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EC&I 832 – Voices of EC&I 832. The Inclusive Educators' Toolbox. Tech Evaluation. Social-Emotional Learning: Why It Matters and How to Foster It | EdSurge Guides. Personalized Learning: A Student-Centered Approach for Learning Success. Personalized learning is no longer just a buzzword or a passing fad. In fact, more and more school leaders view the successful implementation of personalized learning programs as top priorities for their classrooms. In a recent survey, 86% of district leaders report that they have implemented personalized learning in their schools but also report that obstacles persist(1). So clearly interest and intent are there, but what exactly is personalized learning, and how can educators successfully implement these programs in their classrooms?

What Is Personalized Learning? Interestingly, a Google search on personalized learning delivers more than 26 million results, which is not surprising. In today’s ever-changing world of education technology, the term “personalized learning” appears everywhere and carries with it various definitions and connotations. What makes personalization different is that it is student-centered and provides students more opportunity for agency around their learning. 6 Ways to Promote Data-Driven Instruction in K-12 Schools - Getting Smart by Guest Author - data.

By: Jason Lange When you think about it, education is really all about data. Think about what makes a great teacher. Fundamentally, it’s the ability to quickly analyze available knowledge — a student’s blank stare, for example — to decide if a student is “getting it” and respond accordingly. When educators use data to drive their plans and decisions, they can grasp how to respond to problems, construct new ways to teach, and advance skill sets at an even faster rate. The push for data-driven instruction has been widespread since the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act, which was signed into law in 2002. Yet the number of individual classrooms regularly practicing DDI remains startlingly low. It would be easy to blame teachers for the slow adoption rates, citing a supposed “fear of data,” but the true reasons are actually more complex. What’s Holding Data Back? First of all, I’d like to debunk the myth of teachers’ “fear of data.”

Collecting good, reliable data takes discipline. CUNY Transforms the Online Experience. “See a need, fill the need.” This axiom has fueled the entrepreneurial spirit across the country for generations now, no doubt inspiring many ideas whose time had finally come and disqualifying many whose hadn’t. To be sure, Lehman College had a website, but the consensus among the school’s administrators was that something was lacking. “We had information for students about their schedule, about their grades, about other related information,” explains Ron Bergmann, the campus CIO and vice president of information technology, “and the students liked it, but it was clearly not enough. And it wasn’t visually beautiful.”

Driven by a mandate from Lehman’s new president, Dr. As a public university, Lehman operates without the massive endowments of so many private universities, so Lehman 360 was fully developed in-house largely because of cost constraints. Interested in a peek at Lehman's preview of Lehman 360? Are educator certifications — such as Google Certified Teacher and Apple Distinguished Educator — meaningful? Achieving a Seamless Plug and Play Ecosystem | the Learning Counsel. Lee County School District in Fort Myers, Florida lies on the southwestern side of the peninsula and is the 9th largest district in the state. Their tech department operates one of the largest and most robust instructional technology networks in the nation, with more than 70,000 computers and mobile devices in use daily. They support a variety of technology solutions from industry leaders, such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, Cisco, Aerohive, Toshiba, NetApp, Dell and Lenovo.

With that level of depl oyment, any education executive could imagine the nightmare of organizing log-ins and the myriad of platform sign-ins for teachers, students and administrators. As virtually every district across the country has found, an unintended outcome of digital transition is the need to create student and teacher accounts as well as enrolling teachers and students into appropriate classes for all the different digital platforms that are used. Providers vs. Finding a Solution Vendor Interaction Cycle. AlchemyLanguage | IBM Watson Developer Cloud. Watson API Explorer.

Personalized Learning: What educators need to know. Techlearning. Edu Apps. Examples and Downloads | H5P. H5P makes it easy to create interactive content by providing a range of content types for various needs. Preview and explore these content types below. You can create interactive content by adding the H5P plugin to your WordPress, Moodle or Drupal site, or integrate it via LTI with Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard and many other VLEs that supports LTI integration. Check out the author guide to get started.

26 Upcoming EdTech Conferences For The 2013-2014 School Year. Whether you’re a teacher, administrator, or school support system, there’s bound to be something for you at an edtech conference. Take a look at some of the top edtech conferences nationwide for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year from leading PD providers, including ASCD, ISTE, and others. Let us know in the comments which ones we missed and we’ll update this post to include them! Conference themes and locations usually change by year and registration costs are often lower for earlier sign-ups, so be sure to plan ahead.

