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Démocratie citoyenne

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#CSOJ / Alain Badiou - Que signifie la démocratie?


Tarnaque ? QUELS SONT LES DÉFAUTS DU GOUVERNEMENT REPRÉSENTATIF ? Démocratie : histoire d'un malentendu. Sommes-nous en démocratie ? - Conférence théâtralisée. Partis Politiques alternatifs. Russell Brand: we deserve more from our democratic system | Russell Brand. I've had an incredible week since I spoke from the heart, some would say via my arse, on Paxman. I've had slaps on the back, fist bumps, cheers and hugs while out and about, cock-eyed offers of political power from well intentioned chancers and some good ol' fashioned character assassinations in the papers. The people who liked the interview said it was because I'd articulated what they were thinking. I recognise this. God knows I'd love to think the attention was about me but I said nothing new or original, it was the expression of the knowledge that democracy is irrelevant that resonated. As long as the priorities of those in government remain the interests of big business, rather than the people they were elected to serve, the impact of voting is negligible and it is our responsibility to be more active if we want real change.

The only reason to vote is if the vote represents power or change. When students, perhaps students who had voted for him, rioted they were condemned. Etude-Obsolescence.pdf. Memoire_Lydie_Tollemer-2012.pdf.