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Digital Tools

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Webtools: No Registration Needed for Students. Welcome to my list of webtools that don’t require student registration. This started off as a simple curation for myself and has ballooned into something that I never thought would get this big. And it is still growing. I started added comments to each link, but that is taking a long time to complete. Please bear with me as I update it. While I do try to verify each link on a regular basis, please be aware that websites do change and some of these sites may no longer be active or may have switched to a paid version. Free. Over the next while, I will be adding labels to each of these to designate whether you can use this site without any registration at all or will need the use of a class code given by the teacher. If you find a bad link, bad site, or any other error, please let me know through the comment section.

Index. 5 ideas to make your revision lessons engaging and possibly even exciting! For me, planning and organising revision lessons is difficult.

5 ideas to make your revision lessons engaging and possibly even exciting!

You end up with a classroom of students who range from the ‘I know all of my weaknesses’ to the ‘I don’t know where to start’. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 5 Powerful Digital Clickers for Teachers. May 10, 2016 Digital clickers are interactive learning technologies that provide teachers with an effective way to collect meta-data about their teaching and engage students in learning.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 5 Powerful Digital Clickers for Teachers

2 tools to turn digital distractions into engagement experiences. It’s almost the end of the academic year, and it’s time for the final push.

2 tools to turn digital distractions into engagement experiences

With summer break in sight, students, teachers, and parents are excited for school to get out. Keeping students motivated can be challenging when their attention seems to waft away with the rising temperatures. One of the best ways I have found to keep spirits high while still preparing for end of year exams is to take the technology distractions that students love, and turn them into engaging and fun ways to prepare them to succeed. Réaliser un serious game (jeu sérieux) avec Scratch.

5 great digital tools to kick-start your school year. Want to supercharge your classes with a few new tools?

5 great digital tools to kick-start your school year

Create great educational experiences with these five options. Pas à pas, démarrer sa Twittclasse. Depuis que je parle des Twittclasses sur le blog, j’ai régulièrement des questions d’enseignants qui souhaitent se lancer.

Pas à pas, démarrer sa Twittclasse

C’est génial : c’est contagieux ! Alors je vais essayer de faire ici un petit « pas à pas » pour créer sa Twittclasse. Avant toute chose, rappelez vous que Twitter reste un outil. Twitter is a Teacher Superpower! “We all know that education budgets are getting cut more and more, and that meaningful professional development opportunities have unfortunately become a bit of an oxymoron in education.

Twitter is a Teacher Superpower!

Not only can being a “connected educator” help change that, but it can also provide you with ongoing inspiration and support. I’d even go as far to argue that being connected will be the most impactful thing you can do in your career.” Thing 10: Insights into Learning – Albie's Blog. How do we know students understand what we are teaching as educators?

Thing 10: Insights into Learning – Albie's Blog

How do we know students can comprehend what’s happening in the lesson? Simple questions that I believe teachers often ask themselves. As a developing teacher myself, these are questions that flick over my mind from time to time during lessons and after lessons. 50 Free Animation Tools And Resources For Digital Learners. 50 Animation Tools & Resources For Digital Learners by Lisa Chesser, A purple monster with wild curls spiraling out of control explains the economics of oil production in the Sudan to students in Los Angeles, Sydney, Berlin, Jerusalem, and Riyadh.

50 Free Animation Tools And Resources For Digital Learners

That is education and animation working together to teach students everywhere, everything they ever wanted to know. Educators need only utilize the tools available, most of them for free. Some of the animation links catalogued here will give educators very basic tools and histories of animation while others have the animation already created and set in motion, it’s just a matter of sharing it with students.

The digital storytelling tool. An Awesome Tool for Creating Cartoon Style Stories with Students. April 4, 2016 StoryTop is an excellent web tool students can use for digital storytelling projects.

