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Remote Work

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Tips For Tackling 6 Big Challenges Of Remote Work. Try this: Walk into a room full of professionals and ask if anyone has ever telecommuted or has some kind of arrangement to work from home.

Tips For Tackling 6 Big Challenges Of Remote Work

With over 62% of employed Americans engaging in remote work in 2019, you’ll probably get an earful. As you’ll hear from enthusiasts, remote work offers incredible opportunities for personal and professional growth. But being a team player and building a career outside of a traditional office setting also comes with a unique set of challenges. That’s why we want to open the conversation about both the opportunities and hurdles of distributed work. “Embracing remote” is a company value that means we witness, acknowledge, and support the range of experiences and emotions people might have when working remotely. From Social Butterfly To Social Butterflunk At the outset, moving to a home office or working in a solo space can feel quiet—even lonely.

The first step is to shift the perception that work communication tools should only be used for work. 5 Future Lessons To Learn From Today’s Remote Workers. The information age, the automation nation, the knowledge worker revolution—the arrival of remote work is at once changing culture and improving the little things in life.

5 Future Lessons To Learn From Today’s Remote Workers

We’re rewriting traditional corporate culture while rocking a 30-second commute to the office wearing sheepskin slippers. We’re also trying and testing, both succeeding and failing, at many different aspects of working productively with distributed teams. Perhaps futurist scholar Marshall McLuhan explained it best (all the way back in 1964): “The future of work consists of learning a living in the automation age.”

We are truly “learning a living” as remote workers, and the best way to to do that is by sharing what we’re experiencing. Academic research has proven that knowledge sharing has a wide range of benefits for both the individual worker and their teams and companies. The Secret to Remote Work? It’s Not All About You. You’re at a holiday party, and invariably, someone asks what you do.

The Secret to Remote Work? It’s Not All About You

You respond, explaining that you work remotely. Cue the raised eyebrows and polite nods. That’s because when remote work gets mentioned, it can conjure up all kinds of notions. People working in their pajamas. Workers slacking off. But then there are other companies like GitLab, Buffer, and Zapier, which are ‘remote only,’ with everyone working out in the wild. Working from home. I’ve been working from home full-time for more than seven years, and running my own business for the same amount of time.

Working from home

Many of us at least have the opportunity to occasionally work from home, and I daresay that many people would like the chance to do so permanently. It’s not just as straightforward as pulling out a laptop in the living room, though. Working from home has a number of difficulties and challenges. In many ways, it’s a battle for mastery of yourself. I’d like to talk about a few of the issues I’ve faced, and how I handle them. Discipline The main problem you’ll encounter when working from home is… well, you. Slacking off (regularly) when working from home is always self-defeating. Here’s an obvious piece of advice. For most people, that’s not feasible – at least not completely. You should have a schedule. Be at my desk by 09:00.Admin (email, organisation) until 09:30.Work til 11:00.Exercise until 13:00.Lunch at 13:00, until 13:30.Work until 18:00. Eliminating distractions. Workflow. Remote Team. The Remote Life.

Video Meeting. How To Be The Remote Employee That Proves The Stereotypes Aren’t True. The verdict’s in: Your boss approved your request to work remotely full-time.

How To Be The Remote Employee That Proves The Stereotypes Aren’t True

Congratulations! 🎉You’re no longer tied to the geographical location of your office. As someone who’s been working remotely full-time for over a year, I know and appreciate the many benefits of this lifestyle. I tend to keep the same working hours as my co-workers, but I still have so much more ownership over my time. I can work from wherever I want, and my commute is only seven seconds long (hello, home office)! But one fact remains: I don’t see the people I work with every day. Due to this lack of face time, I actually put a lot of effort into proving that working remotely doesn’t affect the quality or timeliness of my work. But that’s not the case. Based on my experience going from an in-office environment to a remote one, here are some quick and easy ways that you can be the remote employee your boss and teammates love to work with.

Ramp Up The Communication.


Impostor Syndrome.