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25 Creative Ways to Use Facebook Cover Photos. Are you using your Facebook cover photo to maximum effect? Do you change your cover image once a month, or once a year? The Facebook cover photo is prime real estate for any business, and creating high-quality images. Use this to include calls to action (CTAs) and other helpful information for your fans. Here are 25 awesome examples of cover photo ideas you can use to make your brand stand out (there are also some cover photo best practices at the end of this post). #1: Get Into the Holiday Spirit or Change With the Seasons Design cover photos that change with the seasons and the holidays. It’s easy—just experiment with seasonal colors or add traditional seasonal images like leaves or snowflakes. The auto company Pep Boys, for example, created a simple and festive cover photo for the winter holiday season. Update your cover photo for the holidays or the seasons. In the image below, Edible Arrangements says “Happy Valentine’s Day” with their photo. #2: Promote Trends #3: Direct Fans to an App.

5 Ways to Grow Your Email List With Social Media. Do you want more email subscribers? Are you looking for ways to move social media fans and followers to your email list? In this article, I’ll show you 5 ways to use social media to build your email list. Why Email? At least 91% of consumers check their email every day. One of the most heavily used communication channels to date, email marketing is considered the third overall most effective channel for lead generation for marketers in 2013, producing 13% of all leads. To grow your email list, there are ways you can make use of the engagement you have with your social media audience to turn your followers into subscribers who’ll become long-term customers.

Here are five tips: #1: Use a Simple Sign-Up Form Businesses of all sizes should set up a simple email sign-up form on their social channels to make it easy for your most invested fans to easily subscribe to your list. On Facebook, dedicate a tab at the top right-hand side of your page for an email form. Some suggested email sign-up apps are: Wonderful sharing. How to Customize Your Social Share Buttons for Increased Traffic. Are you happy with how social share buttons work on your website? Do they auto-populate with information that makes your brand look good on social networks? To maximize the benefits of social sharing on your website, you need to make sure your social share buttons contain customized messaging that’s easy for your readers to use and benefits your brand. In this article, I’ll focus on how to optimize the top social share buttons for your website.

What’s an Optimized Share Button? An optimized share button automatically generates a sharable message with custom information for your brand. Here’s an example of a social share button tweet that’s not optimized with custom information. Here’s an example of a tweet that has not been customized. While the product ID number shows in the URL, the tweet is missing the brand’s Twitter handle and hashtags. Here’s an example of a social share button tweet that’s optimized to auto-populate with the brand’s Twitter handle. Installing Social Share Buttons. Noticia | El primer estudio sobre Branded Content en España. Grupo Consultores ha presentado esta semana los resultados del contentScope, el primer estudio sobre Branded Content que se hace en España. Los datos revelan que los anunciantes españoles que invierten en Branded Content destinan de media un 7,31% de su presupuesto de comunicación a esta modalidad publicitaria.

El estudio se ha desarrollado con la colaboración de Aftershare.TV, Arena, Atresmedia y la agencia DRAFTFCB. Para la realización de este estudio se ha entrevistado a 142 profesionales de las áreas de marketing y comunicación de 142 empresas. El trabajo de campo ha tenido lugar durante los meses de septiembre a noviembre. Los profesionales entrevistados, definen mayoritariamente el Branded Content como “Contenido generado por la marca, integrado, relevante para el consumidor y diferenciado de la publicidad convencional”.

Eduripoll : A l'acte de @somos_digitales... Caso Intel – Cómo generar contenidos efectivos en redes sociales con una marca que inspira poco. Mobile Social Media Exploding According to New Research. Are you looking for the latest trends in social media marketing? Has your business kept up with the growing mobile social media opportunities? New research seems to show all roads leading to mobile. Whether we’re talking about Facebook, YouTube or the latest new toy, Snapchat—research shows that well-executed mobile strategies will offer the biggest payoff for marketers.

