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Facebook Twitter PINORAMA: - michael_jackson_arcade_entry.xml Panoramic Picture. - Instant adventure gaming. Indie Games Bundles | The Indie ♥ Bundles. Double Fine Adventure by Double Fine and 2 Player Productions. The Kickstarter pledge period has ended, but the real fun is just beginning. Visit for the most current info about progress on Double Fine Adventure. And if you missed out on the Kickstarter, fear not. It's never too late for adventure! Just head over here to join the party: UPDATE 5: It's going to be difficult, but please do not continuously refresh the Kickstarter page in these final hours.

Instead, join us on Ustream as we broadcast from our offices! Here's a link: And here's a video we put together for folks outside the US that are having difficulty backing the project: UPDATE 4: Only four more days to get in on the fun!! And here's the full update video: UPDATE 3: Check out the update tab for a message from 2 Player Productions!

UPDATE 2: We've added new rewards! UPDATE 1: Proud to announce we're going to be developing for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android! We did it! Groupees. Corona Indie Bundle - 5 Hit Indie Games for Only $0.99. Available for iOS and Android. 5 Games in 1. Chopper Chopper is an action packed side-scrolling helicopter game. Complete your mission and return to base, while avoiding enemy fire from tanks and bazooka wielding mad men. Play through twenty levels in each of four difficulties. Tilt to fly, and touch the screen to drop bombs or fire your machine gun. Sneezies Sneezies is an overload of cuteness! Touch the screen to drop a burst of sneezing powder into the field of floating Sneezies and watch as they sneeze themselves out of their bubbles in a marvelous chain reaction. Try to rescue as many Sneezies as you can in one go.

Up There Caged away, the balloon wants only to go up. It's a game that is elegant in its simplicity, addicting in its pure fun. Blackbeard's Assault Ahoy Matey! When you match 3 or more balls of the same color, the group will explode. BurnBall The Evil Dr Gray has kidnapped your friends and taken over the planet! Tilt the phone to move Roy around the screen. 5 Developers. 5 Games. 5 Bucks! Check out the video on YouTube. 2012 IGF PIRATE KART. Help with bandwidth costs is appreciated!

Hosting costs are up to $2,868.93! 46 generous people have donated $743.42 to help out! A Pirate Kart is a game compilation made in a hurry. Jeremy Penner came up with the idea for the first Pirate Kart as a way for the Glorious Trainwrecks community to collaborate on something for TIGSource's "B-Game" competition. To galvanize the community, he set an absurd goal: make 100 games in 48 hours and package them as a single entry in the competition. The IGF Pirate Kart is now the fourth Pirate Kart. There are many of us and we all have our own motivations, but here are some of my favorite quotes on the subject from Pirate Kart contributors (much of this was taken from comments on DIYGamer): "i entered for the prizes DIBS ON THE TROPHY" - Daphny "People often forget that making a game is a game too.

"The thing I loved with the Pirate Kart is the eclectic mix of talents all coming together to produce something as a community. Q: Does it run on Mac/Linux? PIRATE KART DOT COM. 99bundle. The indie game Christmas bundle. The AGS Bake Sale Bundle - Pay what you want! Little Big Bunch. 5 for $5 Bundle. Video Galleries : Zero Punctuation. Zero Punctuation is The Escapist's groundbreaking video review series starring Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. Every Wednesday Zero Punctuation picks apart the games so you don't have to. Called "hilariously cutting ... first legitimate breakout hit from the gaming community in recent memory" by Boing Boing, see why gamers love it and developers fear it. South Park: The Stick of Truth - Yes, There Really Were Crying Koalas. Visual Novels. Steam.

Indie Royale. The Humble Indie Bundle.