An Awesome Tool for Creating Cartoon Style Stories with Students

It is easy to use, free, does not require any software download, and login is not required in order to save or share stories. StoryTop provides a number of key elements for creating stories including: pre-made backgrounds, pictures of people and things, anime, text, speech bubbles and many more. With a simple drag and drop, students pick clip arts they want to use in their stories, type in their data and share their creations using a generated code. To use StoryTop, head over to this page and click on the drop-down menu on the left side of the page. Choose a category from the list: for instance to add text, click on 'text', drag and drop a dialogue box, and type in your text.

A few wee gems for engaging learners. Ok so it took a little longer to blog than I promised but here I am and raring to get back to work.

A few wee gems for engaging learners

For those not on Twitter or Facebook with me, I broke my ankle on 2nd January (don't ask, a random act of kindness gone wrong) and was off until the last week before Easter. It really took all my energies to get into work that week and catch up with where all the classes were so I'm looking forward to teaching properly this week. One advantage of being off is that I've had time to check out some cool websites and make some nice resources.

Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips and Cartoons - Toondoo. YouTube i klasserommet økte motivasjonen. Publisert 02.09.2014 — Gemini Da elevene som skulle bli snekkere fikk bruke YouTube på skolen, ble de mer motivert til å gjøre det bedre i engelsk. – YouTube og andre sosiale medier kan ha et negativt stempel, men de kan med hell brukes på skolen. Det er medier som mange elever er fortrolige med, og kan i mange tilfeller være et godt alternativ til læreboka, sier Halvdan Haugsbakken, stipendiat i sosiologi ved NTNU. Le story-telling ou l’Histoire racontée par les histoires. Le story-telling c’est l’art d’utiliser les techniques du récit narratif, du conte, pour exposer des faits ou une situation dans le but d’en faciliter la compréhension et la mémorisation. Des outils et des techniques de mise en forme de l’information sont alors utilisées pour formaliser l’histoire à raconter.

Cette séquence a été élaborée en collaboration entre professeurs-documentalistes de différentes académies, dans le cadre du #MOOCDocTICE. Référent • Titre de la séquence : Le story telling ou l’art de raconter une histoire • Présentation de l’action (4 à 5 lignes) : Il s’agit de faire découvrir le “story telling ou l’art de raconter une histoire à partir d’une information” aux élèves.

Dans un premier temps, les élèves vont découvrir une “story telling” en ligne. Ils vont devoir compléter un formulaire pour nous donner les informations qu’ils possèdent sur le story telling ou ce qu’ils ont découvert à travers la vidéo. . • Date de la création de la ressource : 28 mars 2014. Super Storytelling with StoryBird. Storybird - Artful Storytelling.

32 Innovative (Free!) Online Educational Tools to Try in 2015. Want to be a better student? There are literally thousands of apps for that. Not to mention a wide array of other online learning tools. They’re not all changing education — but a few innovative ones are. Among the wide-ranging apps, sites, learning management systems, flashcard creators, and content archives, there are a few dozen that promise to make an impact on how students learn this year.

Noodle’s team of education experts investigated the vast array of online learning tools to create this list of the 32 best, most innovative online tools that we think will change the education space in 2015. We spoke with teachers, tutors, and leaders in the space. We have grouped these 32 selections based on how they are making a difference in student education. Without further ado, here are the tools that you’ll want to have on your computer, tablet, or smartphone this year... Classroom Connectors Clever Why it’s good: Clever saves time in the classroom. 20 ways to ditch those worksheets. If we’re not careful, a day of worksheets can leave kids feeling overworked without much academic gain.

Here are some ways to ditch those worksheets and engage students. (Wikimedia / Pedroaraez198) In the first few years of my teaching career, I relied on worksheets a lot. In fact, when I switched professions to become a teacher, creating my own worksheets kind of excited me. Pear Deck. Draw, choose, write or say: Fantastic formative assessments. Formative assessment can be fantastic! Here are options for letting students draw, choose, write and say as a formative assessment tool. (Flickr / Devon Christopher Adams) Formative assessment can be drudgery. When students are doing the same quizzes and the same practice questions all day long, it can be less than stimulating. Or formative assessment can be fantastic.