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50 Incredibly Useful Windows Tools for Everyone (Free) - RankRed. With more than 85% of market share, Windows is the most popular desktop operating system. No surprise, it supports loads of apps and tools for each and every task – from media/entertainment to system or security. Some tools are very essential and we all know their names like Chrome, Firefox, VLC, Zip etc. However, there is another class of utilities that gets less attention. So, we’ve compiled a list of less known, but helpful, free Windows tools that are worth installing. Most of these programs come with free, as well as paid version. Communication 1. Pidgin is an easy-to-use, universal chat client. 2. Digify is the most inexpensive way to protect and track your data/message once it was sent to someone else. 3. Betternet allows you to access any website in any country, by bypassing internet restrictions and all blocked websites.

Productivity 4. WPS Office offers a simple and easy-to-use interface that lets you write documents, create presentations and spreadsheets. 5. doPDF 6. 7. 8. 9. Can't Find a Job? Best and Worst Job Markets. A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning. Finding better boundaries Let's revisit the 240-ft elevation boundary proposed previously to see how we can improve upon our intuition. Clearly, this requires a different perspective. By transforming our visualization into a histogram, we can better see how frequently homes appear at each elevation. While the highest home in New York is ~240 ft, the majority of them seem to have far lower elevations. Your first fork A decision tree uses if-then statements to define patterns in data. For example, if a home's elevation is above some number, then the home is probably in San Francisco. In machine learning, these statements are called forks, and they split the data into two branches based on some value.

That value between the branches is called a split point. Tradeoffs Picking a split point has tradeoffs. Look at that large slice of green in the left pie chart, those are all the San Francisco homes that are misclassified. The best split Recursion. Map Visualisation for Panama Papers and Offshore Leaks in R | Initium Lab | Exploratory Arm of Initium Media. On May 9, 2016, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (“ICIJ” in short), a global network of journalists who collaborates on in-depth and investigative stories, released the long awaited offshore entities database behind Panama Papers Investigation. So far, the offshore leaks database published by ICIJ includes at least 200,000 offshore entities from Panama Papers, and over 100,000 records from ICIJ’s previous investigations. The offshore leaks database contains detailed contact postal address of all kinds of entities, offshore or non-offshore ones, officers and intermediaries, based on which we made colored maps revealing the distribution of postal address of people or companies involved in the offshore industry.

To begin with, let’s have an overview of where these companies or people are. Global Distribution In the world map, it is quite easy to find China who has the most address records. Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan Steps in Drawing the Map 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10+ Online Photo Editing Site - Codiblog. An online photo editing site helps you to edit your photo free as your like without using Photoshop and illustrator software. By using these tools, make your photo clean, sharp, resize, filters, sepia, crop, rotate and flip etc. There are also support many tools that's help you to edit your photo easily. From online, i have collected 10+ online photo editing website lists. Let's see Pixlr Pixlr is a most popular free web-based online photo editing tool that make you to editing photo easy. Befunky Befunky online photo editing let's edit your photo easy. Fotor Fotor is an another free online designer and editor tools.

FunPhotoBox Funphotobox is an another simple free online photo editor tools. Ipiccy Ipiccy online editors make your photo beautiful with easy editing tools. Pho Editor Pho is an instant online photo editing site. If we find another best online photo editing tool, we will update our post. Codiblog. How I record my own conference presentations | Jeff Geerling. At this year's php[tek] conference, I decided to record my own sessions (one on a cluster of Raspberry Pis, and another on tips for successfully working from home). Over the years, I've tried a bunch of different methods of recording my own presentations, and I've settled on a pretty good method to get very clear audio and visuals, so I figured I'd document my method here in case you want to do the same.

If you're looking for a great method of recording sessions at a camp, conference, etc., then this method isn't the most efficient—you'd instead want to purchase equipment that records one or two audio feeds, has easy start/stop support, uses removable media (so you can back things up throughout the day), and uses an HDMI-based video recorder (inline with the projector). A friend and excellent Drupal community member, Kevin Thull, has many blog posts devoted to his Camp Session Recording Kit, and his kit is very reliable, and probably the best way to do event-wide session recordings. A Neural Network Playground.

