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Putting Big Data to Work. What do you get when you mix data from a genome-wide association study of schizophrenia with electronic medical information about blood cancer?

Putting Big Data to Work

Steven McCarroll. Image: Douglas OwenIf you are Steven McCarroll, assistant professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, you discover that warning signs of some blood cancers are already present in the blood, in the form of precancerous mutations, long before the cancer shows itself. The work illustrates the power of using—and repurposing—big data, which was the theme of ReSourcing Big Data, a symposium held at the Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at HMS. McCarroll, for instance, had set out to look for schizophrenia risk genes, but the data told a different story, one suggesting that early detection—very early detection—of diseases such as cancer might be possible. Underscoring this point, another team at HMS simultaneously made the same discovery using data about Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Eva Guinan. Island Forum 2014: Advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence. The Singapore Ministry of Defence convened the sixth edition of the Island Forum in November 2014 to explore the emerging future of artificial intelligence and robotics, developments that could have enormous implications for societies, economies, culture, and security.

Island Forum 2014: Advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence

Representatives from the Ministry and the Singapore Armed Forces were joined by some of the world’s leading roboticists, economists, military strategists, and ethicists to share their insights in deep conversations over the two-day event. This international, multi-disciplinary group addressed how these emerging technologies could disrupt labour markets; how human-robotic interaction might evolve; how robotic agents might influence the development of a new kind of conflict; and the importance of autonomy and ethics in these themes. The Island Forum is held in Singapore every two to three years and focusses on a wide range of key issues.

« LE DIGITAL LABOR EST CONÇU POUR NE PAS AVOIR L’APPARENCE D’UN TRAVAIL » Surfer, naviguer, explorer – le temps passé par chacun d’entre nous sur Internet semble surtout relever de la découverte, du loisir et du fun.


Pourtant, l’apparente générosité des entreprises du web, pourvoyeuses de contenus et d’outils dédiés à la convivialité, s’accompagne de bénéfices records et d’un marketing agressif. « LE DIGITAL LABOR EST CONÇU POUR NE PAS AVOIR L’APPARENCE D’UN TRAVAIL » The right to roam land and shore, ‘but for the sky, no fences facing’ The other day I posted about how access to the river Mersey was restricted by the Cressington and Grassendale private estates.

The right to roam land and shore, ‘but for the sky, no fences facing’

‘As a freeborn Englishman’, I wrote, ‘I can’t understand the idea that a private estate should have the right to deny people access to a great river’. That provoked a fair amount of debate, so I thought I’d look at the question of the right of access and the notion of public space in a bit more detail, exploring how the struggle for common land and the right to wander where you will has reflected sharply-differing interpretations of the legal and moral meaning of private property. From the resistance to the enclosure of common lands to the hard-fought struggle for the right to roam, it’s a stirring story, and one that is far from over; new battle-lines are being drawn over access to the British coastline and its beaches, and the rapid privatisation of public space in our cities. No man made the land, it is the original inheritance of the whole species. Law and the Question of the Animal: A Critical Jurisprudence. Sauvons la Sécu : cotisations patronales sur le capital au lieu de sur le travail.

Si nous n'adaptons pas notre protection sociale à la 3 éme révolution industrielle, c'est à dire au remplacement du travail humain par les robots et par l'intelligence artificielle, notre Sécurité Sociale est morte et notre sociėté avec.

Sauvons la Sécu : cotisations patronales sur le capital au lieu de sur le travail

Ne laissons pas le chômage, qui augmente de mois en mois, assécher son financement et laisser notre santé, notre vieillesse... au marché, aux assurances privées. Pour cette évolution indispensable, depuis plus de 2 ans, j'ai proposé aux politiques de gauche une mesure concréte, clé en main. Mais j'ai fait une erreur, alors qu'elle transfert les cotisations patronales du travail vers le capital pour toujours financer l'URSSAF, je l'ai appelée "taxation". 9. The Law of Torts in the Nineteenth Century: The Rise of the Tort of Negligence. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198764113.003.0010 This chapter shows how the law of torts at the start of the 19th century was still recognizably medieval.

9. The Law of Torts in the Nineteenth Century: The Rise of the Tort of Negligence

It was characterized by the division between the action of trespass and the action on the case, the latter of which was subdivided into a number of nominate forms and a large residuary group linked together by nothing stronger than that the defendant was alleged to have caused loss to the plaintiff. In the 19th century, a substantial part of this residuary group coalesced as the tort of negligence. Right Relevance: Search or Login for deep topical relevance. Sauvons la Sécu : cotisations patronales sur le capital au lieu de sur le travail - Partager. To Save Everything, Click Here by Evgeny Morozov – review.

Newsflash: the internet doesn't exist.