Here’s a summary of the latest research… #1: Facebook Mobile is the Largest Source of Social Traffic According to Shareaholic’s Social Media Traffic Report (October 2013), publishers saw average referral traffic from Facebook mobile grow 253% between September 2012 and September 2013! There are two reasons for this. Mobile is a powerful source of social traffic. We’ve talked about this before, but it’s important enough that it bears repeating. Make sure your status updates are short and to the point.

. #2: Geo-Targeting Puts Mobile on the Map Marketers are eager to spend more money on geo-targeted ads. Actionable Marketing Tips: 5 años de historia de las redes sociales en resumen [Infografía] Celebrando los 5 primeros años de existencia de Hootsuite, la popular aplicación para gestionar múltiples cuentas de redes sociales simultáneamente, ha sido publicada en su blog oficial una excelente infografía con datos interesantes que han impactado las redes sociales durante el mismo reciente periodo. Igualmente señalan algunos hechos relevantes relacionados a la evolución de su producto.

El cambio en el número de usuarios, el valor de la más populares en la bolsa de valores, su impacto en el mundo real (sucesos económicos, políticos y sociales tan importantes como el haber sido el medio de las nuevas revoluciones globales para llegar a tumbar incluso gobiernos) y en general el alcance que han tenido y siguen teniendo desde aproximadamente un lustro atrás, son algunos de los detalles más importantes de las redes sociales que son resumidos gráficamente gracias a Hootsuite. Trucos para nuestros artículos y titulares en redes sociales. Motivos por los que te pueden cerrar tu perfil en Twitter.

Twitter es una de las redes sociales que más agilidad y dedicación implica; no en vano es la red social donde más fácil es conseguir relevancia e influencia, por lo que muchas empresas deciden empezar a trabajar aquí, aún antes de saber de qué van a hablar. Sin embargo, tan importante es esto último, como conocer la política de condiciones de esta red de microbloging y tener en cuenta los motivos por los que te pueden cerrar la cuenta en Twitter. Al final, desarrollar prácticas inadecuadas o no permitidas por Twitter, puede ser motivo de que te cierren la cuenta sin previo aviso. Y si eres una empresa, quizás sea algo que no te puedas permitir… tu imagen está en juego. A continuación, os mostramos qué tipo de conductas y comportamientos deberíamos evitar para que nuestra cuenta en Twitter no sea suspendida, y poder realizar de esta manera un uso correcto de la misma.

Summary Reviewer SocieTIC Business Online Review Date Reviewed Item. Twitter Gets Visual - 3 Image Mistakes You Are Making on Twitter. Twitter is now all about Images. Yep. The platform that shares content in 140 characters or less is promoting images in the newsfeed. Strike one more “win” for the visual web. In this post we look at what is happening with images and photos on Twitter, and some recent stats and tips that will have you rethinking how you think about using images in your social media marketing. The visual web is here. This will change how you think about visuals. I posted about LinkedIn being visual recently. Let’s take a look at 2 reasons why it is time to change your view – and 3 mistakes many marketers are making with images on Twitter 2 Reasons to Take Images Seriously on Twitter: #1 – Twitter Now Shows Images by Default When I first wrote this post in 2013, Twitter had recently started featuring images by default on their newsfeed.

This is huge for getting your tweets noticed as many people are still not uploading images or showcasing them. and here is the expanded view of the image: Here’s the deal. Yep! Atención al cliente con Redes Sociales #infografia #infographic #marketing #socialmedia. 8 Facebook Apps to Enhance Your Facebook Page. Do you want to add more function and flair to your Facebook page? Would you like to add storefront, generate leads or promote something special on a Facebook tab within your page?

In this article I’ll reveal Facebook applications that can help you easily add functionality to your Facebook page. How Do Facebook Apps Work? Before we get started, let’s review how Facebook apps (also known as custom tabs on Facebook) pages work. Custom tabs are installed manually on your Facebook page and show up underneath the cover photo. If you’re visiting a page that has more than four tabs, you can click the down arrow on the right side of the tab cover photos to reveal them all. Custom tabs appear under your cover photo.

