.

I was never raped, but when I was 11, the son of a family friend copped a feel whenever we were… — Athena Talks

I was never raped, but when I was 12, the same kid spent his birthday party making me sit on his lap while he touched me in front of his friends. I was never raped, but when I was 14 the aforementioned kid threw me on a bed while our parents were downstairs having coffee. I remember the look in his eyes, and was grateful that his mom called us down for dessert before anything happened. The Ruth Bader Ginsburg coloring book you didn't know you needed (and it's printable!): Color outside the lines. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the kind of woman who has spent her entire life teaching other women how to color outside the lines.

The Ruth Bader Ginsburg coloring book you didn't know you needed (and it's printable!): Color outside the lines

Born in 1933, she was among the generation of women who, if they went to college at all, were expected to do little more than gain their Mrs. degree. Yet Ginsburg became one badass feminist. Just take a look at her creds: First female member of the prestigious Harvard Law Review. First female tenured professor at Columbia. Co-founder of the Women’s Rights Law Reporter, the first law journal in the U.S. to focus exclusively on women's rights. Co-founder of the Women's Rights Project at the ACLU. Argued six landmark cases on gender equality before the U.S.

Oh, right, and then she became the second ever female justice appointed to the highest court in the land, where she's continued to advocate for women's equality for more than 20 years. From Citizen: “You are in the dark, in the car...” by Claudia Rankine. You are in the dark, in the car, watching the black-tarred street being swallowed by speed; he tells you his dean is making him hire a person of color when there are so many great writers out there.

from Citizen: “You are in the dark, in the car...” by Claudia Rankine

You think maybe this is an experiment and you are being tested or retroactively insulted or you have done something that communicates this is an okay conversation to be having. Why do you feel okay saying this to me? Mass Killings in the U.S.: Masculinity, Masculinity, Masculinity. This article was first published by The Huffington Post Schools in Philadelphia are currently on high alert because of a threat of violence made against “a university near Philadelphia.”

Mass Killings in the U.S.: Masculinity, Masculinity, Masculinity

The threat was posted on 4chan, an anonymous message board, on Friday, the day after a murder-suicide that left 10 people dead in yet another campus shooting. The new threat, echoing other comments, praised the Oregon shooter for being part of a “Beta Rebellion,” a beta being a weak, unattractive man who lacks confidence and can’t get a girl. An unnamed police official described the Oregon shooter this way, “He didn’t have a girlfriend, and he was upset about that. He comes across thinking of himself as a loser. Untitled. The Reason This "Racist Soap Dispenser" Doesn't Work on Black Skin. At a Marriott hotel in Atlanta, the soap dispensers have a little bit of a race problem.

The Reason This "Racist Soap Dispenser" Doesn't Work on Black Skin

An African-American guest of the Dragon Con sci-fi and fantasy convention visited a bathroom in the event's host hotel and discovered the soap dispenser, from a British company called Technical Concepts, wouldn't sense his hands. When his friend, a white man named Larry, tried after him, out came the soap. Ask Polly: Why Don’t Men I Date Ever Love Me? Dear Polly, This weekend, after 18 months together, my boyfriend told me that he cared very deeply for me and that we had the best partnership he’d ever experienced, but he did not love me because there was a spark missing.

Ask Polly: Why Don’t Men I Date Ever Love Me?

So he ended things in a kind and mature way. We’re both in our 30s and the entire thing has been kind and mature and caring (and sexy and vulnerable and honest) from the beginning. I’ve dated my share of guys who were bad partners, and this guy was a good one. Guilty of being black in a white world: The ludicrous reason these women were thrown off of a train last weekend. Over the weekend, the Sistahs on the Reading Edge Book Club, composed of 10 Black women and one white woman, were kicked off the Napa Valley Wine Train for laughing and talking too loudly on their way to a vineyard tour.

Guilty of being black in a white world: The ludicrous reason these women were thrown off of a train last weekend

These women were enjoying themselves and participating in a wine tasting when several passengers began to complain about them being too loud. The Rebirth of Black Rage. There are two quotes from September 2, 2005, that have become fixtures in our cultural and political language, and each sums up the ways in which Americans with differing perspectives came to view the disaster of Hurricane Katrina.

The Rebirth of Black Rage

The first is from George W. Bush: Five days after Katrina tore through the Gulf Coast region, the president landed in Louisiana facing heavy criticism for his administration’s slow response to the devastation. Touring the state with FEMA director Michael Brown—the only person who’d been more heavily criticized for the government’s inadequate response—Bush turned to the man he’d placed in charge of disaster relief and said, “Brownie, you’re doing a heckuva job.” Soundtrack for a Police-Brutality Protest.

Police move in as marchers push a cart of sound equipment in Oakland, CAGabrielle Canon The sun was setting as the Millions March began to disperse in downtown Oakland, California. Thousands of people had taken to the streets throughout the day to show solidarity and outrage over the slew of high-profile killings of unarmed African Americans by police. With coordinated marches held around the country, it had been a day of signs and banners, impassioned speeches, and pointed but peaceful demonstrations. How black people can emotionally protect themselves in the age of #BlackLivesMatter. As the death of Samuel DuBose in Cincinnati is added to the list of shootings by police this year, The Post's Karen Attiah gives advice for how to emotionally cope.

(Ashleigh Joplin/The Washington Post) “All of these police brutality videos on my feed are making me sick,” a black male friend of mine from college posted on Facebook recently, after Sandra Bland’s disturbing encounter with officer Brian Encinia in Waller, Tex., was caught on camera. Three days later, Bland was dead. What white Christians need to know about the Black Lives Matter movement.