To Save Everything, Click Here by Evgeny Morozov – review

If you think there is just one thing called "the Internet" with a single logic and set of values – rather than a variety of different networked technologies, each with its own character and challenges – and that the rest of the world must be reshaped around it, then you are an "Internet-centrist". If you think the messiness and inefficiency of political and cultural life are problems that should be fixed using technology, then you are a "solutionist". And if you think that the age of Twitter and online videos of sneezing cats is so unlike anything that has gone before that we must tear up the rule-book of civilisation, then you are an "epochalist". Les robots volent-ils du travail aux hommes ? Innovation/ Les Robots Nous Piquent Nos Boulots ?

AI won’t exterminate us. It will empower us. — Backchannel. We must be sure that robot AI will make the right decisions, at least as often as humans do. Your autonomous vacuum cleaner cleans your floors and there is no great harm if it occasionally bounces into things or picks up a button or a scrap of paper with a phone number.

We must be sure that robot AI will make the right decisions, at least as often as humans do

But then again this latter case is irritating – it would be preferable if the machine was capable of noticing there was something written on it and alert you. A human cleaner would do that. If your child has a toy robot, you are not worried much about its wheels, arms or eyes going wild occasionally during play. It can be just more fun for the kids. You know the toy has been designed not to have enough force to cause any harm. Experiments with socialbots. First: hi.

Experiments with socialbots

The idea is that I will post sporadically on topics relating to Robots, Freedom, and Privacy. At the east coast hacker conference HOPE 9 the weekend of July 13-15, 2012, Pacific Social Architecting Corporation’s Tim Hwang reported on experiments the company has been conducting with socialbots. That is, bot accounts deployed on social networks like Twitter and Facebooks for the purpose of studying how they can be used to influence and alter the behavior and social landscapes of other users. Their November 2011 paper (PDF) gives some of the background. The highlights: - Early in 2011, Hwang conducted a competition to study socialbots. . - A bot can get good, human responses to “Are you a bot” by asking that question of human users and reusing the responses. Right Relevance: Search or Login for deep topical relevance. How autonomous cars will change our highways. A dark highway stretches out before one lone car’s dim headlights.

How autonomous cars will change our highways

We’ve all seen movies with a foreboding scene like this, and we know things aren’t going to end well. For the last 100 years, our love affair with cars has had a dark side that symbolizes danger, loneliness, and helplessness. Middle-of-nowhere breakdowns, carjackings, wrecks, traffic jams, stolen radios, smog–we love our cars, but with a healthy fear. How Technology Could Help Fight Income Inequality. Photo Economic View By TYLER COWEN Rising income inequality has set off fierce political and economic debates, but one important angle hasn’t been explored adequately. Le chômage est-il une « course contre les machines » Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence. 4th ICTs and Society Network Meeting 2012. Critique, Democracy, and Philosophy in 21st Century Information Society.

Towards Critical Theories of Social Media. The Fourth ICTs and Society-Conference. Uppsala University. May 2nd-4th, 2012.Registration Deadline: March 31st, 2012 (see the details of how to register below) A unique event for networking, presentation of critical ideas, critical engagement, and featuring leading critical scholars in the area of Critical Internet Studies and Critical Studies of Media & Society. * Fuchs, Christian. 2012.

Scott Moody's choice: 'Internet of You,' not 'Internet of Things' Updated Nov. 21, 2014 at 1:49 p.m. Published: 2014-11-21 13:43:00 Updated: 2014-11-21 13:49:01 By TANNER CLAYTON, special to WRAL TechWire Editor's note: The "Internet of Things" is the big tech buzz word these days, but not to entrepreneur Scott Moody. Speaking at a TechTalk event in Wilmington, Moody says he is more concerned with the "Internet of You. " Fellow entrepreneur Tanner Clayton writes about the event exclusively for WRAL TechWire. WILMINGTON, N.C. - Wednesday night's TechTalk in Wilmington, N.C. was an exciting night with an amazing guest.

The seeds of our recent event sprouted a few months ago. Rapport Lemoine : 180 propositions pour la transformation numérique. Ad-Blockers : les éditeurs contre-attaquent sur le plan légal et technologique. En Allemagne, une action en justice a été déposée contre ABP. En France, entre les éditeurs qui bloquent l'accès à leurs contenus et ceux qui vont forcer la diffusion de la publicité, la riposte technologique est lancée. This tiny box anonymises all your online actions. No tool in existence protects your anonymity on the Web better than the software Tor, which encrypts Internet traffic and bounces it through random computers around the world.

But for guarding anything other than Web browsing, Tor has required a mixture of finicky technical setup and software tweaks. Now routing all your traffic through Tor may be as simple as putting a portable hardware condom on your ethernet cable. Today a group of privacy-focused developers plans to launch a Kickstarter campaign for Anonabox. The $45 (£28) open-source router automatically directs all data that connects to it by ethernet or Wifi through the Tor network, hiding the user's IP address and skirting censorship. It's also small enough to hide two in a pack of cigarettes. "Now all your programs, no matter what you do on your computer, are routed over the Tor network," says August Germar, one of the independent IT consultants who spent the last four years developing the Anonabox.


