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Protection & Change

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Climate Indicators. NCDC - National Climatic Data Center. US Environmental Protection Agency. RealClimate. Global Warming Policy Foundation. Greenpeace. Species Alliance. An Inconvenient Truth (2006. The 11th Hour (2007. Future Timeline. Skeptical Science. Mass Extinction Underway | Biodiversity Crisis | Global Species Loss. Human beings are currently causing the greatest mass extinction of species since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. If present trends continue one half of all species of life on earth will be extinct in less than 100 years, as a result of habitat destruction, pollution, invasive species, and climate change. (For details see links below.) This website began on April 22, 1998 with the posting of the article below.

(The article is still here to provide historical context.) Following the article are more than 300 links to recent authoritative reports and updates about the current mass extinction. New articles are added regularly.