Mary Fineday writes about education and technology from Los Angeles. She is a contributor to several websites, including; 26 Upcoming EdTech Conferences For The 2013-2014 School Year. Before You Judge Online and Blended Learning, Get the Data Right | the Learning Counsel. The Hechinger Report recently published an article by Nichole Dobo entitled “Should We Hit the Pause Button for Online and Blended Learning?” The article cites a new National Education Policy Center report released by Gary Miron and Chariosse Gulosino. Dobo points out that the report suggests that “Both fully online (virtual) schools and blended learning schools included in the report tended to fare worse than traditional schools on state assessments of quality.” What is not described in the report is the flawed nature of the study.

Upon a closer look, it is clear that virtual and blended learning schools are likely to do a better job than traditional brick-and-mortar schools with expelled, truant, or pregnant students, or students who may have behavioral issues—but accommodations for various student populations are absent from the report. In fact, in the section of the study that cites limitations, we find this statement:

Edutopia. 6 Differentiation Strategies For New Teachers. As a new teacher, I remember feeling overwhelmed by the wide range of abilities in my classroom. How was I supposed to meet all of my students’ needs while simultaneously covering grade level content? As I learned more about differentiation, this became easier, but it still remained one of the most challenging aspects of teaching. Now that I coach teachers in their first and second years, I can safely say that differentiation remains a huge challenge.

I went out and asked the members of Teaching Channel’s Coaching Think Tank to share their top differentiation strategies for new teachers. Check out these six tips for meeting the needs of diverse learners. Equity Sticks Autumn Bell, a math coach for Fresno Unified School District, recommends using equity sticks to randomly call on students during direct instruction. Sentence Frames When supporting students to participate in discussions, Autumn shares how sentence frames can help students in answering questions. Share Air Time Excerpt Texts. Preparing Faculty for Instructional Technology: From Education to Development to Creative Independence.

Copyright 1997 CAUSE. From CAUSE/EFFECT Volume 20, Number 3, Fall 1997, pp. 36-44, 48. Permission to copy or disseminate all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for commercial advantage, the CAUSE copyright and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of CAUSE, the association for managing and using information resources in higher education.

To disseminate otherwise, or to republish, requires written permission. For further information, contact Jim Roche at CAUSE, 4840 Pearl East Circle, Suite 302E, Boulder, CO 80301 USA; 303-939-0308; e-mail: Preparing Faculty for Instructional Technology: From Education to Development to Creative Independence by Karen L. Technology has entered academia as an attractive, even seductive addition to or replacement for the face-to-face learning experience. Research Figure 1: The learner-centered process Learning styles and strategies Choices Challenges Endnotes: 2J.

Fuel Education. LLiDA Wiki: Main/Home Page. Welcome to the LLiDA Wiki! This wiki contains outputs from the JISC funded study into Learning Literacies for the Digital Age (LLiDA). It was used during the project to share and develop ideas and work. The report is now available: LLiDAreportJune09.pdf | Thriving in the 21st century: Learning Literacies for the Digital Age (LLiDA project). Helen Beetham, Lou McGill, Prof. Allison Littlejohn. LLiDAexecsumm.pdf | Thriving in the 21st century: Learning Literacies for the Digital Age (LLiDA project).

Learning Literacies in a Digital Age - short briefing paper The wiki provides access to some of the outputs to enable quick access to specific parts/sections of the report - see the table at the bottom of this page. Ongoing work... SLIDA - supporting learners in a digital age This is an ongoing project led by Oxford Brookes University. Digital Literacies Pilot Materials Student Materials The wiki is not open for editing by the public but these pages can be read without a password. Challenges | Jisc Digital Student. Our original HE study identified six challenges for institutions in supporting and enhancing students’ digital experience, extended to seven after consultation. Our FE digital student study confirmed these seven challenges and identified some additional considerations particularly pertinent to FE. You can explore the seven challenges below. Each challenge page offers some key issues, potential solutions, institutional exemplars and further resources.

Our guide Enhancing the student digital experience: a strategic approach looks at how institutions can address these challenges and develop digital environments which met students’ expectations and help them to progress to higher study and employment. You can also browse a full list of HE institutional exemplars and FE snapshots organised according to the main challenge addressed. Creating blended learning content. What is blended learning? Blended learning provides a combination of face-to-face learning and dynamic digital activities and content that facilitate anytime/anyplace learning. With so many digital technologies available on both proprietary and free-to-use platforms, developing blended learning approaches can seem like a daunting task. Finding the right approach that meets the needs of your learners is challenging at a time when practitioners are increasingly being asked to do more with less.