AUGMENTED HUMAN. GAMES. SURVEILLANCE. BYOD. UP Magazine. Bien gérer ses preuves numériques. Incentive Centered Design. In 2001, the STIET (Socio-Technical Infrastructure for Electronic Transactions) Doctoral Research and Training Program received a $3.5+ million IGERT grant from NSF to fund doctoral fellowships and a multidisciplinary program in the University of Michigan School of Information, School of Engineering, School of Business and Department of Economics. The STIET 1 grant funded 35 one- or two-year fellows over the next six years and initiated a weekly seminar series, twice yearly research workshops, and research resulting in over 90 student published articles in peer-reviewed journals, conferences and workshops.

CHARITY. Peter Thiel: Competition Is for Losers - WSJ. Pourquoi la startup française Netatmo n’a même pas peur de Google. Nest débarque en France avec son thermostat intelligent tout en rondeur, pour lequel Google a déboursé quelque 3,2 milliards de dollars ? Pas de quoi faire trembler le français Netatmo. La startup francilienne, qui s'est fait connaître par sa station météo connectée vendue notamment dans les magasins Apple, n'a pas de complexe avec son propre thermostat pilotable depuis son smartphone, lancé en France et en Belgique il y a un an et désormais disponible dans cinq autres pays européens (Allemagne, Royaume-Uni, Pays-Bas, Espagne, Italie). Le fondateur et directeur général Fred Potter affirme que son thermostat, un cube blanc designé par Philippe Starck, se vend « très bien » et fera bientôt son entrée dans les Apple store, car la moitié des acheteurs l'installent eux-mêmes.

Avec SideSwipe, un smartphone peut être contrôlé... de loin. Avec SideSwipe, les chercheurs de l’université de Washington ont mis au point un système de reconnaissance des gestes qui peut fonctionner en gardant le smartphone au fond d’une poche ou d’un sac. Il repose sur des antennes qui captent le signal GSM émis par le combiné et les variations que provoque la main de l’utilisateur lorsqu’elle s’en approche. © Université de Washington.

Avec Thaw, un smartphone interagit avec un écran. Le système Thaw développé au MIT permet à un smartphone d’interagir avec un autre écran de façon très intuitive pour déplacer, transférer, manipuler des contenus multimédia (fichiers, dossiers, photos, vidéos…) mais aussi pour jouer. © MIT Media Lab, Tangible Media Group. La téléportation quantique sera-t-elle la nouvelle frontière de la cryptographie ? Robotics Industry Insights - The End of Separation: Man and Robo... HINTS Lab: Homepage. Un capteur tactile 100 fois plus sensible qu’un doigt humain. Engineering Milestones - Read me a genome - 16 February 2011. France_Robots_Initiatives.pdf. Robotics. Menu - les saisines.

Menu. Le site officiel du Groupe De Recherche Robotique. Droit des robots : quel statut juridique pour les robots ? Pourquoi les robots auront bientôt des droits. Transvision 2014. Softbank et Aldebaran dévoilent le premier robot émotif - Les Echos. Technoprophéties et Singularité. Les_3_lois_extrait.pdf. L'actualité des sciences. En vidéo : le robot-guépard Cheetah court vite... et en silence.


CopSonic. In brief. La communication ultrasonique : une révolution silencieuse. Big data. 3 D and Biotch. Self driven cars. Workplace and robots. UP' Magazine. L'homme augmenté. Une société sans croissance: la politique à l’heure de la «grande stagnation» Monnaie Honnête. Osons une Europe à deux vitesses. Robotlaw. Le principe de précaution peut-il être mis en pratique? Biocivilisation ou sociétés du bien vivre ? Crise financière : comment des « fonds vautours » commencent à attaquer l'Europe. Le vrai danger d'un défaut sur la dette publique. La croissance par la débureaucratisation.

Combien coûtent les problèmes mondiaux ? Internet en 2063. Quelle gouvernance mondiale en 2030 et 2050 ? La nouvelle recette du FMI pour augmenter les recettes des États et "réduire les inégalités" : augmenter la taxation sur l'immobilier. Le monde redistribue les cartes : quelle économie à terme ? Le monde redistribue les cartes : quelle économie à terme ?

Visions Et Perspectives 2020. The Crisis Of Civilization. Resource stress – Future State 2030. Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'? Services à la personne : la révolution en marche. Plan B - Connaissance Factory - Andreas Popp - Rico Albrecht - Institut des politiques sociales et de la recherche économique.


[#app] Le co-design, outil d'émergence de l'innovation (avec images, tweets) · Apm_stories. Le care - Penser une nouvelle citoyenneté ? Le numérique : économie du partage et des transactions - G. Dang... Non au techno-féodalisme ! Visions Et Perspectives 2020. Transport de matières radioactives : « Le salaire de la peur », version SNCF, adapté à la région parisienne. Pacte de responsabilité : la France va-t-elle faire pire que les Etats-Unis ?