Um, What Is a Neural Network? It’s a technique for building a computer program that learns from data. It is based very loosely on how we think the human brain works. First, a collection of software “neurons” are created and connected together, allowing them to send messages to each other. Next, the network is asked to solve a problem, which it attempts to do over and over, each time strengthening the connections that lead to success and diminishing those that lead to failure. For a more detailed introduction to neural networks, Michael Nielsen’s Neural Networks and Deep Learning is a good place to start. For a more technical overview, try Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville. What Do All the Colors Mean? Orange and blue are used throughout the visualization in slightly different ways, but in general orange shows negative values while blue shows positive values.

In the hidden layers, the lines are colored by the weights of the connections between neurons. Google to Developers: Here’s How to Stop Making Dumb Chatbots. The search company is releasing the secret sauce it uses to make sense of ambiguous language. It could help developers build apps that actually understand us. Generally, computers are useless at holding a conversation. They just take things a bit too literally. But Google is teaching computers how to make sense of the vagaries of human speech and text. Starting today, Google is opening up those algorithms to outside software developers. The tools released will help programmers build language-based apps and services that are less prone to annoying misunderstandings than many of today’s chatbots. And they should help get developers hooked on the powerful machine-learning techniques Google is honing. Google’s own mastery of grammar and syntax helps the company deliver more accurate search results, and it will be increasingly important as more of its devices and services come to depend on voice control.

The technology is, however, far from capable of understanding English perfectly. The Stoic: 9 Principles to Help You Keep Calm in Chaos. Observing individuals who lead a creative life, we can identify elements of expertise, grit, an understanding, and passion. What’s easy to overlook is the inner system within an individual—the set of principles that govern their mind and behavior. When failure ensues or the need to adapt is necessary, how does one respond? What do they tell themselves? In other words, what’s their philosophy? Not only does philosophy teach us how to live well and become better humans, but it can also aid in overcoming life’s trials and tribulations. The principles within Stoicism are, perhaps, the most relevant and practical sets of rules for entrepreneurs, writers, and artists of all kinds.

How can we lead a fulfilling, happy life? It’s important that we understand the obstacles that we face and not run from them. Our guides to Stoicism today will be its three renowned leaders: Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Seneca. Seneca was also a Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, a tutor and advisor to Nero. 1. 2. Testing with JUnit - PacktLib.

Google Thinking About Replacing Java with Apple's Swift for Android. Last December, about the same time when Apple was busy announcing that its Swift programming language was going open-source at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), representatives from Google, Facebook, and Uber were having a secret meeting somewhere in London about Swift's future, TNW reports, citing an inside source. The source said that the three companies talked about ways to use this new programming language, now that it was out in the open under an open license and away's from Apple's closed environment. While Facebook and Uber were more interested in how Swift could be used on servers (yes, Swift can run server-side), Google was exploring the idea of replacing Oracle's Java as the language behind its Android mobile operating system.

Oracle's lawsuit is affecting the Android ecosystem Ever since Oracle sued Google in 2012, the lawsuit has been a thorn in Google's mobile business. If not in Android, Swift has a future on server-side environments. IntelliJ IDEA. History[edit] The first version of IntelliJ IDEA was released in January 2001, and was one of the first available Java IDEs with advanced code navigation and code refactoring capabilities integrated.[3][4] System requirements[8][edit] Features[edit] Coding assistance[edit] The IDE provides certain features[10] like code completion by analyzing the context, code navigation where one can jump to a class or declaration in the code directly, code refactoring and providing options to fix inconsistencies via suggestions.

Built in tools and integration[edit] Plugin ecosystem[edit] IntelliJ supports plugins through which one can add additional functionality to the IDE. Supported languages[edit] The Community and Ultimate editions differ in their support for working with different programming languages as per the below table.[13] Technologies and frameworks[edit] Community Edition supports the following:[13] Ultimate Edition supports the following:[13] Software versioning and revision control[edit] Our Products - OnCourse Systems for Education. Get Started OnCourse Products Overview Powerful web-based solutions for public and private schools. OnCourse's award-winning tools can be acquired in custom packages that suit the unique needs of your district, or integrated together into a powerful, all-in-one suite. Usability: OnCourse's teacher-friendly tools are available 24/7 on any Internet connected computer. Professional Product Support: an in-house team of experts is available by phone, email, and chat.