A changing Mission - Documentary - San Francisco Chronicle. White Fragility: Why It's So Hard to Talk to White People About Racism - Mother to Son by Langston Hughes. Black Girls Should Matter, Too. In a classroom at the University of Pennsylvania, more than a dozen black girls and women gather on a recent Saturday afternoon. A simple game begins as an icebreaker for the workshop. “Stand up if your racial identity ever made anyone doubt your abilities,” the session’s leader says.

Everyone stands. “Stand up if you’ve ever been told to act like a lady.” Everyone stands again. Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Struggles With Suicides Among Its Young. Why Junot Diaz urges you to read more promiscuously - Home. In a rich and wide-ranging interview, Pulitzer Prize winning writer Junot Diaz joins Shad to discuss his ongoing push for real diversity in the largely-white worlds of Western academia and literature.

Chart: State Marriage License and Blood Test Requirements. Most Prisoners Are Mentally Ill — The Atlantic. Occasionally policymakers and activists will talk about how the justice system needs to keep mentally ill people out of prisons. An Open Letter to Oprah, Whose ‘The Life You Want’ Tour Asked Me to Work for Free… The Fire on the 57 Bus in Oakland. Photo. Kendrick Lamar on His New Album and the Weight of Clarity. Photo. How a book club is helping to keep ex-offenders from going back to jail. Triggered: Objects Mistaken For Guns. Two seconds. Stop it with the feminist whitesplaining. Lord, protect me from the attentions of well-meaning white women.

Hip-Hop Sampling - Copyright Criminals. #HistoricPOC Is the Powerful Illustration of Black History Month Everyone Needs to See. A new viral hashtag is shattering stereotypes about the way many Americans view Black History Month. #HistoricPOC, founded by #solidarityisforwhitewomen hashtag creator Mikki Kendall, has taken social media by storm this week. Every President’s Executive Orders In One Chart. President Obama is due to announce an executive action Thursday, one that will change the legal status of millions of immigrants and is likely to be remembered as a major effort to change the country’s immigration system.

The action would reportedly allow up to 4 million undocumented immigrants legal work status, and an additional 1 million protection from deportation. Cool at 13, Adrift at 23. 27 Badass Images Of Women Winning And Exercising The Right To Vote. Woman Endures Endless Catcalls During 10 Hour Walk In NYC: Gothamist. Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she learns. If you’re lucky enough to earn a living from your art, you’re probably white. “Hashtag Activism” “Hashtag Activism” Whites riot over pumpkins in NH and Twitter turns it into epic lesson about Ferguson. The only guide to Gamergate you will ever need to read.

City ends reserved soccer at Mission Playground after Dropbox flap. Addicting Info – Rich Guys Try To Kick Poor Kids Off Their Own Playing Field, Get A Life Lesson Instead (VIDEO) The Transformation of Justin Bieber From a White Youth to a Black Man  Nerd culture is destroying Silicon Valley - Quartz. The right — and surprisingly wrong — ways to get kids to sit still in class.

Dress Code: November 4th, 2013. Teacher Resource: Re-thinking Fast Fashion Lesson Plan. Whiteness Project. Ai WeiWei's Alcatraz installations focus on freedom. The Persistence of Mass Incarceration. The Stubborn "Nail Houses" That Refuse to Get Demolished. The Poorest Corner Of Town. The Front Lines of Ferguson « Alternate names for black boys by Danez Smith. What kind of prison might the inmates design? - LA Times. J. Cole - Be Free. Melissa Harris-Perry's Searing Tribute To Black Men Killed By Police. Silicon Valley Tech Entrepreneurs: Behind the Stereotype. WIRED September 2014: Of Philosophers and Pioneers. Throwback Thursday: “Revolution” by Nina Simone. What Do We Teach When Kids Are Dying? #MichaelBrown. Which Picture Would They Use? #IfTheyGunnedMeDown. America Is Not For Black People. #IfTheyGunnedMeDown Campaign Tackles How The Media Portray Black Victims of Shootings.

Looking at Black Males in America Through Charts. JUSTICE FOR RENISHA: From No Arrest to a Guilty Verdict. How not to say the wrong thing - LA Times. Historical Timeline of Public Education in the US. New York City teachers' strike of 1968. Economy Cartoons. Political Cartoons. A People's History of the United States. "The Human Voice" from StoryCorps. KevinWGlass: Ryan draft endorses Lee/Durbin ... A Black Girl’s Encounter With The Prison Industrial Complex. Cards Against Harassment. Why Stories Matter - Marshall Ganz. 2Pac In Police Station 1995 (Police Camera) (2PacLegacy.Net) A love letter to strong women. Ta-Nehisi Coates and the boundaries of legitimate debate. Voices from the Days of Slavery - Faces and Voices from the Presentation (American Memory from the Library of Congress)

Chronicling Stankonia. The Case for Reparations. Millennials, racism, and MTV poll: Young people are confused about bias, prejudice, and racism. Are You Still a Slave? on Livestream. From Brooklyn to Bo-Kaap - Rolling Stone South Africa. Angela Davis & Toni Morrison / How do we become whole ... after traumas that threaten to splinter our souls?: On literacy, libraries, & liberation » onlineJournal. Study: Stereotypes Drive Perceptions Of Race : Code Switch. Judith Butler. A Politics of the Street. Kimberly Parker speaks on A TIME TO BREAK SILENCE at The Fifth Annual Author Event for NYC Educators. The Other Side of Immigration. TEDxAldeburgh - Akala - Hip-Hop & Shakespeare?

Waiting for SCOTUS. ABEC Friday Oct. 11, Dr. Iva E. Carruthers and Sista Dr. Geneva Smitherman. John Oliver Uses Puppets To Explain Prison System Is 'A Lot Racist' (VIDEO) EDUCATION REVIEW.