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Election Economics

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VoteElectBookList. Use children's books to teach about elections. Use children's books to teach about elections: Ten books get our vote!

Use children's books to teach about elections

The presidential elections are just around the corner, so teachers may want to check out this list of ten books to help students learn about elections and the election process. Included: Books for students of all ages! Who Will Students “Elect” in 2016? The National Student/Parent Mock Election gives American students, and parents too if they wish, all across the country and around the world, the opportunity to cast their votes for candidates in both the federal and state elections.

Who Will Students “Elect” in 2016?

They may also vote on the issues they care about. This program builds on the 36-year history of the National Student/Parent Mock Election, the leading program in student voting. More than 50 million young voters have participated while learning about the importance of using their own voice to share their perspectives on important issues. Presidents' Occupations. CEE: Leading Organization for Economics and Financial Education. Match Game: What Did These Presidents Do Before They Were Elected? How to Become President of the U.S. Poster. Download or order a poster.

How to Become President of the U.S. Poster

(Please get your parent's permission) Lesson PlanVideos: The Requirements, Primaries and Caucuses, Conventions to Election, How Votes Are Counted, How to Become President U.S. Constitution's Requirements for a Presidential Candidate At least 35 years oldA natural born citizen of the United StatesA resident of the United States for 14 years Step 1: Primaries and Caucuses. Election Lessons. Below you will find some EconEdLink lesson plans and interactives that are related to the upcoming elections.

Election Lessons

These lessons and interactives will help your students to see and understand the economics of elections. These are printable lessons from the Council For Economic Education that you can use with your students. PresidentsDayProjectPacket. Presidents Day Learning Resources. Presidential Libraries and Museums of the National Archives. Learn about Presidential Libraries and Museums Presidential Libraries and Museums promote understanding of the presidency and the American experience.

Presidential Libraries and Museums of the National Archives

We preserve and provide access to historical materials, support research, and create interactive programs and exhibits that educate and inspire. Chronological List of Presidents, First Ladies, and Vice Presidents of the United States - Guides, Reference Aids, and Finding Aids (Prints andPhotographs Reading Room, Library of Congress) The Artful Presidency: Selections from the Archives of American Art - Exhibitions.

November 2000Online exhibition created to complement the exhibition "The American Presidency: A Glorious Burden," at the National Museum of American History.

The Artful Presidency: Selections from the Archives of American Art - Exhibitions

The Artful Presidency, an online exhibition, is presented by the Smithsonian's Archives of American Art to celebrate the connections between American artists and the American presidency from George Washington to the Carter administration. It complements the exhibition "The American Presidency: A Glorious Burden," at the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, which opened November 15, 2000. A photograph of Theodore Roosevelt dedicating the Navy Monument in San Francisco's Union Square. Video Of The Week - Happy Presidents' Day Kids News Article. U.S. Presidential Fun Facts. Presidents' Day: Everything You Need. The White House. 99 Interesting Facts about the U.S. Presidents. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) is the only U.S. president who was also a licensed bartender.

99 Interesting Facts about the U.S. Presidents

He was co-owner of Berry and Lincoln, a saloon in Springfield, Illinois.b The only president to be unanimously elected was George Washington (1732-1799). He also refused to accept his presidential salary, which was $25,000 a year.b Because the KKK was a powerful political force, Truman was encouraged to join the organization. According to some accounts, he was inducted, though he was “never active.” Other accounts claim that though he gave the KKK a $10 membership fee, he demanded it back and was never inducted or initiated.f, i Grover Cleveland was the only president in history to hold the job of a hangman. He was once the sheriff of Erie County, New York, and twice had to spring the trap at a hanging.k The “S” in Harry S Truman doesn’t stand for anything; therefore, there is no period after his middle initial.j Lincoln Logs are named after Abraham Lincoln and the log cabin where he was born. Presidential Fun Facts. BARACK OBAMA is our 44th president, but there actually have only been 43 presidents: Cleveland was elected for two nonconsecutive terms and is counted twice, as our 22nd and 24th president.

Presidential Fun Facts

EIGHT PRESIDENTS were born British subjects: Washington, J. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, J. List of U.S. Presidents. Presidents. Arkansas Secretary of State: Young Voters Program. Empowering young citizens— that's the mission of the Secretary of State's Young Voters Workshop.

Arkansas Secretary of State: Young Voters Program

Hundreds of students from all around the state participate in the day-long programs held each March and September. This is one of our most popular student programs, and educating voters and future voters is one of our most important activities.