Flexible and Scalable: OnCourse has scaled to meet the needs of schools at any scale, from 500,000 students to 500. Lesson Planner Since 2002, the award-winning OnCourse Lesson Planner has helped schools nationwide to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of instructional planning and deliveries. watch video Curriculum Builder The OnCourse Curriculum Builder equips your district to generate online curriculum units, align them to standards, and produce graphical curriculum maps. watch video Discipline Tracker watch video watch video.

Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent. After you've checked for existing SSH keys, you can generate a new SSH key to use for authentication, then add it to the ssh-agent. If you don't already have an SSH key, you must generate a new SSH key. If you're unsure whether you already have an SSH key, check for existing keys. If you don't want to reenter your passphrase every time you use your SSH key, you can add your key to the SSH agent, which manages your SSH keys and remembers your passphrase. Generating a new SSH key Open TerminalTerminalGit Bash.Paste the text below, substituting in your GitHub email address. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" This creates a new ssh key, using the provided email as a label.

Generating public/private rsa key pair.When you're prompted to "Enter a file in which to save the key," press Enter. This accepts the default file location. Adding your SSH key to the ssh-agent If you have GitHub Desktop installed, you can use it to clone repositories and not deal with SSH keys. Register a Domain. Try Git. Book. Fastest-growing tech skills worth over $110,000. Trump and Clinton share Delaware tax 'loophole' address with 285,000 firms - The Today Events. There aren’t many things upon which Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump agree, especially as they court very different Delaware voters ahead of a primary on Tuesday.

But the candidates for president share an affinity for the same nondescript two-storey office building in Wilmington. A building that has become famous for helping tens of thousands of companies avoid hundreds of millions of dollars in tax through the so-called “Delaware loophole”. The receptionist at 1209 North Orange Street isn’t surprised that a journalist has turned up unannounced on a sunny weekday afternoon. “You know I can’t speak to you,” she says. A yellow post-it note on her computer screen reads “MEDIA: Chuck Miller” with the phone number of the company’s director of corporate communications.

Miller can’t answer many questions either, except to say that the company does not advise clients on their tax affairs. But it’s not just big corporations that have chosen to make 1209 North Orange their official home. Five Key Mindsets that Separate Successful Programmers from Everyone Else. Dave Cutler, at age 74, still goes to his office at Microsoft every day to write code. I first heard of Cutler when he was honored as a Computer History Museum Fellow for his five decades (!) Of work in the computer industry. 1 Based on his lifelong dedication to engineering alone, many would consider him a “hardcore” programmer. What’s even more awe-inspiring than his long tenure, however, is that his work has influenced the computing experiences of over 2 billion people.

Among his many contributions, Cutler built critical pieces of Windows NT — the basis of all major versions of Windows in the past twenty years — and gave Microsoft a huge market advantage in its early days by making the operating system backwards-compatible with earlier software. He’s been called the “key technical brain behind the Microsoft Windows operating system.” 2 So what makes people like Cutler successful programmers? 1. Fear of the unfamiliar goes beyond code. The reality is that we all start somewhere. 2. 3. ‘Do What You Love’ Is Terrible Advice. It’s been said in many places and by many luminaries: Do what you love.

But what does this phrase actually mean? Miya Tokumitsu, a contributing editor at Jacobin magazine and author of the new book Do What You Love And Other Lies About Success and Happiness, criticizes the pervasiveness of this idea in American work culture. She argues that “doing what you love” has been co-opted by corporate interests, giving employers more power to exploit their workers. I recently spoke with Tokumitsu about work myths and why we should pay attention to them. The following transcript of our conversation has been edited for clarity. Bourree Lam: Your book started as an essay, “In the Name of Love,” (which was later republished by Slate) that really touched a nerve with people. What were you talking about in that essay and why are people so drawn to it? Miya Tokumitsu: I’ve noticed in other mainstream outlets that there’s been a lot more writing about work and work culture, particularly professional work.

GitHub Enterprise 2.6 is here with faster, more approachable workflows. Amazon Prime or Amazon Redline? Git - the simple guide - no deep shit! Atom. Zsh: Getting Started with the Z Shell (and oh-my-zsh) How to install ZSH in OS X. ZSH | Mac OS X Setup Guide. Installing ZSH · robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh Wiki. Music production with Live 9 and Push | Ableton.

The Black Ninja (2003) Full.