There are four standard Facebook apps that come with every page—Photos, Events, Videos and Likes—and any other apps you add are created by a third-party developer (not Facebook). Things You Should Know There are a few important details about Facebook apps that will help with your design. How to Draw People to Your Facebook Page Again and Again. Are you looking for creative ways to bring people to your Facebook page? Does your business use Facebook to connect with people? Used the right way, Facebook apps can help you boost engagement and visibility by repeatedly drawing fans to your page. In this article you’ll learn how 6 types of Facebook apps keep your fans coming back to your Facebook page again and again. #1: “Contact Us” Apps The easier you make it for people to get in touch with you, the better.

Use a contact app to let your fans/customers send email requests to specific departments within your company for more information. For example, you can use an app to streamline the contact process and send fans straight to whoever handles sales, customer support or press inquiries, without them ever leaving your Facebook page. In just one click, customers can reach the right department from your contact app. In this image, AT&T allows fans to contact their entire customer service staff through a custom app. #2: Event Apps Conclusion. 18 Social Media Marketing Tips From the Pros. Would you like to improve your social media marketing? Are you wondering what social media marketing tactics the pros like to use? We asked top social media pros to share their hottest social media marketing tactics. In this article, you’ll discover strategies the pros use to boost their social media marketing. #1: Stay Top of Mind Using LinkedIn Tags Viveka Von Rosen On LinkedIn, you shouldn’t send an email blast to every one of your connections.

However, you can create lists of “tagged” groupings so you can send relevant and helpful information to your contacts at strategic times. When you tag your connections on LinkedIn, you can sort/filter them by Tags and—wait for it—send a message to up to 25 people at a time. You can filter by tag and then send a message to up to 25 people. For example, if one of your niche markets on LinkedIn is marketers who target medical professionals, all you have to do is: Tag your contacts for easier messaging. #2: Post in ‘Micro-Opportunity’ Windows Jay Baer Ready? Twitter Flies On Its First Day As A Public Company: Shares Pop 74% On First Trades, Debuts At $45.10 And $31.8B Valuation.

From a humble beginning as a failing podcast startup to an online conversation service now used by over 230 million people worldwide, Twitter today started its first day of trading as a public company with a bang. Trading on the NYSE as $TWTR, the stock opened up at $45.10, a pop of 73.5% on the price of $26 that it set yesterday. The pop values the social network at $31.8 billion, based on 705,098,594 fully diluted shares. This comes after a lot of trigger-happy price calling, with a “first look” from CNBC, apparently based on someone yelling out a number on the trading floor, pegging the stock at $35/share before later calls put it at between $40 to as high as $47.

Even after the first trade, the stock is still climbing and is now above $47. (And we’re updating this post as we continue to watch the stock. At one point it even went above $50.) Needless to say, Twitter is doing very well so far. The market right now is strong for social networks. Eduripoll : [INFOGRAFÍA] 10 #tweets que... Plantilla Power Point para personalizar páginas de fans. 5 Ways to Prepare Your Facebook Page for the Holidays. Have you prepared your Facebook page for the holidays?

Are you looking for tips on how to use your Facebook page this holiday season? If you haven’t even started thinking about the holidays yet, it’s time! In this article, you’ll find five ways to make your Facebook page festive for the holidays. Why Customize For Holidays? According to Mashable, 65% of shoppers tap social media looking for the perfect gift. Any day now, your fans will start to look at your business’s Facebook page for holiday offers, promotions, events and deal information.

To make the most of these page visits, it’s important that your Facebook page is ready for the season. Here’s how: #1: Holiday-themed Cover Photos When visitors land on your Facebook page, the cover photo is the first thing they see. You should change the cover photo of your page on a regular basis, especially during holidays. Your holiday cover photos should be representative of your brand, but reflective of the season as well. Over to You. More Ways to Drive Traffic to News and Publishing Sites.

More Ways to Drive Traffic to News and Publishing Sites. Eduripoll : "Menos es más", también en... Facebook Tests New Blue Like Button for the Web. 19 October '13, 11:24pm Follow Facebook is testing a new blue Like button. Users have spotted it showing up on the Web, but not on the social network, which suggests the potential change would only be affecting the website plugin. Here are before (left) and after (right) screenshots, courtesy of OfficialWire: Facebook confirmed this is a test, but wouldn’t go into any details. Update: Looks like this is in fact official.

