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Chinese-English Dictionary. To search for pinyin ü, use "u:" (u followed by a colon) or "v". If you are willing to host this dictionary, I have made the necessary files available in a zip file. To set up a mirror, you will need CGI access on your server. If this site is not working, please visit one of the following mirror sites: Mirror Sites: This Chinese/English dictionary provides a searchable interface for the CEDICT dictionary originally put together by Paul Denisowksi. Some points to remember when using this dictionary: You can download the dictionary data at the CEDICT website.

For a off-line way to search the dictionary, please check out the CEL utility from Richard Warmington. When searching by Chinese you can tell the dictionary to find entries that start with the characters, end with the characters, or have the characters anywhere within the final word. When searching by pinyin, you must include a space between the different pinyin syllables. When searching by English, searches are not case sensitive.


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