How does this differ from hybrid learning? As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic the majority of UK universities and colleges plan to offer some onsite teaching, but have also moved to a greater use of digital delivery. The QAA has published a useful ‘taxonomy for digital learning’ that clarifies these terms and helps students understand what kind of experience they are likely to receive in the ‘new normal.’ What you can do Make your content accessible and engaging Change your presentation style. Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. Meeting The Needs of Diverse Learners. As a teacher, I’m always reflecting on my practice and working to learn and improve. This year, as a Teaching Channel Laureate, my Getting Better Together focus is all about meeting the needs of the diverse learners in my classes. There are a million ways to support students in our classrooms and my colleagues and I have tried a variety of strategies this year to help all of our kids grow.

With these new videos, you’ll get a chance to see us in action, try out one of our strategies (should you choose!) , and even give us direct feedback on our teaching. In Action In my afternoon block of seventh grade ELA, we have four adults in the room — me, my co-teacher, and two paraprofessionals. Grades 5-8 / ELA / Stations Please enable Javascript to watch this video Up Close In our Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners video, you see our groups in action but don’t get an up close view of how they’re structured. Try It Out This work was made possible through support by the Leona M. and Harry B. Overview of Robert Marzano’s Model of Teaching Effectiveness. Robert Marzano is a leading educational researcher who has provided a model for teaching effectiveness.

His Marzano Research website outlines his strategies and gives teachers and administrators tools to help teachers become more effective. Marzano has also recently created an evaluation tool to measure the success of highly effective teachers. There are distinct classroom strategies that will allow teachers to work effectively in the classroom. Ensuring success with Marzano’s strategy Marzano’s research has compiled data help ensure success and includes: Good teachers set goals.Effective teachers provide feedback.Teachers should help students interact with new knowledge.Good teachers should provide students with simulations and low-stakes competition.Effective teachers should establish and maintain classroom rules.Teachers should maintain relationships with students.Good teachers should communicate high expectations.

Include simulation and games Classroom strategies and behaviors. Contents - Reaching every learner: Differentiating instruction in theory and practice. LEARN NC is evaluating its role in the current online education environment as it relates directly to the mission of UNC-Chapel Hill School of Education (UNC-CH SOE). We plan to look at our ability to facilitate the transmission of the best research coming out of UNC-CH SOE and other campus partners to support classroom teachers across North Carolina. We will begin by evaluating our existing faculty and student involvement with various NC public schools to determine what might be useful to share with you. Don’t worry! The lesson plans, articles, and textbooks you use and love aren’t going away. They are simply being moved into the new LEARN NC Digital Archive. While we are moving away from a focus on publishing, we know it’s important that educators have access to these kinds of resources.

These resources will be preserved on our website for the foreseeable future. Engaging Education. 7 Tips to Get Started with Customer Journey Mapping. The 21st Century Book Report. Storied Math - Home. Science. What is Student Centered Learning? The Elusive 'F Word' in Personalized Learning. Making Sense of Metadata in Personalized Learning Platforms. 1. Systems Thinking: What? and Why? Edhitch: Why is it important for educators to move to digital? | Sandhya Bondriya. Infographic: The Top 25 Learning Management Systems. How to Build a Successful Blended Learning Program. Making Sense of Technology: Teaching, Learning, and School Administration.

Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. Instant and Rapid One-Minute Learning for mLearning and eLearning. Little Data Makes Big Data More Powerful. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. 3 Ways Educational Technology Tools Predict Student Success | EdSurge News. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. An Introduction to the ADDIE Model for Instructional Designers.

Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. For Teachers, By a Teacher: A 'Crash Course' in Personalization | EdSurge News. McGraw Hill Quits Summative Testing | EdSurge News. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. LEARNING IN THE NEW ECONOMY OF INFORMATION | Series. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. Districts Put Open Educational Resources to Work. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. Why Don't Teachers Use Technology in the Classroom? Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees.

How You Can Become a Champion of Digital Citizenship in Your Classroom | EdSurge News. Digital Needs Fuel Common-Core Curricular Choices. Technology Counts 2015: Learning the Digital Way. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. eSchool News | Educator Resouce Centers. Digital Teaching Transformations Happen Slowly in Schools Despite Technology Influx.

Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. Courses. Learning outcome based edTech | Pearltrees. Cloud based, Lean and Complete LMS with an emphasis on Usability and easy Course creation. Fun online generators. Three Active Learning Strategies That Push Students Beyond Memorization Faculty Focus. Free Resources. Powering Smart Content For Publishing Giants, Knewton Lands $51M To Take Personalized Learning Global.

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