Twitter lanza Alerts, un servicio de alertas para situaciones de emergencia. 12 Awesome Social Media Facts and Statistics for 2013. As the world continues to embrace social media, the ways we use the social networks are becoming clearer. Twitter with its short and snappy messaging is very dependent on mobile usage and smart phones. The rise of the visual web is making Pinterest and Tumblr the fastest growing social networks on the planet. Facebook is where we share with friends and family. Google+ is no longer an afterthought and is embedded in Google’s web assets including Gmail, local checkins and the mobile Android ecosystems.

Google is getting the data it wants from Google+. Artificial intelligence that adds other dimensions to humanity has already arrived but we just don’t notice it. So what are the latest social media facts and statistics provided by the latest study by GlobalWebIndex for the second quarter of 2013? #1. Facebook still dominates at 70% of account ownership but Google+ is not far behind at just over 50% . #2. Facebook has nearly 50% of all the world’s internet users as active users. . #3. . #4. . #5. Tame. De la ‘app’ al ‘in app’,Directivos.-Economía y empresa Expansión. Twitter #Music on Spotify. What Community Managers Need to Know About Copyrights. Anuncios en Instagram, ese será el nuevo negocio de Facebook en 2014. The 10 Commandments of smartphone use during concerts. Los mejores días para publicar en Facebook y Twitter. 10 consejos de emprendedores para sacarle provecho a LinkedIn.

Traductores y Social Media. Facebook Tests “Trending” Section in News Feed - Digits. Twitter se actualiza organizando las conversaciones en orden cronológico. It's now Easier to Administer Promotions on Facebook | Facebook for Business. Introducing LinkedIn University Pages. Gestión de redes sociales: la importancia de atender al cliente. 52 Métodos: Cómo hacer que tus Tuits sean Retuiteados - WishpondES. Announcing Instagram 4.1. Twitter lanza actualizaciones para Android e iOS con verificación de inicio de sesión y otras novedades. LinkedIn ya permite inscribirse a un trabajo desde la app móvil. 7 consejos para mantener segura tu cuenta de Facebook. Facebook presenta posibilidad de insertar posts fuera de la red social. Facebook Urges Users Who Like Pages To ‘Get Notifications’ When Those Pages Post. Phigadoo, the biggest chat contest in the net. Cómo las aerolíneas usan Twitter (marzo/2012) IFTTT llega a iPhone, y con características específicas. 5 Ways To Put Hashtags In Facebook To Good Use.

Infographic of the Day: Who’s Blocking Whom? If Social Media Were a Game of Thrones. Facebook lanza las cuentas verificadas. Adding What You're Doing to Status Updates. Social Media Management Tool: A Review of Sprout Social in 2013. Crece el número de marcas que abordan el servicio al cliente en Twitter. Hashtags May Be Coming to Facebook. Community Manager, Social Media Manager y ahora, Chief Digital Officer. Facebook Will Launch Content-Specific News Feeds, Bigger Photos And Ads On Thursday.

16 Ways Businesses Are Using Twitter Vine. Welcome to Forbes. YouTube. Now showing: Older Tweets in search results. Wolfram|Alpha Personal Analytics. Facebook nos explica cómo su nuevo buscador puede ser útil para periodistas. Infographic. ¿Cuántos auto-proclamados expertos en Social Media hay en Twitter? Eight types of social tools and how you can use them. Predicciones 2013: Sitios y aplicaciones que podrían dar de qué hablar este año (I) Gestor de múltiples cuentas de twitter y reputación corporativa de marca | Splitweet.

Twitter Has Started to Roll Out the Option to Download All Your Tweets. Twitter. Google aumenta distancias con Apple en el mercado de los smartphones. 73 redes sociales deportivas. Cómo involucrar a periodistas con el Social Media. Curriculum vitae 2.0.

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