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Garrett Lisi: A beautiful new theory of everything. Science. To watch. Stewart Brand on the Long Now. Stephen Wolfram: Computing a theory of everything. Sean Carroll on the arrow of time (Part 1) Sean Carroll on the arrow of time (Part 2) Richard Feynman: Physics is fun to imagine. Brian Greene on string theory. Physics. Physical Sciences. Bibliography of Quantum Cryptography. By Gilles Brassard Département IRO, Université de Montréal.

Bibliography of Quantum Cryptography

Nuclear/Particle physics. Fermilab. CERN. CERN Document Server: Home. LHC operating status. Quantum Diaries. Not Even Wrong. Graham Farmelo has posted a very interesting interview he did with Witten last year, as part of his promotion of his forthcoming book The Universe Speaks in Numbers.

Not Even Wrong

One surprising thing I learned from the interview is that Witten learned Calculus when he was 11 (this would have been 1962). He quite liked that, but then lost interest in math for many years, since no one gave him more advanced material to study. A Quantum Diaries Survivor. Beautiful Universe. Astronomy.